Up for something good

Paragon that is the name of the city that stands in the country of Darius, name after its first king and founder. Although the city is not capital, it still stands majestic, as it separate civilization from the wild lands of the frontiers where everyone can become rich at a price. Leading to it's gates stands a line of people waiting to enter the city either to trade, visit, or just have fun. On that same lines where there are carriages and lines of people, there you can see a person laying back on his horse, with his hat in an angle that block the sun's and hides his faces in a shadow. Yup, that is Sam, he finds himself a little annoyed since he has been waiting for 20 minutes to go in and the sun it's already in Midway gone. ' Dem this sucks, haven't had to stay for so long on line since my last visit to the DMV, at least they had air conditioning' as Sam was complain internally, the line starts moving again. Finally, after ten more minutes it was Sam turn to go in.

" permit, and cid" ask the guard

" I am new here, so I don't have my permit as for the Cid I lost it on my way here when I was attack by goblins" inform the guards Sam.

" Ok ten copper for not having a permit, here take this seal, presented to any guild they will reissue a Cid for you, after that bring back the seal for confirmation. If the seal is not brought back you could be imprisoned or worse now get going you are holding the line, ohh and since you are new here just follow the main road the guilds should appear to your right and left."

" ok I guess" answer sam, as he moves his horse through the people, keeping and eye for the guilds.

"so what guild should I join" ask Sam

Red: the best one should be adventure guild, since a cowboy has an adventure heart, worst is merchant and mage guilds, since they're of no use to you

As Sam kept riding through the street enjoying the view. To his back was a mighty wall to protect the city from invasions, only the walls from mythical Troy could compare it.( movies and fantasy not the actual Troy wall said to be discovered) In front you could multiple builds and tower reaching up to 20 store hight, but what surprised Sam was a towerd that seem to loose it self on the clouds. to the left, of the city you could see three masses of land floating with a waterfall running from one to the other. beautiful flowers and trees adorned each land Mass. Ad Sam enjoy the scenery a robotics voice interrupted him.

Red: master the adventure guild is to your right

Sam nods, as he gets off from his horse and walks in the building. Inside the building, it too noisy to hear what people are saying. So Sam goes straight to the receptionist.

" hello I'm here to sign up, and my Cid"

" here fill up this papers, and take it to window number 5"

the papers had the basic questions from name to class type, magic affinity, criminal record, and others. After filling the form with the help of Red, Sam walks to window 5. the receptionist takes the forms and then cast a spell on the form. the lights shine whites, this allow her to verify if what was written was the truth.

" stand by the white wall and smile the lady"

Sam walks to white wall and smiles, as he remembers when he first got his driver's license.

" ok good, sit down over there when your papers are ready we will call number 42, come and pick them up."

nodding Sam goes and sits down by a window, where he starts to observe the people out side and maybe learn a thing or two from the way they are dressed. Since there were a lot of people on line, it took about 2 hour for Sam to be call. He was handed his paper work

and also the seal the guard gave him. there was no rules introductions, or an explanation on how the guilds work. Since there are so many people, every one has to fetch for themselves. Sam took his Cid, and left the guild to return the seal. Sam return and seal and walk away from the entrance to the city, he stop to contemplate what to do next.

Red: Go to a canteen or bar and pay attention to what is been said, maybe you find something useful.

" good idea, on movies the market plaza and the bar are the best place to get information, ok so where is the bar" ask Sam

Red: route set up, follow the yellow route and it should be to your right.

Sam nods and follows the route after going through the streets, and stopping a few times to observe the mages doing magic or the beautiful women crossing the street.

' the girls are really beautiful here, and they don't even fix their hairs or wear makeup, if they did no top model from earth could match them.'

Sam walk to the entrance of the bars, laughter and music could be here from the outside, Sam stop just before going in, took a deep breath and walk in. Inside the bar, you could see multiple tables all full of people, on one table you could see a group playing a card game. On another table, there was a group drinking and laughing. Some where drinking other eating, and some were talking with the waitress. Sam walks to the bar, and ask the bartender for a drink, as he was expecting a strong drink he only gets a wine drink. Sam moves on to ask for a stronger drink thinking that the bartender was playing him for a fool, but got something similar. " Red what is this, is this thing even supposed to get you drunk."

