Chapter 2 : A Taste Of A Furry (II)

Nao had put on his new set of clothes which made him appear in a similar fashion to that of Aht and Eir. Aht had personally crafted the clothes herself and placed them down for Nao to wear while Aht and Eir cleaned up in the bath. Aht became very excited seeing Nao dressed in her clothes and dragged him and Eir to the Portal Room, saying goodbye to the other girls in the process.

Upon arriving in the Portal Room, they quickly found the Gate leading to the realm of Historia, which acted as the bridge that connected Nao's Void Space to the continent of Vainqueur, Three immediately went into the Gate, soon finding themselves in Historia.

Upon arriving, they no longer saw Historia in a realm of void much like his own Void Space. The white staircases still rotated around them endlessly in all directions, but now they were in a humongous white cloud. There was also the main staircase that had a gigantic door at its peak. Aht, Eir and Nao arrived at the base of this staircase.

Nearby the three stood two floating platforms on each end. One figure could be seen sitting on each of its end, letting their legs swing about in the empty space beneath their legs.

The one on the left was clad in a light purple elegant rose with rose vine patterns etched on its side. The other figure had an orange with pretty black patterns on it. Both robes covered all of their bodies, only exposing their heads and necks above and feet below. The two also had pointed, curved ears, but not as long as Elsa's. These were none other than Lippti and Teo, Historia's two guardians.

Seeing three white flashes appear beneath them, two small smiles appeared on their lips while remaining calm. Once the three became visible, the two spoke out to Nao as their legs continued to swing back and forth.

"Welcome, Nao."

"Yes. Welcome to Historia. It's been quite some time since you've last came here."

Hearing two calm voices, Nao's immediately shifted his head to find their source, and spotted Lippti and Teo further up. A smile bloomed on his face seeing Lippti and Teo still in Historia.

"Lippti, Teo, you two appear same as ever. Have you guys been well? It is looking a lot brighter in here to say the least."

"As time ever flows, we never will. That is our duty as being guardians to this place."

"Brother is right. Still, thanks to Eir passing the Light Chronicle to its next bearer, we were able to stop desertification of our land at its roots. We truly thank you for doing this."

"We found it only proper to do so. Eir had no more use for it. Is the Light Chronicle in safe hands?"

"It is. It is currently resting in the hands of the bearer of the Red Chronicle. Speaking of which, she had become rather intrigued of you guys as of late. Her duties in collecting artifacts has proven crucial to our restoration. Those duties ended when ours did, so like us, she has free time on her hands. Once we told her about you guys, she insisted on introducing herself.", Teo said, answering Nao's question.

A look of relief appeared in Nao's eyes, and let out a light sigh. He then raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Oh? So there is actually a third book with these mysterious powers? Who is this person that wants to meet me?"

It was Lippti this time who answered Nao.

"Indeed there is. Nemesia, please come out."

"With pleasure."

All of a sudden, a third voice echoed around them. A glow of a figure distorted behind Lippti, and soon walked up beside her. Activating her Mana, her robe fluttered while her body lifted up into the air. It then gently floated down, landing in front of Nao, Aht, and Eir.

Nao then inspected her a bit. From the top, she wore an elegant witch's hat with a pink underside on top if it. A light blue ribbon tied with a golden flower could be seen on the hat. Her hair was light brown and she had gray eyes. Her hair was rather wavy and appeared short, only going past her neck.

She stood about 5'6. She wore a white cape with a pink underside as well. She wore a white black and school uniform-like dress with black leggings. A leather belt could be seen around her waist which appeared to have pouches that carried items.

An ancient red hard leathered book could be seen resting in her hands. After seeing what this person looked like up close, Nao did a light bow. Seeing this, this figure curtsied in response.

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Nemesia, was it?"

"My, aren't you a polite one. You get an A+ for manners. I am indeed called Nemesia. I am but a simple librarian."

"Heh, you dare call yourself a simple librarian while bearing such an object? I don't know what it does but if its anything like the other two it is not simple."

Hearing Nao say that with a chuckle, Nemesia couldn't help but smile herself.

"Well I won't lie this book is in my possession as you can see. It opens a realm of infinite possibilities, each containing its own story. You have your own story you're living through, right?"

" I do. I've met wonderful people in my life as well. Aht and Eir here are proof of that, along with many others.", Nao replied back to Nemesia with a smile.

"Nao...", Aht responded, walking up beside him. She then linked her arm with his right arm. A smile also bloomed on Eir's face, taking up his left arm with hers.

"A bountiful life you've led indeed, Nao. One favored by the stars of Fate. It seems the tales you will spin are far from over too. As my duties no longer bound me to Historia, I would like to join you on your journey. Would that be possible?"

"You would like to join me? Do you not have any attachments to Vainqueur?"

