The Anticipated Time (Part 2)

"Thank you for your generosity, boss!" The men shouted and left the place in a hurry.

Some of their comrades looked at them and shouted, "Cowards! How about your loyalty?"

The men gritted their teeth, but they had already decided to leave. Their loving families were waiting for them to return. Those who left knew that the chance of survival was slim. Ovid was a god of war, and his meritorious deeds had spread across Maecaea.

Gustof's heart was breaking. If he had a choice, he would save all of his comrades. Now, he could only sacrifice them. Those who decided to stay must perish, lest the masters know of his betrayal. He only joined the band of assassins because he was threatened using his family. But, he was thankful for the friendship that his comrades extended to him.

The masters should not blame him for switching sides. He was certain that he could trust Zenia with his life. He knew that Zenia could protect and wouldn't abandon his family even if something bad happened to him.

"Boss, here they come!"

Everyone prepared to attack. Ovid sensed the danger and drew his sword. They only had three guards with them, including the coachman. He wanted to maintain a low profile, and he was confident that he alone was enough to protect his beloved wife.

The assassins made their move as two of them jumped on the roof of the carriage.

Ovid pushed Renaria's head underneath the seat and thrust his sword through the carriage's ceiling. He withdrew the bloodied sword and thrust it once more. After a while, they heard the sound of two bodies that hit the ground.

"Stop the carriage."

The coachman stopped immediately. Each of them knew what would happen next.

"Stay here," Ovid told his wife and went out of the carriage.

They hid the carriage somewhere far away from their designated battleground. After making sure that Renaria and the carriage were safe, Ovid and his men marched to the battleground.

Soon, the assassins swoop down. They surrounded Ovid and his men. There were more than fifty assassins, and Ovid had a hunch that there could be more soon. They must have sent a signal to the others already and another batch of assassins would come.

The fight started, and for the first time, Ovid was not as confident as he used to be. He kept glancing at the carriage, and he hoped that no one would bother Renaria.

The sounds of clashing swords and footsteps could be heard loud and clear. Renaria prayed so hard for Ovid's safety. She knew that the situation was grave. She could hear the rushing footsteps and expected that more assassins would come.

Ovid noticed that someone tried to sneak to the carriage. He could hear the loud beating of his heart as he rushed to the carriage. On their wedding day, he promised his wife that he would protect her forever. He had no plan to renege on his promise now.

Ovid slashed the assassin's throat with one quick swoop. There was too much blood and the head nearly fell off from the assassin's body.

"Ahh!" Ovid screamed so loud, and Renaria quickly left her hiding place and went out of the carriage.

"Ovid!" She rushed to her husband's side and saw the blood gushing from both of his shoulders.

Vaughn's shadow guards finally arrived at the battle scene, and Ovid's team began to recover their momentum. The assassins fell one by one. No one noticed the situation that Ovid and Renaria were in.

After rendering Ovid helpless, the assassin went for Renaria who fell down when she tried to run to the direction of their men.

"Don't touch my wife!" Ovid shouted at the top of his voice.

But, it was still not loud enough to be heard by the others. No one came to help them.

"Our master wants both of you dead, what gives you the right to tell me not to touch her. You…"

The assassin failed to finish his sentence when someone slashed his throat. Renaria knew that the one who slashed the other man's throat was an assassin as well.

"Are you alright, madam?" Gustof extended his hand as he helped Renaria up.

He quickly took out some coagulating medicine to stop the bleeding on Ovid's shoulders. He wrapped it up nicely and gave Ovid some pills that could replenish his energy.

"I thank you, kind sir," Renaria uttered with utmost sincerity.

Gustof was taken aback. Renaria had the same tone of sincerity as Zenia. But, the woman before him was too beautiful beyond words. She may not look young anymore, but she had the elegance and bearing of a sophisticated lady and at the same time exuded simplicity and warmth.

Zenia's image flashed in Gustof's mind in a fleeting moment. Zenia Anisen must be an epitome of beauty at her young age. He could not see it from her disguise. He knew that those pair of eyes could only belong to a very exquisite woman.

"Madam, it is I who owed you a lot. If you did not give birth to such an outstanding daughter, I may have already lost my family."

Gustof suddenly kneeled down and bowed his head before Renaria and Ovid.

"Please, don't do that." Renaria was about to help Gustof when Ovid stopped her.

Ovid stood up and walked to where Gustof was. Gustof was trembling and tried his best to suppress the tears from falling. Ovid helped him up.

"Do you know what will happen to you the moment your master learned of your betrayal?"

"I know sir. Ms. Zenia must've known that too that's why she gave me this dagger and told me to go to Ishelon to find her brother Zander Anisen." Gustof took out Zenia's dagger and showed it to Ovid.

Not far from them, Ovid noticed a couple of shadows by the tree.

"Are you with someone?" Ovid pointed at the tree.

"They are my wife and daughter, sir."

"Bring them here."

Gustof fetched his wife and daughter and presented them before Ovid and Renaria.

"This is my wife Somita and my daughter Jena. My name is Gustof, sir, Gustof Zorba. I was born in Venetia and grew up in Tissuria."

"How old is your daughter?" Renaria smiled warmly.

"I-I'm seven this year, madam."

"You looked as naughty as Zenia when she was young. She must've taken a liking to you."

"Who is Zenia, madam?"

"Madam, we met your daughter dressed as a man and called herself Von. My daughter did not know." Gustof whispered to Renaria.

He did not have the heart to tell his daughter that the big brother that she met was actually a lady.

"Oh, I see." Renaria did not say anything anymore.

"We did not thank your daughter properly yet, madam, I hope you can accept our sincerest gratitude." It was Somita who spoke.

Ovid unfastened his necklace and gave it to Gustof.

"Show this necklace to Zander and tell him to give you a post in the military."

"S-sir, this is too much. Why would you trust me so easily?"

"My daughter gave you her dagger, and that means she believes in your ability and she trusts you. She will never ever let anyone touch that dagger."

Gustof was lost for words when he heard Ovid's statement. He had never met someone like Zenia before or the entire Anisen family for that matter.

"Thank you, sir." Gustof and Somita were teary-eyed for receiving such a blessing.

Renaria looked at them and decided to let them into their home. Gustof must've also done something great to Zenia for her to trust him without reservations. Renaria took out the pin from her hair and handed it to Somita.

"Give it to my youngest son Zekiah and tell him that I want him to arrange a place to stay for your family in our residence. You can stay there for a while."

Somita was extremely touched at the blessings that they kept receiving from Zenia's family. She couldn't help but hug Renaria tightly.

"Madam, you don't know how grateful we are for all of these."

Renaria felt the warm tears that fell on her shoulder. She patted Somita's back.

"Our daughter giving you her dagger means she owed you something more than you can imagine."

The fighting finally stopped and every assassin was left bathing in their own blood. Gustof and his family bid their goodbyes. They looked forward to a bright new life in Ishelon.

"Why did you go to such extent as to provide lodging for them?"

"Don't you know your daughter at all? I bet she wanted to recruit that man in her faction."

"Why would she start her own faction? She has the entire army of Ishelon behind her."

Renaria knocked Ovid's forehead lightly.

"Silly father, of course, your daughter wants to expand her power with her own hands."