Chapter 1 : A Taste Of A Furry (I)

Meanwhile, during the downtime, inside Rebirth's Void Space.

Nao had officially left the DBZ Plane and created the Overlord Plane.

However, before he would venture into the Overlord Plane with the girls, he had a special promise to uphold. A special promise to someone who was currently sleeping in the center of his chest, curled up into a ball. A small fluffy white tail swayed happily back and forth as light snoring could be heard.

Nao felt two hard curved horns poke against his chest muscles every so often, but he didn't find it discomforting. He enjoyed the sensation. A relatively small azure teal haired girl could be seen naked on his chest.

This was none other than Aht of course. She, Nao and the girls could be seen resting on the gigantic circular white bed with pink sheets. Aht was one of the smaller girls out of the bunch, but Nao came to love her after being accepted into the group thanks to Eir's will. She too responded in kind, joining in the many kinky nights the girls shared with Nao thus far.

Up to date, Nao has had sex with Miya, Elsa, Sayuri, Isabella, Chelsea, Tights, Eir, Chronoa and Fie. Elsa, Sayuri, Tights and Eir even gave birth to some descendants already, who decided to stay behind in the DBZ Plane. Chronoa even managed to confirm she had a tiny budding apple form from Nao and her back on the Origin Tree on the Sacred World of the Kais, who would eventually grow into a Core Person. It was proof of their love.

Their children had Space Rings which were created by Nao. And if they directly wanted to come into Rebirth's Void Space, they would use them.

The other six girls, Aht, Caulifla, Kale, Vados, Towa, and Michael had yet to have sex with Nao.

However, it was soon time for Aht's turn. Nao knew the vision he had of her, they would travel to Aht's homeland. The land of Celestia, home to that of the continent of Vainqueur!

With that in mind, Nao soon woke up. only to see the star of the day sleeping peacefully on his chest. She had been patiently waiting over thirty years for this very moment, and now it was her time to shine. Leaning forward a bit, he planted his lips on her forehead, lightly kissing her.

"Aht, it's time to wake up. You don't want sleep all day now do you?"

Leaning toward her ear, Nao gently whispered into it. Her body squirmed a bit before a quiet voice escaped from her lips.

"But your chest is super warm..."

Hearing Aht say that, Nao smiled. He changed his position a bit, and planted his lips against hers. Her eyes slowly opened, but she didn't back away. In fact she wrapped her arms around his back, letting their two tongues dance around. Aht's moaning escaped from her mouth, causing the other girls to slowly stir awake. While the others did, Nao parted his lips from Aht's. A string of saliva stretched out as a result.

"But you know Aht, you've been waiting patiently for this day right?"

After Nao said that, Aht didn't move for a second. She rubbed her eyes a bit. It didn't take long for her eyes to sparkle. Aht even bobbed up and down on Nao's body, letting Nao feel more of her warmth.

"You mean...we're finally going to head there!? Really!?"

"Of course."

"Yay! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone. Big sis Elm, Big Sis Liese, there's also Big brother Vanoss too! Not only that but those travelers we met during their journey. Stocke, Reine, and Marco. Even that big lug Rosch. Not to mention that pretty princess Eruka! I'm not sure how long its been since their journey ended and they managed to cure the desertification of our lands, but I hope not too much time has passed..."

"I don't think it should be that bad, Aht. Go wake up Eir you hear me? It will just be us three going."

"Okay! But still, it's quite the shame that you know I'll be proposing to you once we reach our special place. thanks to that stupid vision of yours. I can at least tease you a bit beforehand, can't I? Hehe."


Aht let out a light giggle after she asked that. This caused Nao to raise his eyebrows, only to see Aht squirm around on his body some more, eventually turning around. Nao soon saw Aht's butt right in front of his eyes. Aht then moved back a bit to where her butt now hovered over his member.

She than began to rub the fur that clung to her whole legs against it. Her fur even covered her butt, not revealing any skin. Yet Nao still felt Aht's warmth slowly strike against his member. He could swear he even felt droplets of liquid hit its tip. To play along, Nao tried to grab a hold of Aht's right buttcheek, but it ended up getting slapped away by Aht's hand.

