To Prazia (Part 2)

Zenia and Vaughn already learned that the Left Minister had finally set sail for Prazia. On the second day of the Left Minister's departure from Tissuria, Vaughn and Zenia began to prepare to travel to Prazia from Ishelon. The makeup for their disguise was almost flawless, even Renaria could not recognize her own daughter when she looked at Zenia with her own eyes.

Ovid and Ruvin left early for the military camp to train. Ovid knew that Ruvin might say something unpleasant to Zenia once more and ruin his daughter's mood. Ruvin had yet to learn to control his mouth.

"Zeze, remember to keep the gifts that mother will make you bring along all the way to the Palace of the Crown Prince. Don't let anything to happen to it, got that?" Zenia talked to Zekiah as if she was talking to a child.

"Zenzen, you don't need to worry about it. I will make sure that they are safe."