Chapter 10: family reunion

The news spread quickly, and Damien hasn't even finished his journey home soon authorities of all types were everywhere in Idaho, the FBI ended up getting involved and soon the army might as well. All throughout the United States it was noted that Idaho was now the most dangerous state to inhabit, as it was the home of the world's most dangerous psychopathic killer and is still on the loose most people don't even consider him human anymore. He is considered a terrorist and a monster for murdering his own family and separating many others, Volkar however was unaware of the reputation he had given Damien. Angelina, Amelia and Cecile knew everything that happened they heard over the police scanner and they also witnessed him taking down the two helicopters which set his large reputation in motion, but despite all the chaos they watched, they still chased after him no matter how far he ran they still tried going after him in a stolen police car and they were not followed as the authorities already have enough to deal with. They gave chase for a good couple of hours, they were barely able to keep up his trail and almost lost him a couple of times but did catch up to him in enough time it didn't take long for Volkar to realize they were on his tail but Damien was unsure of hurting anymore people but he no longer had any say in this.

"This human is on a mission, and being a serious pain in my ass, I will turn the tides and soon."

"I don't know Volkar there's something about that cop that I find very familiar." said Damien

"FAMILIAR?! Damien if we stop and try to reunite with an old friend, you'll barely be able to wav before you have three bullets in your head, and if you die then well it will be a long time before I can find another perfect match like you." replied Volkar

"You need me alive?" asked Damien.

"For now yes, but once I have finished my goal there will be no need for your worthless life to continue."

"Wait but Angelina said that there was a chance that once you were finished with me you would leave me."

"Yes I would, but I never said anything about leaving you alive."

"Angelina needs to know this."

"Why, she's letting me finish my plan, she's just another weight taken off my shoulders and make everything so much easier."

"Angelina's not a weight, to me she's so much more."

"You humans and your stupid love. Unfortunately for me love is spiritual so I have no power against it."


"Yes, your human minds are mostly spiritual bonding, your doctors may say it's a chemical reaction or some temporary hormone, but those mortals do not have the mental capacity to see or know the power within the thirteen realms. Your spiritual power of love managed to outdo my own power as it is, which is how you took back control for a small reunion." Volkar explained but when he was done he remembered that there still being followed by the police car. Volkar finally had enough and tried to find a way to lose them, and he looked ahead and saw a large river, and from what information he gathered from Damien it appeared to be the snake river this is where he would finally lose the cop car and hopefully the cop too. He ran up over the bridge and to the other side and stopped, when the cop car was within view, he then dug and found the inner supports for the bridge and ripped them out causing the bridge to collapse when the car came on top of it. The bridge collapsed from the inside out sending the car swerving off the road and into the river, and began floating down.

"Now where were we?" asked Volkar,

"My love allowed me to reunite with Angelina one last time." responded Damien

"Of course and speaking of reunion it's time to go home." Volkar said as he once again started running in the same direction this time without being followed.

The cop car was floating down the river for only a short amount of time until it started to sink, thankfully Angelina, Cecile and Amelia escaped before they went down with it,

"So you guys think this is the best plan, to let him continue his rampage and hurt or kill more people?" asked Amelia trying to get her breath back after a long and hard swim to shore.

"What choice do we have, there are no more options." responded Cecile in the same way

"We need to have faith, there was a reason Damien regained control once he was done with your parents, sorry." Angelina added.

"It's fine they wouldn't have wanted to see any of this come to pass." said Cecile finally being able to stand and walk.

"The only problem is where do we go from here, our ride is floating down a river and we don't even know where he's headed." said Amelia

"You do have a point sis, we have nowhere to go unless anyone has any service."

"Even if we did my phone was soaked in an unplanned swim." said Cecile

"So what do we do?" asked Amelia

"We walk, and hope we can find a ride by the time we dry off." said Angelina.

Volkar continued on his path which should not continue for much longer home was not far from where he was.

"So how exactly does what your planning involve returning home?" asked Damien

"Of course, how could I forget so simple minded. Do you recall when I said your earth doctors do not understand the power of the realms, well I do, the thirteen realms can all be connected to one another it just takes the spiritual power between the realms. My power which I have from my realm is enough power to open the door from this side however we need the spiritual power from this realm to be able to open the door from the other side, it's like crossing the streams. The only spiritual power in this realm however is me and your humans power of spiritual power of love but that should be enough to open the door and draw power from my realm into yours, so that I can finally rebuild my own body and return to my full potential."

"I still fail to see how this has anything to do with going home." said Damien

"What could two mortal creatures love more than each other?" asked Volkar

"Um, their pets?"

"No. their gift of life. Despite how parents can seem at times they will always love what it is they have created, when they give the gift of life they see themselves as becoming minor gods and they create something such as another life form they become responsible for what they did and what it can become. But their mistake and what separates them from true gods is that they think they can choose its destiny, while they don't understand that it chooses for itself and sadly when they do understand they don't live to see it but their spiritual love never dies it just takes its place among st the cosmos and what I plan to do is reunite that power to their bodies."

"Your gonna turn my dead parents into zombies?" asked Damien in alarm.

"More or less, I will just return their spiritual power to them and once it is used to open the door they will return to their permanent slumber you'll see in time, for we have arrived at our final destination." Volkar answered to Damien as he entered the town from which they came. After taking a look around and seeing the destruction he caused and was still being rebuilt, and then once again began to run and this time in the direction of the cemetery. Upon entering the cemetery he came across two caretakers for the cemetery but was able to avoid them when entering building once they were finished, he went to work quickly, scoping out the graves of Damiens parents, and putting his hands up against them and used his power to create a linked chain emerging from the graves chain of pure, dark energy he then reached for the stars and called upon the power of the cosmos and their spiritual power descended from the sky as if two stars had fallen out of space. Their spiritual power went straight to their graves and through the ground and into their bodies, the caretakers heard the noise it was making and went outside and saw the light show and called the police and then went to investigate what happened. By the time they arrived Volkar was kneeling on the ground weak from the power he used, the caretakers slowly moved in asking questions like who is was and what they did. Before Volkar could answer them, a hand began to emerge from the grave of Damiens father, the caretakers pointed their flashlights at it to find out what is was, as soon as they figured out it was a hand they both stumbled back but one of them was jumped from the side and tackled by some humanoid creature with glowing purple eyes and its bones glowing purple from the inside to show that the creature had been crushed, the last caretaker tried to run but was stopped and tripped by a second creature and this one also had glowing purple eyes but this time the creature had multiple glowing spots in the shape of stabs and one giant stab through his chest as if he was hit and stabbed by a crashing car into a building. The creature began to gnaw on the caretakers head and bite into their skull and tear out and swallow their brains and the other one did the same.

"So they growl and eat brains I suppose they are zombies, my zombies and I sure hope I'm not mentally scarring you anymore than I already have, Damien." Volkar said with a smile slowly forming on his face.