Red: master, most drink here on efil 42, are meant to be healthy so the flavor is sweet since they are made from fermented fruits and little to no alcohol is added. However, since you ask for it I give you a mission: Last man standing, walk up to a group of people and dare them drink, only when you are the last man would the mission be completed."

Sam intrigued ask red" Red, with this type of alcohol I go poor before they pass out "

Red: two bottles of tequila has been gift,

Sam , " that should be enough after all most people blackout after a few shots, or go really crazy"

Sam removes, a bottle from his inventory and ask the bartender for some cups. After getting everything read, he turns around and starts searching for his prey. On one corner he spots a group of dwarf drinking, Sam remember that through most fantasy novel dwarf are famous for their alcohol. ' out of all of the groups here they are the most likely to accept me, but its going to be hard to get them to pass out, but the other won't accept me so easy and they might even get violent ahh Lv 2 your are killing me'

Sam, gets his bottle and cups and walks up to the dwarf group, and sits down on their table.

Sam with a charismatic voice ask the group, " I heard the dwarf are the best, when it comes to alcohol I wonder if that is true"

a grumpy looking dwarf ask, " yes, there is no wine that we can't drink, and beer we can't savor. why did you ask?"

" ohh, nothing, it's just that I got my hands on a new drink that it is said that no dwarf can finish to it's last drop of the bottle" answer Sam as he puts the bottle and the cups in front of dwarfs, he them uncaps the bottle and fills up a cup for each.

the dwarf look at Sam and then at the cup, a new feeling was moving down their stomach through their nose. they were thinking on taking the stranger challenge, but something was telling them if they took that cup they lose. Finally the dwarf decided to take the challenge however they decided to set up some conditions," if we are able to finish the bottle you must pay a gold coin to each and if we lose, well you were proven right, what do you said" Sam nod accepting the challenge. The dwarf move fast and took the first shot, and then the next, every shot they took they felt how it burn as the tequila went down their throats. Dizziness assaulted the dwarf as they sway from one side to another. But they still stood awake with out faltering.

cup hits the table as the dwarf finish drinking it's last drink, with a smile on their face they mock Sam," we won now pay up "

Sam smiles and removes a second bottle from his inventory, " I did said that no dwarf could finish a bottle, and you four had only drink one fourth a bottle each" and puts the bottle in front of the dwarf. The dwarf look at the bottle and fall back hitting the floor, you could only see the white of their eyes after passing out.

Red : congratulations, for completing the mission with out drinking, 8 extra level are added all of you static have increased , however since it wasn't through normal means the subclass lvs remain the same. Since you have reach Lv 10 there are new unlock, for example the Map, and mystical weapons , also you have been gifted a wanted poster. keep the hard work.

Sam surprise by the new unlocks ask Red , " Red what is the mystical weapons and what is the wanted poster"

Red: the only way to fight strong opponents with out magic are through mystical weapons, mystical weapons are weapon that gain power through a action done by it's user, or through a collection of believes, for example your new unlock in mystical weapon is the first ever created colt, although in your world it was just a weapon, people built a belief that by using it, they are all equal as the saying goes " God made man, But Colt made them Equal" , you can only use it ones a week and fire only one bullet, but if that bullet is use correctly it can even kill a dragon, don't worry you get more mystical weapons as you level up.

Red pause to let everything sink in and then continue, " now the wanted poster, will always be update for wanted criminals, through it you could even track using witness accounts, and it will also inform you if a criminal is in your are, now do not get excited, most criminals have high levels, so don't fall for their traps, remember that they are already used the feeling of been follow. "

" now what" said Sam as he observes the fallen comrades

Red: now you get ready for your next mission ' what's is so good of been a cowboy if you can't even win a hand of cards '. good luck

Sam , " I guess I never leave this bar."