
Third person POV

Gazing at the beautiful scene in front of her...

Mia sat there, deep in her thoughts.

The warm sun which was melting into the coldness of the serene water, leaving its orangish-golden rays behind.

Creating a beautiful golden hallow of the sky.

They were at the second venue of the day.

The Han River.

Its one of the most popular  place in Seoul as well as Korea.

A place where a photographer would love to work at.

A natural beauty which looks even more magnificent at this time of the day.

Taking pics here and there, whenever she used to stop by this place.

The times when she does her work, it just comes naturally, she doesn't have to force an effort to click a nice pic.

It just happens.

Maybe its her passion, her love towards the work,... she doesn't know.

But one thing is for sure,

Her work makes her feel happy and alive.

But right now she didn't feel like it.

Even if it is one of her favorite place.

Why you ask?

Due to this....this feeling inside her, making her feel anxious and disappointed.

At first she didn't realize, why all of a sudden she was felling so down.

But soon it dawned upon her...

Mia's POV

I sighed.

"Why does it keep happening...?". I whispered to myself.

The sun is setting into the stillness of the water, announcing the decline of the warm and sunny day and the arrival of the cold and chilly night.

We don't even realize how fast time slips in a blink of eye.

Its such a true saying-

' Utilize your time to the fullest, don't even waste a second of it, or it'll slip out of your hands before you knowing it.'

But my time is slipping out of my hands and I cant do anything about it.

I can't wait anymore, I am so desperate to meet him...

My Soulmate.

My Other Half.

He has been so broken and disappointed for a few months.

I can feel it all.

There have been times when the feeling was so real, that it seems like I was the one suffering with them.

And today again I felt it, so after completing the second and last task for the work by shooting the beautiful Han.

I decided to stay back and think.

This had always been one of my favorite places, I have a lot of childhood memories.

Sneaking here, whenever I had a fight with mum and pa.

The place calms me down, the refreshing waves, I think I had always had a deep connect with these river, Oceanus places.

* marathon marathon salmeun gireo cheoncheonhi hae *

My phone starts ringing. And yes my ringtone is Paradise by bts.

Such a meaningful song.

On the phone :-

"Where the hell are you Mi?".

Chaerin my best friend shouted.

"Why are you overreacting, just finished work and-".

"Lie to someone who believes you not me, you are almost two hours late!".

Two hours!? I looked at my wrist watch and its almost half past seven.

"I am sorry, I didn't quite catch upon the time, I am-".

"Shut up! Bring your ass back at home".

"Aww, you are missing me already".

"In your dreams,I am getting bored so I just want someone to roast".


"Now shut up and hurry".

And thats how the call ends.

We both live together in a small and cosy apartment.

After graduating I just couldn't live with my parents and chae had the same problem.

So we came with a solution and that's how we ended up in the 'Golden Heights' our shared apartment.


"Took you long enough". She commented.

"Will you let me in or not?".

She narrowed her eyes at me but got aside to let me in.

What's wrong with her.

"I bought hot ramen for both of us from your favorite place".

She just eyed me suspiciously.

"What's wrong?".

"Nothing. But something is definitely wrong with you".

"What are you talking about? If its me being-".

"Did you find a boyfriend already?". She blurted out.

"What?! Are you mad, why would you think that?".

"I just got a feeling".

"Wouldn't that have been evident, I mean you know about the problems with my soulmate,... I still haven't found him and that's what the problem is, the reason of me being late today".

I looked down. Bringing this topic upsets me.

"I am sorry...Mi".

She lifted my chin.

"I should have known, I am such an idiot".

"You know yourself so well". I giggled.

"Hey!....but mi don't worry, everything will be alright".


"Oh my god! My ramen, it will get cold".

"All your fault". I scolded.

Even I don't like cold food, it just looses its essence.

"C'mon hurry chae , you are so slow". I love teasing her.

We both have been through each others ups and down. I literally love her.

She is my third love after photography and food.

"It takes time when you have to carry two bowls of hot ramen and a bottle of cola 'alone' ". She said glaring at me.

I laughed.

"Stop complaining".

"I am letting you off the hook this time cause I am starving and desperate to watch the next episode, its out!". She squealed excitedly.

I knew what she was talking about, she is a crazy army.

I mean who's not. I myself is an army but not that crazy, life hasn't given me a good chance to stan them that crazily.

Don't get me wrong, I admire their songs but my priorities are different.

But chae, she is crazy.

"I had seen the pics on insta, and they look so damn good".

Here we go.

Her army talk has started and it isn't ending soon.

Guess I'll have a hard time sleeping today.

With all this army talk and not to forget bon voyage.