Meeting Baroness Munchefort

Odessa did not ask for clarification even though she did not understand Zander's meaning. Something told her that she should not ask anything further.

When they joined the group, Lewis and Odessa discussed the medicine that Doctor Hugo should take. Zekiah also told Lewis about the proper way to propagate the Mortelium plant. They went discussing things until it turned dark.

Zekiah and Ruvin bid everyone goodbye and told them that they needed to return to the Palace of the Crown Prince. Zander had decided to take Odessa home. He went to the Royal Apothecary with his horse and invited Odessa to have a ride with him. Lewis gawked when Odessa did not refuse the Commander's invitation. He wanted to say something but remembered how Zander punched the pillar. He gulped and just waved them goodbye. He stood there as Zander and Odessa went farther away.