Chapter 1: Damien

The sun began to rise, its light shining through the branches of the trees in the front yard the shining light then hit his eyes making it hard for him to remain asleep. It was even harder for him to stay asleep considering his alarm clock was going off nonstop and his mother was yelling at him from down the stairs.

"DAMIEN!" she shouted, "wake up your going to miss the bus!" Damien suddenly jumped awake walked over to his closet grabbing a shirt and genes as he walked past his Alexa asking it,

"What's the time?" it replied saying it was seven forty-six and the bus comes at eight. He threw on his clothes faster than superman brushes his teeth, quickly swallows his meds and runs down the stairs grabbing his finishing touch his blue hoodie. His mother walks up to him,

"Are you sure you don't want any breakfast?" she asks.

"It's fine mom i"ll eat at school." he replies. His mother kisses him on the cheek as he grabs his bag and quickly walks out the door heading for the bus stop. When he finally arrives at the stop he puts his earbuds in and sets his songs to shuffle, he looks around at the bus stop remembering how its been the same stop for him ever since he was a kid. Two small rock formations set up around the entrance of the subdivision, the rocks that he ran around and climbed onto, good times, he thinks to himself. The bus finally arrives he hops on taking the front seat right behind the driver, the seat that he's had for many years now. He turns his volume up and lies down against the seat trying to fall back asleep only waking up when the bus comes to a stop which it did not long after. He wakes up and sees a group of cheerleaders walk onto the bus and just before he could fall back asleep he heard a commotion around the back of the bus the cheerleader group was fighting with these two girls for a seat, one of them was goth and the other had colored hair, he didn't care at all, so he put his earbuds back in and went back to sleep. The bus finally came to a full stop he got off the bus and ran into the school looking around as if he was searching for someone, but he only found his group of friends sitting at a table playing dungeons and dragons. He ran over to them with excitement and sat down with them.

"Damien, where have you been man you know the game starts at eight right?" asks Ryan.

"Oh screw you guys you all know my bus gets here at eight fifteen." he replied

"Well late bus or not you missed all of your turns and your also already dead." said Jared.

"Wait, you serious?" Damien asked in serious confusion, but then he looked around once again and he saw her walk in the door, Angelina.

"You know what, forget the game right now I have other business to attend to." he says and then just walks away toward Angelina. He walks to her as she puts her bag into her locker and gets ready for another day at school. She turns her head and sees him walking towards her she closes her locker door and slowly walked towards him, they both approach each other Angelina is the first to greet the other one.

"Hi" she said, "how are you doing?".

"Good so far still dead inside so nothing changed.". Angelina chuckles lightly, they begin to talk about what they have been up to the past few days, they share jokes and stories and they enjoy each others company but it was not to last, as the bell sounded over the entire school the day had begun they both said see you later and they went their separate ways and class began. The day went by pretty fast they both saw each other in some of the classes they have around lunch time they do the same thing they've done for years now they both sit with each other at the same table and the best part is they have their own table to mess around at no one bothers them and no one judges them. They walk around with each other outside they talk together and they laugh together, Damien is the jokester of the two so he continues to make Angelina laugh, and as she is rolling on the ground laughing her laugh always puts a smile on Damien's face and he told her those exact words and she stopped laughing, she looked at Damien and she smiled and blushed.

"Your warm and beautiful smile always melts my icy heart and always makes me feel warm inside." he said to her as he lay down on the ground beside her. At that moment lunch ended Damien helped her up and walked her back to class, while she didn't need to be walked back to class she just wanted to be walked back by only Damien. The day finished up quickly for the two of them while they only had one class together in the afternoon, it was also the last class for the day so together they walk to their lockers grabbed their stuff and stood next to each other as they walked towards the door. Damien said goodbye to his friends and Angelina waited for him to hug her goodbye because Damien was still her one and only friend and to her he was the only friend she needed. Damien finally looks at her hugs her goodbye,

"I hope I will see you again tomorrow, and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day." he says to her.

"I hope you do too, and I will always look forward to seeing you again tomorrow." she replies. She starts to walk home while Damien gets on the bus and watches her and waves to her as he leaves the school zone. Damien returns home and nothing has changed, his mom is still on the phone while his little sister Cecile gets up and walks toward him with a piece of paper in her hand.

"So here's the list for you today." she said being interrupted mid way.

"I know the drill Cecile." he replied. She handed him the list which was a list full of chores to do before his dad gets home, and Cecile does her fair share of the work to it always happens the same way they do their chores they finish and they play games until their dad gets home and they help him make dinner. They all sit down together to eat and then Cecile and Damien have to go to bed when their done, once their put to sleep Cecile secretly walks out of her room to Damien's room who is waiting for her.

"How long do we have to hide this?" she asks, "you know I hate keeping secrets, especially from our parents."

"I know I don't like this anymore then you do but I don't want them to worry and I don't want them to send me away to a hospital." he replies.

"Why so you won't be away from your girlfriend?" she asks in a mocking way.

"Jokes on you that's the exact reason why and I'm not ashamed." he answers in a tall voice.

"OK fine, but keep quiet before they hear us and get curious."

"See what the time is when it happens tonight and maybe that has something to do with it." Damien tells his sister as he lays back down. Cecile is ready to take the time and her and Damien sit and wait, at times Cecile would get up to get a glass of water for her and Damien. Only once their cat named peter pan came up to visit them, and they both loved their cat with all their hearts, the cat then left them and they went back to waiting. They continued to wait until finally Damien begins to shake in the bed, Cecile quickly jumps up and takes the time then she stands far back. Damien continues to shake back and forth in the bed, his mouth begins to make gargling and growling sounds as he shakes, it appears as if he's having a seizure then he just stops and he starts to twitch with the sounds of bones cracking, breaking, and grinding while he continues to growl out the mouth, out of his eyes he starts to cry blood and starts coughing blood. Still twitching he looks over at Cecile and growls in a deep and demonic voice,

"VOLKAR." it says. Cecile stands back very scared, as her brother continues shaking twitching with the sound of grinding bones. He finally stops and lays back down as he went down little whispers started repeatedly saying and coming from god knows where,

"We can't hold him against you."

Damien quickly jumps up and looks at her,

"Any changes?" he asks out of breath.

"The coughing and crying blood is new." she answers, "but it looks like all the blood is now gone."

"What about the time, when was it?"

"It was twelve o'clock, midnight."

"I wonder what's so important about midnight?" Damien asks in a confused voice. Cecile quickly replies,

"I know, it was you time of birth, Damien."

"Was there anything else new?"

"Well there was one thing." she said in a scared voice, "your body rose up and in some weird and demonic voice it said, volkar."

"Volkar?" he asked, "what the hell is a volkar?"