"Hoho, worried about me? I'll give you a gold star for that. I can't say I don't have lingering attachments there, but it is my dream to travel the multitude of stars, seeking the unknown. That is why I have I created my pride and joy, the Dunamis. It is a flying ship powered by the Red Chronicle."

Hearing Nemesia reveal that, Aht's eyes started to sparkle. She hopped up and down on her hooves in excitement.

"A flying ship! My homunculus told me much of its stories as Stocke and the others helped you, Miss Nemesia. Would it be possible to see it in person!?"

"I had my doubts...but that you on the other side really turned out to be a homunculus, huh? You're really knowledgeable for knowing such ancient magic, Aht. Such a feat isn't easy to accomplish. So this is your true body then?"

"It is! I'm planning to go back home for a while with Nao and Big Sis Eir. I'll be retrieving it and relieve it of its duty during this."

"Is that so? Oh, and you don't need to be so formal with me. You can just call me Nemesia. If you're going to be around for a while, I wouldn't mind taking you guys on board the Dunamis."

"Really!? You're interested too, aren't you, Nao?"

"Can't say I'm not. But remember Aht, you come first. We've got a full night ahead.", Nao responded with a smile.

Hearing that, Aht turned quiet all of a sudden. Her cheeks turned red and her face turned downward.

"Hmm? What's this I'm seeing? Special arrangements? Hoho.", Nemesia couldn't help but let out another chuckle.

"Something like that. Though before we head on in I would like to tell you something Nemesia."

"What is it? I'm all ears."

"I won't beat around the bush then. If you truly want to accompany us, just note there are currently a total of sixteen in our family. You will have to wait until a certain transfer happens after we enter our second world. This world is much more life threatening than your desertification that you guys resolved. Its people destroyed their own world, I don't think Fate will be able to fix it."

"A world ruined by its own inhabitants with a fate worse than turning into dust...That sounds like a living hell ro be in. You're actually going to be living in a place like that?"

"Kind of, we'll be managing our safety once we're in it. But to ensure your safety I would advise picking you up until this transfer happens."

"I see. I think I'm starting to get the bigger picture. I will refrain until you suggest, Nao. Can I also bring up one more thing?"

"Sure. What is it?"


After Nemesia said that, Nao's interest grew. She reached within her robe, only to bring out a second, very ancient looking hard cover book. Only this time it was exquisitely carved in unknown designs and made of white. Nao's eyes widened. Eir's turned to that of shock while Aht stood frozen in place seeing Nemesia take out the White Chronicle.

"T-That's the White Chronicle! Aren't you it's care taker now, Nemesia? Why are you bringing it out?", Aht said in surprise, even stuttering a bit.

"Well, I was until a moment ago. But as far as I can see from the way you're behaving, you're here to create some descendants, aren't you, Aht?"

"Hehehe, So you could tell?", Aht replied to her, having her cheeks turn a deeper red.

"So my eyes weren't wrong. You are a lucky girl, having such a handsome man be your partner. I once fell in love with my teacher a long long time ago but it was one sided, and he even passed away in an unfortunate accident. I did find Stocke cute as well, but nothing as romantic. Perhaps you'd be able to reach full marks in my books, Nao."

"We'll see about. Don't tell me...are you here to return the White Chronicle?"

"Oh my, you answered with flying colors. I hesitated to return this to Celestia since I found something off with Aht here during then, but now I know the truth. Your family protects the Light Chronicle, don't they, Aht? I will feel at ease returning this to its rightful place. In your hands."

"Nemesia...okay!", Aht replied to her, staying quiet for a moment, before acknowledging her.

Nemesia bent down, and placed the White Chronicle in Aht's hands. Aht proceeded to do a silent chant, and her body glowed a blue light. Her shaman outfit fluttered, and the light soon reacted to the Light Chronicle, enveloping it. The White Chronicle began to move on its own, eventually getting absorbed into Aht's body.

Eir used to be able to do this while she was its bearer, as did Stocke. As for Aht, she maintained this ability since it was passed through her bloodline. With it in its rightful place again, Nemesia smiled.

"That's another mystery solved. I'll be looking forward to working with you soon, Nao. Maybe I'll get to see a little Aht running around when we meet again, hoho."

Saying that with another laugh, Aht's redness deepened, but she didn't back away. She simply nodded.

With that, Nemesia seemed like she would join Nao's journey but she won't appear again for a long while. She soon vanished into her own dimension, returning to her Dunamis.

Aht, Nao and Eir also bid farewell to Lippti and Teo, and headed on upward into the main door, existing Historia.

Before the three realized it, they found themselves in a middle of a lush forest of sorts. A moat of water circled around a massive glistening tree which almost appeared ethereal. Clusters of blue Mana bubbled the around tree every so often as the Mana was dense here.

