please believe me (2)

- ha ha ha here I'm the wonder Annie who is here to save my beautiful sister's cheeks and eyes before they drown themselves in those salty tears ~~~

*Annie jumped inside the room still flying the knife around as if it's a sword*

Ami stared at her crazy sister being herself

when Amy didn't gave any reaction (+_+) Annie can't help herself but being dumber

- Haha let me exchange those heavenly waves and transform into who actually I'm ...

yessss it's the time for the saviour

- transforming into yourself ? are you going to transform into a Racoon ?

*Ami exclaimed with a shocked face*

Annie stopped for a holy second before snapping her hand up and down over her head

- yaaah what do you mean by Racooooon ha ?

am I not looking so cool and charismatic ?

where's your eye ? where's your brain ? which part of me look like a Racoon ?

*Ami walked toward her sister showing like she is judging her looks*

- hmmmm well I'm taking my words back

you're not looking like a Racoon .....

"But a Dead Racoon"

Ami finished her sentence while running all her way out to the backyard

- yahh you gluten chicken come here before I roast you *Annie followed Amy with the scarf still on her face*

- Girls can you go to some grocery sho-.....

ping for me ....

*Both Amy and Annie ran outside without leaving a single stare at their mom*

- well that's something I got for raising two monsters =_= *literally every mom's REAL inner thoughts , lol*

- yahh come over here or it's an end for you

Amy stopped running before flashing a big smile

- umm fine but you was here to save me though :-!

- yap yap I know , well believe me I will save you from everything and .... everyOne

*Annie gave amy an assuring smile before hoping back *

- so from today onwards I don't want to see even a single tear in my Takara's eyes no Matter what's the reason !! that guy or that dream whatever it is , you just need to try solving it slowly.....

but don't let it affect your life annnnnd don't forget if Anything bad happened you have your saviour is right here ;-)

Amy felt herself at the verge of crying but nodded with a smile

- thanks sis :'(

- fine fine fine but ...

hey , you !! how dare you think bad of me while I wasn't in room :-\ My lil hearteu was so hurt TT , what was you saying hah ? I will make meme of your haahhh ??

- noiiiii stop being this cute hehe I might have a girl crush :O *Amy said with a wink*

- yahhhhhh *Annie shoved the knife toward Amy*

- na na stop I was just kidding , and I was just worried 'cause you always tease me .....

- hmm well that's true though but I will never let others know something like this about you 'cause the only person who can insult , tease and beat you is one and only ME ;-)

Now let's go inside I heard mom saying something to us earlier

- Yesss my Dead Racoon

- (+_+)

- oh , no my dear r-r-r-Racoon *run for life*

- you go inside I just remember something to do

*Annie pull out her phone and open the search engine*

- *GOOGLE - How amazing is Racoon??* hmm if Racoon is me then it have to be Amaaazing or It ain't me :-[


*Present time*

since that incident Annie know everything about that guy what Amy know and she never let Amy feel that she isn't believing her

Annie always listen to Amy , sometimes just to tease her later ... but that's just a joke in between sisters


*Annie popped out from her chair just before Amy's face *

- ummm actually he once told me that he is having some sorts of problems... one day he might disappear and if that happens he want me to help him .....

he want to survive ....

he don't want to fade away like That

- oh so he want you to help him *Annie stand instantly* then doesn't it means that he need to tell you about his name , location and other information ?

- Yess but before he do so ....

yesterday He disappeared ~~~~