The Anticipated Time (Part 1)

In a short while, the dishes began to fill the table. Zenia's eyes sparkled even more when she saw a delightful sight. The dishes of the inns that she had been to in Tissuria were always delicious. Even the jerky that Gustof had given her was savory. She suddenly became solemn as she remembered her mother and father.

Vaughn noticed the abrupt change in Zenia and guessed that she was worried about her mother and father. They were supposed to reach Tissuria in a day and that would be tomorrow if they did not change anything in their plan.

"Don't worry anymore. I have already instructed my shadow guards to watch out for Ovid Anisen's arrival. I'm sure that Gustof will not go back on his words." Vaughn assured her.

Zenia nodded and began eating her food. Vaughn sighed and joined Zenia. They would probably rest for a bit after they ate their fill and continue with their journey. He had decided to bring Zenia back to his palace first and arrange for her temporary lodging at Royale Palace Inn.

Zenia booked a single room and told Vaughn that it was fine since they would stay only for a while. She wanted to reach the capital soon and enter the Royal Apothecary. She felt a little regretful for leaving the box that contained the Mortelium. She just hoped that the Royal Apothecary had everything she needed to develop the poison for her needles. It was a good thing that she always carried her needles with her.

When they reached their room, Zenia did not hesitate to jump on the bed and spread her arms.

"I'm so sorry to trouble you this time Big Brother Vaughn, but could you sleep on the couch? Thank you." She told Vaughn while her head was buried in the pillow.

After a few minutes, a faint snoring sound could be heard. Vaughn pulled out a blanket and put it over Zenia's body. He picked up the other pillow and went to the couch where he lied down. He was thinking whether to go sight-seeing first before returning to the palace. He dozed off with such thoughts on his mind.

* * * * *

Renaria was looking sternly at Ovid, who was sweating profusely. They were traveling just fine earlier, even though it was still a bit fast than expected. The crazy horse seemed to be running after someone.

"Why did you replace the horse that we are supposed to use? This horse could have sensed his master and trying to catch up to her."

"I'm so sorry, my dear, I never believed that the horses from Solaria can really sense their owners. No wonder he seemed restless when Zenia left him." Ovid tried his best to explain.

Thunderbolt was a gift given to Ovid by one of the emissaries from Solaria when Zenia was only sixteen. Zenia took a fancy on the horse and persuaded Ovid to give the horse to her. Ovid did not refuse and ever since then, Thunderbolt only recognized Zenia as his sole owner.

He was wondering for a while now about the reason that Thunderbolt let them handle him. He must've sensed that he would be reunited with Zenia and agreed. Now it had gone crazy and went even faster than he should. His age did not affect his speed at all.

Ovid was secretly cursing himself for agreeing with Zander. He should've known better than to agree with his first-born. He knew that Renaria would not just sit still. She would do everything to make sure that they would reach Tissuria's capital unscathed.

He should've trusted his instincts and continued to put his belief in the capabilities of his wife. If Renaria learned that he began doubting her abilities, he was afraid that he might sleep together with the horses in their stable for a long time. When that happens, he would make sure to drag Zander along with him.

At the speed that Thunderbolt was dragging the carriage, they might reach the capital at a much earlier time. They were almost near the North Gate.

* * * * *

It was late in the afternoon when Vaughn and Zenia finally woke up. Even though they slept in separate beds, Vaughn still had a good sleep. He never thought that even just sharing a room with her would bring him peace and contentment.

Zenia yawned and stretched out her arms. She looked out the window and could tell that it was already late in the afternoon.

"It's already this late, we need to get going." She stood up and went to the window and was amazed at the scenery.

The street outside was bustling, but she liked the lively scenery. Tissuria never failed to amaze her ever since she traveled to this kingdom.

"Would you like to take a look around first?" Vaughn was already beside her when he asked.

"Huh?" Zenia was startled.

She never felt Vaughn's aura as he walked to her. If he was her enemy, she could've died by his hands already. She was always proud of her sense of vigilance, but she failed to detect Vaugn's presence. Was it because she already trusted him with her life?

Even though she recognized Vaughn as that Big Brother she met before, she decided not to trust him completely. She had no idea what he had been through all these years. She had no idea whether he was still the same as before, but she truly owed him a sincere apology.

"Would you like to visit the shops here?"

"No, I have plenty of time to do that later. Right now we have to hurry to the capital."

"Okay, we will go as soon as you are ready."


Zenia continued looking and Vaughn just stayed beside her.

'This moment is not bad at all, not bad at all…' Vaughn smiled to himself as he caught a whiff of Zenia's scent that calmed his soul.

* * * * *

"B-boss, I think the Anisens are already here."

"What?! It's way too early!" Gustof panicked, but he did not show it to his subordinates.

"What should we do?"

Gustof gritted his teeth. He was left with no other choice. He had been with these men for as long as he could remember, but his family would always be first. He planned to send some of them elsewhere to spare their lives, but that could no longer be possible. He would just offer them prayers all his life to atone for his sins.

"To your stations!"

Everyone did not hesitate to go to their post and wait for the carriage. They had suspected that it would be bloody. They all knew who Ovid Anisen was and some were already trembling before the actual battle even begins.

Before the final moment, Gustof shouted, "Those of you who wanted to back out now can do so. Otherwise, there will be no turning back when it begins."

Everyone looked at one another and some had decided that it was an offer that would come once in a lifetime. Once they decided to leave the group, they should not come back or they should be prepared to face the consequences.