Unbreaking the Restraining Spell

Queen Mina received Renaria's letter. renaria was apologizing for not visiting the Queen in the Royal Palace. Renaria explained in the letter that they came to Tissuria to arrange Zander's marriage. Renaria briefly told the story of Zander and Odessa to Queen Mina who was smiling while reading the letter.

The thing that brought the sweetest smile to the Queen's lips was Renaria's invitation.

"I wish I can invite you to join us to celebrate an important event in the lives of my entire family, but I know that you have an important role to fulfill in your kingdom. I already regard you as my sister and you will always be my sister forever. If you have any difficulties, don't hesitate to send a message to me. I will do everything that I can to help you out. I am good at uprooting and crushing disloyal people."