Landing Jobs in Prazia

Zander did not waste a single minute and began delegating his duties. He told Higgs to send him a message via the Palace of the Crown Prince when Zenia's private army would be ready for deployment. He might depart for Tissuria after a week or two from Zekiah and Ruvin's departure. He also instructed Higgs to assign someone to train Zekiah further so he could concentrate on his work and make things easier for the person in charge that he would leave behind. 

He did not want Renaria to jump to conclusions and told his men to avoid his mother for the time being. He knew that it would be impossible for his men to hide anything from Renaria once she started asking them. Only a few of his men knew the real reason for his early trip to Tissuria. Zander wanted to avoid any mishap and concluded that it was safer to divulge the information to only a few of his most trusted men.