Staying true to her playful nature, Aht pouted a bit before she responded to Nao.

"Nuh-uh. No touchy-touchy mister. Just savor this feeling for now, okay? The real thing will start tonight!"

Nao couldn't help but let out a laugh. The other girls woke up and saw this. Smiles bloomed on their faces. Another moment passed in bliss, having Aht let out some more moans as she rubbed her butt against his member. It felt very warm and fuzzy to him. Yet Aht stood up a bit, releasing him from her grasp.

Backing further away a bit, she bent her back forward. Grabbing a hold of her butt, she finally spread out out wide for Nao to look it. Her fur was split off to the sides, revealing spotless beautiful skin, and more importantly, her slit. It was glistening in love dew, ready for Nao to take it. Her small white tail shook back and forth happily as Aht spoke out once more.

"Take a good look, Nao. We will soon be one. It's aching down there, I'm not sure I can last till tonight..."

Hearing Aht say that, Nao's heart warmed up. He leaned forward a bit, and reached out his hand. Aht saw Nao didn't aim for her butt, only to extend his finger out instead. His finger soon traced against her back, tracing along her spine. It sent shivers down, and Aht let out another moan of pleasure. Nao lifted his finger up to where it stopped right before her butt, and spoke out to her.

"I'll be looking forward to this tonight, Aht. We'll make it an event that you will never be able to forget."

As if on que, Eir snuck up to Aht's side and brought her into an embrace. Aht found herself planted into Eir's massive breasts. Out of the girls she still had one of the largest busts, with Isabella coming to a close second. Michael rivaled for third place, the rest weren't as large as theirs.

Eir then began to rub her head which caused Aht's tail to thump against Nao's member even more.

"That's right, Aht. Your big sister and Nao will be there with you. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to our reunion. Why don't we get washed up? We'll head into Historia once we're dressed and ready."

"Sounds good to me!"

After Aht happily responded to Eir, she gave one last wiggle of her butt before she jumped off of him. Eir followed Aht and the two slid off the bed. Sure enough Nao's eyes stuck onto Aht, and saw a thin layer of clear liquid pouring down one of the sides of her legs. It created droplets as she hurried on into the bathroom with Eir.

Meanwhile, Elsa took this time to approach Nao, hugging him from the back. Elsa spoke out gently to him.

"Aht has been waiting patiently, Nao. Thankfully she doesn't have those urges like Fie does, she mostly likes to play around if she isn't teaching others how to use Mana. I do hope you'll give her a great night tonight. It's a shame we girls won't be able to go."

"You guys can if you really want to, you know that right?"

"Indeed. But this is Aht's moment. I don't want her to get overwhelmed since you have quite a lot of girls now, Nao. We can take our time and venture into Aht's and Eir's homeland at our own pace, only until after you guys of course.", Elsa said as a smile bloomed on her face.

"That is true. This harem was formed so no more nightmares or visions would invade my dreams. I must say its been working quite well. When I took off Chronoa's Time Ring, I experienced that second set of visions. But ever since I deepened my affinity with Time thanks to Chronoa's teachings, I haven't experienced any more."

"That's good to hear! Still, you can be quite lusty sometimes, fufufu. Will Aht's body be able to handle it? Out of us, she's the smallest, even to Fie. It could end up being quite painful for her."

"Don't worry. I'll try to be as gentle as I can."

"I know you will. You should go get dressed. You'll be taking your Saiyan Avatar with you right?"

"That's the plan. I feel the Satyros tribe will welcome me better having some resemblance of being a beastkin. I'm just unsure of what to wear. Wouldn't I stick out like a sore thumb if I wore my robe?"

"That is true...Didn't Aht prepare a set of tribal clothes for you?'

"You're right, where was it she placed that?"

After Nao asked that, Elsa pointed her finger toward a spot on the bed not too far away from Nao. A pile of clothes he hadn't worn before could be seen placed neatly on top of it. Without any delay, Nao got up and grabbed them. He then made his way and got off the bed, with Elsa following him.

