Today is my birthday party, but it feels like it isn't. Most of my friends in class were invited, but I only thought they were my friends even in first grade I was alone. No one even paid attention to me they all talked to each other no one paid attention to me it felt I didn't even exist. I started crying and no one noticed my parents were busy trying to find my runaway sister again. Ever since we were little she has always wanted to run away, she was just a complete drama queen throwing a fit everywhere thinking that she was better and she deserved better the only person in our family she ever respected was me even then she was barely around to show it. Her plan for today was to sneak out during all the commotion downstairs because of my party if she had stayed home she probably would've noticed me alone.
I wanted to run upstairs and lock myself in my room for the rest of my life, but then someone actually looked at me, he walked over to me I thought he was going to walk around me and talk to his other friends but instead he stops and sits down next to me. He put his hand on my arm and said to me three words that I'd never thought I'd hear,
"happy birthday Angelina.". He lifted his other hand on the table it took me a second to realize that he set a present right in front of me I continued to cry but not from sadness from joy the feeling I haven't felt in a while. I opened the present and inside was a small box and inside the box was a beautiful golden chain necklace with a hummingbird jewel, loved it so much I put it on right then and there, I held my hair up as he put the necklace around my neck and hooked it together. Before he pulled his hands away from me I grabbed him turned around and looked him in the eye,
"thank you Damien." I said to him. I only knew Damien from class he sat next to me it did not seem like he paid much attention to me. We played a lot of partner activities in first grade I wanted to ask Damien if he wanted to be my partner but every time he was already taken his friends got to him first, it wasn't until later that I figured out that he also wanted to ask me to be partners in fact at one point he actually got up and was walking toward me but his other friend got to him before he got to me. Everyday at lunch I sat down at one lonely table and I would always cry and still no one noticed except Damien he tried getting up to walk over to my table and comfort me but every time his friends stopped him and took him away from me.
"anything for you." he replied. I wanted to kiss him at that minute but sadly I didn't, he beat me to it, he kissed me on the cheek and from that moment on I fell in love with him and I hoped he loved me the same. Once the day was over no one except Damien said goodbye and happy birthday to me but I was still happy because I fell in love that day and I would never love someone like that again, if it was't for Damien I might have cried myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life. From that day on me and him were best friends when we went back to school things were the same for a little while, but when partner activities came up me and him were always partners and at lunch I sat at the table and cried alone but this time Damien came to me comforted me and hugged me at last I finally returned the favor for him kissing me on my birthday and I finally kissed him on the cheek.
It's nice to know that there is someone out there who cares this much about me but nothing lasts forever as was proven eight years later but how was I supposed to know what was inside him.