Why was you crying Today while Sleeping ?
Amy's smile faded instantly as she heard the question. she look straight to her sister
Annie who had a serious and worried look in her eyes same like that day when she come to know about Amy's dream .
All these years Annie was the only person who knows about the guy in Amy's dreams .
That day when Amy told her sister about the dream she used to see about that guy...
Annie gave an amusing smile before slapping Amy's arm and speak with a smirk
- hahahaha so you dreamed about a boy who knows everything about you but never tell anything about himself and also he want to be friend with you
Annie was laughing hard that her eyes start tearing up
Amy's face fell instantly , she was thinking that her sister will believe her but here she is making fun of her so damn hard TT
- an-a-and what you said ? he even bring your favourite flowers for you ?
Annie spoke up in between her laughs
Annie tried to slap Amy's arm once more but Amy pull her arm away with a sad expression .
her eyes were so red as she tried to stop the tears from pouring down
When Annie saw Amy's face , she instantly stoped her hand and make a serious face
*uh-hum* Annie cleared her throat before speaking up
- Oki I'm sorry don't take that on heart and also don't make that face
One tear rolled down Amy's cheek
Annie felt restlessness while she watch her precious sister tearing up , it broke her heart to see her lil sister whom she treasure More than anything .
Annie stand on her feets instantly as she slapped Amy's arm while fake crying
- Yahhh if you cry like that what it made me ?
Give me the address of that guy imma go and beat his shit out ... how can he make my precious Takara cry like this ?
Amy just stared at her sister blankly while Annie put a scarf around her face and ran out of the room .
Amy was confused
- Did I just made a mistake to tell sis about the dream ? will she think of me as a psycho ? what if she tell this to mom ..... I will be in great problem
*After leaving room Annie ran downwards straight to the kitchen*
their mom was busy in cooking as she turned back to open the drawer...
- Ahhhhhhhhh who the heck got guts to barg inside my house , I'm gonna boil your teeths .
*Mom Screamed while shaking in panic *
- mom mom mom it's me Annie !!!!!
Annie screamed while backing up from mom
- yah !!! what on earth you trying to do in my kitchen with this scarf around your face.....
Annnnnd at least make some noise while walking will ya ?????
- Mom mom I'm sorry I was just...just...
just practising for my school drama so I came to take a knife if you ain't using it hehe
- school drama ? I never knew my rude girl like you is interested in drama or something
- Moooom I'm not rude I'm just an amazing daughter of yours who is playing a role of a fighter in a drama , now stop your sloppy words and give me that knife of yours
- if it wasn't for my Takara who want to do stupid stuff like this *Annie murmured while walking back to the room*
before entering the room Annie tried to hear what's Amy doing while bending down over the door
- What if Annie sis make My meme and viral it ??? *Amy screamed through her teeths*
- This girl thinks like this about her super duper big sis huh ? if it wasn't my break-less laugh and expressions which made her cry I would never made a cartoon out of me like this... this!!!!! *sigh*
well whatever I can't afford her crying anyway !!
Annie barged inside the room making a super women pose while flying the knife in air as a sword
- ha ha ha here I'm the wonder Annie who is here to save my beautiful sister's cheeks and eyes before they drown themselves in those salty tears ~~~