He noticed there was a lack of any type of shirt. Most of it included a plated skirt. On top of that was a bottom half a tunic that would cover the front and backside of his hips. The plated skirt was adorned in crystal purple gems that appeared very beautiful. The tunic itself was pure golden leather. After putting on both it covered his body until it reached his knees.

After that, he saw a dark grey belt, assuming to tie it around his waist. He proceeded to do so. It contained two small purple bells at each end, but any time he moved they did not cause any noise.

Unlike the Saytros where the rest of their legs would be covered by their fur, it appeared there was a simple set of dark gray pants, comprised fully out of leather as well. He ended up putting those on. What was left after that was a cape, and more plated armor that went around his neck. There was a also a rather big leather necklace with several different sizes of gems embedded in it, mostly gold and purple.

After putting the rest on Nao appeared quite dashing. His chest was completely bare, packed full of muscle. The necklace covered the inner side of his breasts. He thought it would feel awkward wearing this getup but surprisingly, it felt as if it were natural to move around in. None of it got displaced either as he walked around a bit, letting Elsa and the other girls admire his new appearance.

There was even room to let his white tail roam freely out of his back as well. Elsa couldn't help but smile some more seeing Nao look like this.

"You look really handsome, Nao. It really reveals your toned figure, doesn't it?"

"Hahaha! That it sure does. But seriously, is this cape really necessary? I don't mind it too much though."

"Hmm...", Elsa responded to him, starting to ponder of what he said.

Yet before the two could do anything else, more time passed before they knew it and Aht and Eir came out of the bathroom fully clean and dressed. Aht's eyes immediately started to sparkle seeing Nao's new look and walked up to him. She jumped up and down on her two hooves in excitement.

"Wow! Just wow! You actually went ahead and wore this! You look really amazing, Nao!"

"So you really did prepare this for me, Aht?"

"Ehehe, I did. Are you finding any discomfort wearing it?"

"Not at all. It feels like I could easily fight in this as well. Just feels a bit bare around my upper body."

"You'll get used to that feeling in time. We Saytros don't like to be restricted much in our movements. I'm sure you'll fit right in with the others now!"

"You think so? You look rather beautiful yourself Aht. I always enjoy seeing yourself wear your shaman outfit."

Hearing Nao compliment her looks, Aht smiled back at him. Aht then walked up and locked her hand with his. After that, he had a good look at Eir, who appeared vastly different now than what royalty would wear.

Eir wore silver plated armor over her shoulders, waist and lower legs. Two silver bracelets could be seen around her wrists. She too wore a cape, and it was green. She didn't appear empty handed either, and wielded a silver spear of sorts. A green leather tunic covered the rest of her hips, with some of it draping over her precious area. The rest of it was underneath the silver plated skirt. Even her neck was wrapped in silver, which connected directly to her cape.

Nao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows seeing Eir's new look as well. Eir's white green-tipped wings poked through the sides of her cape, letting them freely flap every so often.

"You look quite stunning yourself, Eir. Is this how you looked like when you were part of Aht's guard?"

"Yes. Thank you for liking it, fufu. It is quite revealing, I hope you'll enjoy this to your heats content later tonight."

"Definitely.", Nao simply responded. "Well you two, shall we go to the Portal Room? Do Lippti and Teo know we're coming?"

"Not yet, I wanted to surprise those two! Come Nao, big sis, let's go into Historia!"

"Of course. After you, Aht, Nao."

"Have fun you three. We'll await the good news.", Elsa said waving the three goodbye. The others chimed in waving their hands as well. They soon went about their days or had fun in their own little worlds.

As for Aht, Eir and Nao, they left the bedroom, making their way to the Portal Room. He could see several [Gates] now active, and Nao barely even felt anything now from having them stay on. He found Historia's [Gate], and led Aht and Eir into it. He then stepped in, and just like that the three were off to Historia, the connection point that connected the White Palace to the continent of Vainqueur!