Hello Again, Young General (Part 2)

Zander was startled when he heard how Odessa called Zenia's pet name affectionately. He smiled because he was certain that his bride and his little sister had a good relationship. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief upon learning that. He did not have to choose one over the other. If that was the case, he would just betray both of them.

If his wife told him to sever his ties with his little sister, he could do so but only on the surface. He would still keep doting on Zenia no matter what.

"No, Odessa. Nothing bad happened to Zenzen, and I told you to call me Zander." He flashed a warm smile to Odessa, who blushed when she saw it.



Zekiah wanted to puke and get away from there immediately, but Zander was holding the sleeve of his dress tightly. His Big Brother seemed so calm on the surface, but Zekiah knew that was not the case. He could feel his sleeve was about to get torn from Zander's strong grip.