The singular river connected to a village of sorts, and many sturdy tents in the shapes of houses appeared in clusters. Aht and Eir couldn't help but shed some tears while Nao comforted the two. They finally returned to their homeland, Celestia!

A teary reunion soon followed for the remainder of the day. Yet it was as if everything was planned for the two to return, likely thanks to Lippti's and Teo's doing. Elm, who was now the Matriarch of Celestia, shed tears as well after seeing Aht and Eir back.

The group did receive news the older Patriarch did end up passing away due to old age, but he was able to die in peace. The wars had ended and the desertification stopped. Everyone despite belonging to different races now lived in harmony.

Nao got acquainted with many of the characters that appeared in the Radiant Historia game. Starting from Stocke, who was the main character of the game, found out his true identity after living in the special intelligence division in Alistel, all while helping to stop the desertification with the Light Chronicle.

The three found out several years had gone by in this world. Stocke, or who was actually Prince Stocke of Granorg, succeeded the throne and took his sister Princess Eruka as his wife after the events of the game ended, passing the Light Chronicle back to Nemesia after it served its purpose.

Marco and Raynie, who were two active mercenaries under Stocke's leadership, retired and got married together, eventually settling down in Cygnus, one of the major nations on the continent, with the others being Granorg, Alistel, Skalla, Forgia and Celestia.

Rosche, who was Stocke's best friend, ended up marrying Sonia who was Stocke's good friend as well. He rose to General and still serves as a leading figure to the Alistel army.

As fir Aht…Well, she now resides with Nao, who is currently having a time of his life partying with the Satyros, the Gutrals and humans.

One of the Gutrals, named Gafka, sought Nao after learning about Nao's strength. Out of Stocke's travelling companions it was said that Gafka possessed the highest strength and flexibility thanks to the eastern martial arts he learned.

He challenged Nao to a duel, which turned into a grand event. The battle was forever etched into their memories, and Nao, of course, came out on top this time as the victor.

The day passed in bliss sharing happy times together. Eir collapsed drunk and passed out, and Elm had to drag her body to a bed. Elm winked at Aht and Nao, knowing that the destined time has come.

Taking Aht by the hand, the two wiggled their way through the collapsed pile of drunks outside their tent homes, obviously in bliss from the grand party everyone had. They soon made their ways into the depths of the Boundary Tree, where no one could be seen.

Nao blocked off the entrance, and finally became alone with Aht.

Thankfully Aht didn't drink much, as she wanted to be ready for this moment. Nao took this time to speak out to Aht, grabbing a hold of her hands with his.

"Guess we're finally at this point, Aht. Does it matter who says it first?"

"Can I? I love you, Nao. I really do. I love being part of your family and spending time with you and our other sisters. Every day is super fun! I won't hesitate on this. Will you marry me?"

Hearing Aht say that with a loving tone, Nao's heart started to thump. He smiled and responded to her.

"Of course I will. I want to marry you, Aht. I love being beside you, I want us to continue sharing our future together and with the others."

"Nao...!", Aht said as tears began to form in her eyes. She walked up to Nao and hugged him. She lifted her face, and looked right into Nao's eyes. Puckering her lips, she closed her eyes.

Nao knew what came next and leaned downward. His lips planted against hers. Feeling warmth spread, Nao wiggled his tongue around, slowly opening Aht's mouth. He found his way inside her nest, and Aht began to let out muffled moans as their two tongues began to dance around.

A moment passed in bliss before Aht parted ways with Nao. Aht let out light panting as Nao enjoyed her saliva. It tasted very sweet, just like nectar.

However, all of a sudden, Aht and Nao felt the Mana in the air condense around them. Both of their bodies became shrouded in blue light, pouring down from the Boundary Tree itself. A smile bloomed on Aht's face as she hopped around happily.

"Look, Nao! Our Boundary Tree is giving us its blessing! It approves me marrying you! I can't be any happier!"

"This was unexpected but it's truly a beautiful sight, just like you, Aht. I love you."

"I love you too, Nao..."

Exchanging more words, Aht embraced Nao into a hug, and held onto his body as their bodies was cleansed in this dense Mana. Once it was over, Nao actually found it easier to spot Mana at a glance, enhancing his senses even further. He could see Aht's Mana flow now as well, and it was incredibly pure, much like his Divine Energy.

Another moment passed in silence before Aht parted ways. The Mana cleansing died down and the atmosphere returned to normal.

Next, Nao saw Aht pull out a wooden flute of sorts from one of her hidden pockets. He became interested, and waited for Aht to speak.

