Battle of Liguang: Climax (1)

To be able to perform such a spell, despite the mounting interference strength, highlighted exactly how extraordinary Ten Dawn Yvonne. The stronger a person was, the weaker the interference affected them! Even Elizabeth and Freon at their peak were unable to replicate the same feat. Ten Dawn Yvonne was worthy of her praise as the strongest Ten Dawn, the person closest to Medium Condensed Drop! But it did not mean that she could carry on endlessly. A powerful trump card spell like that took a heavy toll on her magical reserves and the interference problem made it worse. This was already approaching her limit, so she made the tact decision to focus on breaking out of Liguang first. Thankfully, Ten Dawn Yvonne also accounted for this. Her spell instantly elevated the interference in Liguang again, thereby weakening the overall large-scale beguilement array from the Featherwind Sect. It was killing two birds with one stone!

Her allies could avoid her spell thanks to Ten Dawn Rosemary's Mist Shroud Battlefield spell. It could block the light from Solar Butterfly Wing and prevent the shadows from attacking them. After all, Ten Dawn Yvonne could not control what the spell targeted. It simply affected everything in its range. This was also why she could not use it earlier on in the fight since it would indiscriminately attack everyone. Only now, when the battle had progressed significantly, could she afford to use it. However, Ten Dawn Rosemary's Mist Shroud Battlefield was also flawed. Since she could not precisely determine where her allies and enemies were, she had to grossly overestimate the boundaries of her spell to prevent cutting off her own allies. This meant that the nearby enemies were unharmed!

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and her friends were struggling. Several Perception Realms broke through the Royal Guards and directly attacked them! Elizabeth and her friends were already exhausted from the long series of battles. No matter how extraordinary they were, they had a fundamental limit to their stamina. They were only human after all. Their enemies were different though. They vastly outnumbered the Alzar Kingdom's forces, so they had plenty of energy to spare. Most of them could still fight at their peak strength! And to make matters worse, as the number of people on Elizabeth's side dwindled, the pressure would grow dramatically on those remaining. Their problems seemed to spiral out of control!

Benedict raised his sword to guard, right as a Perception Realm came crashing down onto him. A tremendous weight slammed down on Benedict! His opponent used Martial Energy and enhanced their strength to a ludicrous level! Since the interference strength had grown so much, no one could use flying strikes any longer. They could only enhance their bodies now! Benedict was instantly overpowered in the contest of strength. Crack! His sword, given to him by his father, was finally starting to crack under the pressure. The strain of these supernatural battles exceeded its tolerance! Benedict's face darkened while his opponent smiled. An instant later, his sword shattered into pieces. It was destroyed! With nothing to defend himself with, he forcibly used Martial Energy to move away and shielded his head with his arms. He did everything to improve his odds! An explosion detonated as Benedict was sent flying across the battlefield. Boom! He crashed into debris, knocking the breath clean out of him. Blood spewed out his mouth and a deep gash appeared on his forearms. A little slower and he would have been bisected!

His opponent rushed over to finish him off. That small distance was crossed in an instant, their sword cleaving down with supreme force! Benedict rolled out of the way, just as the sword landed a hair away from his head. A long crevice was created upon impact, hinting at the power behind the blow. It would have split his head open like a melon! Despite that terrifying realization that he came close to death, Benedict kept control of his emotions. He knew that if he panicked now, then it would be all over! His opponent was about to follow up, but they suddenly flicked their sword behind to block a few projectiles. Even without looking behind, as Perception Realms, they could sense everything in their surroundings. Sneak attacks were incredibly difficult to execute! Benedict took that time to jump to his feet and snatch a random sword off the ground. He knew exactly who helped him without looking! It had to be Elizabeth and Freon!

Elizabeth was feeling lightheaded as she continued to strain herself. As an Arcanist's Core Level improved, their natural Magic Energy recovery rate would improve alongside it. Elizabeth was a Peak Gaseous Fog Core Arcanist, so that meant her recovery speed should be quite fast. Of course, fast was relative here. There was no way she could fully recover her Core in the short-term. She could only recover a few wisps of energy every now and then. This was how she managed to cast the spell that saved Benedict and Shirley from Reverent Monk. However, her consumption far outpaced her recovery, which inevitably forced her to use World Energy to compensate. This constant game between using Magic and World Energy placed a heavy toll on her body. Her Channels and Core were crying in agony too. She did not realize it herself, but the Magic Energy began to grow denser inside her Core. It was gradually coalescing into a single point!

Although blood trickled out of Freon's mouth and nose, painting a horrific scene, he was grinning like an idiot. He succeeded! Originally, to counter the side-effects of his Bloodline Ability, he worked on creating a partial transformation over the past few months. It would isolate his Bloodline Ability to half of his Channels, leaving the other side untouched, thus ensuring that his spellcasting ability remained, even after he deactivated his Bloodline Ability. However, he was forced to use his full Bloodline Ability in this fight, so he never had a chance to use the partial transformation. He thought he had wasted his efforts until he had a bold idea. What if he used his partial transformation now to isolate his Bloodline Ability's side-effects? Freon knew the risks were high, but he decided to give it a try anyways. This was not the time to hesitate! The pain was extraordinary, but who would have thought that he would really succeed? He regained his spellcasting ability! And just like Elizabeth, by performing and maintaining this complex operation on his Channels, his Core was transforming too! The two of them were advancing to the next level!

Benedict fell into a trance. Perhaps it was the blood loss, perhaps it was the internal injuries, or perhaps he hit his head somewhere, but he started hallucinating. As he engaged in a desperate fight against his opponent, he dreamt of the past. During his apprenticeship under the Sword King, he sparred frequently with his senior martial brothers and his master. Hidek and Lanar were experienced Perception Realms who grasped Martial Energy to an unbelievable degree. They were far superior to the likes of the Phoenix Division whose soldiers could only perform the most basic of techniques. In fact, Benedict would go as far to say that Hidek and Lanar ranked near the apex of Perception Realms in the human world! Nothing needed to be said about his master, the Sword King, a legendary Instinct Realm existence. Although they held back and refrained from killing him, the innumerable battles carved an innate sense in his bones. He began to move faster and faster, almost as if he could predict his opponent's actions ahead of time. His blood vessels started pumping at a hundred times their normal rate, sending boundless energy throughout his body. He was making a breakthrough!