My Inner Conflict

Okay, so I've got classes tonight from 7:00 pm until 12:00 at midnight. Honestly, I don't know how to feel. Anyway, I start my day up normally. I head to the dining area, eat my breakfast, help with the chores, and finally, head outside for some exercise. I jog around the parks of my neighborhood and casually rest at eight minute intervals. I take a sip of water, catch my breath, and continue on with my rounds.

As I turn back towards home, I see a lady standing in front of our house gate. I initially thought she was one of those people who place advertising flyers around people's houses, but I noticed she was deeply staring at our house. As I slowly approach her, she suddenly had tears flowing down her face. I couldn't tell who she was since she was wearing a hat and a mask. All I saw was that she was tearing up whilst staring at our house.

I was very confused but so curious at the same time. So I finally confronted her. I asked, "May I help you?" She did not answer so I asked her again, "What are you doing in front of my house?"

She answered while trying to stop her tears. She said, "Oh this is your house? If you don't mind me asking, how long have you lived here?" I was honestly very confused because if I remember correctly, my parents told me that they were the ones that initiated the building of our house. So technically, we were the only ones who lived here. So I answered, "This was built by my parents for our family. We've lived here from the moment it was built. But why do you ask?"

After I answered her question and ask her mine, the tears she was trying to suppress just flowed nonstop. I was really shocked considering the fact that she is a stranger to me. I ask her if she wanted to come inside to know if my parents knew her or at least recognized her, but she denied my offer and just left.

I think I have a weird luck coming into college. First I meet a crazy psychopath who headlocks strangers for no apparent reason. Now I meet a lady who stares up at our house while crying, again for a reason I'm not aware of. Did I spend all of my luck in my previous life? Why do I get such weird encounters with these people? Who is she? What's her deal? Why is she here? Why did she ask me how long I've been living in MY house? Something doesn't feel right at the moment.

I head inside and rest for a while. My mom prepared lunch early because she had to work during the day. I took a shower after resting and oh boy was it refreshing. While I was in the shower, the thoughts of the crazy psychopath and the weird crying lady were constantly popping up in my head. Before I knew it, I spent 45 minutes in the shower.

As I got out and changed into my robe, I head towards my closet room and had a change of clothes. After changing, I went on to the dining area to eat lunch. I checked what my mother had prepared and it was tangsuyuk (Sweet and sour pork). I was extremely delighted because my mother rarely cooks those types of food.

As I ate, a weird image popped up in my head. It was very weird because that was the first time it happened to me. I saw something similar to a vision of me as a kid with my parents and a girl. But I couldn't see her face, nor knew who she was. I don't really remember ever having a female childhood friend though, so I thought it was my imagination.