"Say, Nao. Did you know I used to belong to a performance troupe? You met Big Brother Vanoss and Big Sister Liese earlier during the party, they were the leaders. It's a shame its a retired troupe now, but I had some help composing a tune for our special night. Sister Belle helped too. I play a private tune, one only that you will hear. Not even Big Sis Eir."

"Aht…You really went that far? A private performance only for me?"

"Yes! It's rather embarrassing but it will invigorate down you...down there, and excite me enough to get me ready. Our tree blessed us too and as a result, my chances at getting impregnated are extremely high. Nao, I want your child!"

Seeing Aht's resolve in her eyes, Nao grabbed a hold of her, bringing her into another hug. Aht felt Nao's heartbeat and a sense of peace swept over her body. She separated from him and soon entered her a stance.

Sitting down onto the grass nearby, Nao became attentive. Aht took in a deep breath, and brought the end of the flute to her lips. a steady flow of air soon passed through her mouth as her fingers started to move around the flute's holes.

A soothing melody started to sing around the inner forest. Nao felt his heart wash down, becoming very peaceful. All of a sudden, Nao saw a burst of Mana pop on Aht's body.

As a result, a piece of her clothing dropped onto the grass, revealing some of her skin on her upper body. The soothing melody would pop a powerful note every so often. A few minutes passed before it became more upbeat and adventurous. It didn't take long before Aht's upper body revealed its splendor to Nao.

Aht started to sweat as she twirled around with her eyes closed. She would open them every so often directly staring into Nao's eyes, as if she was staring directly into his soul. Aht started to feel her body temperature rise the fiercer the notes became. Her fingers started to speed up to match it.

The tune changed from that of an adventure to that of a duel, much like the one Nao had with Gafka earlier. Nao reminisced his earlier battle and Aht's music got his blood pumping. Closing his eyes he felt as if he were reenacting his duel.

Another couple of pops sounded off, causing the rest of her clothes to drop, revealing Aht in all her naked splendor. Nao still had his eyes closed and felt the tune change to its finale, full of loving tunes.

Yet what Nao didn't expect was Aht actually kissed her flute. Parting with her kiss her fingers stopped, but a trail of blue Mana escaped from her lips. This Mana covered the flute entirely, and she calmly placed it down on the grass.

Surprisingly, the flute continued to play by itself! The loving tone assaulted Nao's senses and felt his body heat up warmer and warmer. He felt Aht approach him. As for Aht, she felt love juice dampening her fur on her legs. Her tiny slit was glistening in love juice.

Spreading it wide open, Nao felt warm liquid splash onto his dick. He felt his dick now fully erect but Aht did not back away. Aht kissed him on the lips for a moment as the loving tunes continued to play.

Parting her lips, Aht spoke out with a loving tone.

"Thank you for listening to my song, Nao. We will be together forever. Please open your eyes and accept my love.", Aht said with a loving tone.

Doing so, Nao opened his eyes. Surprisingly Nao saw Aht no longer playing her flute but still could hear the song playing. As for Aht, he found her directly on top if him with her hand spreading her clit open, revealing all its glory. It poured down love juice onto his dick, which he saw fully erect Nao.

Nao then saw the Mana covered flute dissipate, and its song finally ended. Nao responded by hugging her, bringing her into his embrace. He dove in kissing her again, and slid her waist down to the top of his dick.

And just like that, Nao took Aht's virginity in the depths of Celestia's forest. He didn't forget to pour all of his semen inside her to ensure she was impregnated. Aht didn't feel all that pained from the first insertion either. She felt waves of pleasure one after the other and managed to orgasm several times.

The night passed in bliss and Nao slept with Aht resting on top of him. Lots of white liquid poured from her slit as she slept with a smile.

Once Eir woke up, she saw the two didn't return during the night. She smiled seeing this and wandered towards the massive tree. Seeing the deed done Eir blocked the tree off to the others letting the two enjoy each other's embrace until they woke up.

Aht felt extremely sore after and limped around thanks to how much Nao did to her. Eir couldn't help but chuckle seeing this but Aht didn't even have enough energy to retort back.

But all things must cone to an end and their time in Celestia and the continent of Vainqueur came to an end. Elm also saw Aht limping around as they said goodbye and was a bit worried for her, but Nao ensured Elm that Aht would be fine.

Knowing that, Nao, Eir and a tired limping Aht departed the continent via the Light Chronicle. Nao didn't forget to set a Gate there too. Upon returning back to the White Palace, the girls saw the limping Aht approach the massive circular white bed and also felt worried for her, but they could tell what happened.

As she did that, Nao informed the girls of Nemesia's situation, and Elsa confirmed it was fine for her to join them on their journey to the next worlds and beyond.

As for Aht, she immediately fell back to sleep, but still had a very happy smile creep on her face. She had finally given her love to Nao and had a grand party back in her home land!