Meeting the In-Laws

The Anisens woke up early the following day. Baroness Munchefort and Odessa were expecting them. Zander wanted to go ahead to help Odessa with the preparations, but Renaria stopped him.

"Calm down! I bet you're more nervous than Odessa. You will only make her nervous when you go there ahead of us."

"But Mother…"

"Hush, help us load the gifts. It will help calm your nerves. Do I look like someone who will eat people?"

Zekiah was standing at a safe distance from them and observing Zander's action. It was the first time that he saw Zander being nervous. He did not want to go with them, but Renaria scolded him.

"Your Big Brother needs our support. Zenzen is not here, and you want to abandon your Big Brother at the time when he needs you?"

"But, he looks fine to me. Big Brother has an amazing ability and will not make any mistake at all."

"I know you idolize your Big Brother too much, but he needs you right now."