Second Invasion

Vaughn pulled her gently into his arms and embraced her tightly for a while. Zenia could hear the strong beating of his heart.  

Zenia turned around and asked, "What? I will be okay."

Zenia gently patted Vaughn's cheek, and he gave her a faint smile. He nodded his head before he let her go and watched her enter the portal.

They all agreed that Zenia would be the only one who should enter the portal to avoid what happened before. She even asked Jorick and Roy if they could make an invisibility cloak that she could wear to fool the guards. 

"Hey, can you two make me an invisibility cloak so I can just walk passed those guards without being detected?"

"There's no such thing."

"Can't you invent one?"

"We know magic, not science. Inventions belong to science, magic focuses on discovery."

"Hey, Dukey, can you invent an invisibility cloak by fusing your science with magic?"