Chapter 34 : Jörmungandr The World Serpent! (I)




"Of course there'd be something like this...Looks like we won't be able buff ourselves before we head in. Well, it's definitely going to be a challenge, heh.", Nao said with a chuckle.

"At least we got cleansed and and fully healed, so the system ain't skimpy at least. But how are we supposed to enter this thing?: Bukubukuchagama responded, not knowing how to enter this blood pond.

"I think we have to jump in."

"...Come again?", Bukubukuchagama bobbed a bit, locking at Tabula who said that. Tabula cocked his head causing the two to shiver a bit.

"We. Jump. In. Did you not understand what I just said?"

"I-I heard it the first time! There's no way in hell I'm jumping in this bloody thing! That's way too gross!"

"I've no time for this...Tabula, if you would please.", Nao said, inwardly sighing.

"Of course. I'll be off first.", Tabula said, replying to Nao.

Yet Tabula didn't start dashing forward as one would think he would. He walked a few steps arriving at Bukubukuchagama. She saw a grotesque wearing a black-like mask with pure silver eyes that lacked any sort of pupils now staring directly over.

Bukubukuchagama couldn't help but recede the top part of her body seeing Tabula over her.

"...What are you doing?", She asked while inwardly shivering at the movement of Tabula's body.

"Being efficient. Now come.", Tabula answered her.

Tabula then lowered his body, grabbing onto Bukubukuchagama. His body then lit up a bit before she could react.

"Fly.", Tabula chanted, casting the Tier 4 spell, Fly. Before she realized it, Tabula was in the air, and headed straight toward the bloody pond. He didn't hesitate and dove right in. Bukubukuchagama left a trail of screams for Nao and Isabella to hear.

"You can't do this, Tabula! This is cruelty to slimes...!", Bukubukuchagama tried to yell out. Yet she only let out a trail of screams.

In the next moment. Two plopping sounds echoed the area. Plop. Plop.

Tabula and Bukubukuchagama soon vanished and it quieted down again.

"Let's go. Even I'm getting excited to fight a World Enemy!", Nao said with anticipation.

"Me too!", Isabella replied happily.

The two then headed toward the blood pond. Without any hesitation they dove in.


This was the final announcement that sounded off in Nao's interface before he and Isabella vanished into the River of the Dead.

The moment Nao entered the sealed realm, he was able to spot his other 3 party members the moment he arrived. He the them not moving an inch.

Nao anticipated that they would be teleported directly next to a massive river of blood or something similar to that. Unfortunately for him and the other three it did not appear that way.

All Nao could see right now was one thing. Darkness. Pitch black darkness without a sky once so ever. Every so often the ground would quake and anguished cries of monsters would echo in the distance.

Not wasting any item, to get a clearer shot around him, Nao casted a spell.

"Maximize widen magic, Light Ball!", Nao chanted out

All of a sudden a huge ball of made out of pure light appeared next to Nao. The darkness became illuminated only for the four to freeze in place.

All around them the light reflected off what appeared to be dense obsidian, scales. Each scale was attached to a winding body of a snake. This snake's body coiled itself several hundred meters into the sky, blocking off all light to within. Yet at the top was not a head, it was the tip of the snake's tail.

Nao and his party suddenly received a foreboding feeling. Keeping the light straight they started to look around. Closing in on the far left side, they saw what appeared to be the head of a giant snake. Two curved horns stuck out from its head. Only one eye could be seen, and it was closed, as if it was currently sleeping.

Nao, Isabella, Tabula and Bukubukuchagama tightened their current formation with the two girls in front, Tabula in the center and Nao at the back. They couldn't help but shiver seeing the size of this snake. It was clearly hundreds of feet long.

"Are you actually kidding me...It ported us right into its nesting area!? This game is too cruel!", Bukubukuchagama quietly complained, letting out a frown emote.

"Even so we need to beat this snake no matter what. Are you guys--!?", Nao said, trying to complete his sentence, yet he was cut off. The four felt another large tremor quake around them, almost causing them to lose their balance.

Yet before the four could do anything, they saw the one closed eye suddenly flutter. Its eyelid flung open, revealing a slick pure black dragon-like pupil, staring directly at them.

Waking up, the giant snake let out a defeaning roar. Their battle had officially begun!

Meanwhile, as Nao and his party started the battle of their lives locked away in a sealed realm, another scene could be taking place back in Helheim City, to be specific.

Many Heteromorphic players could be seen wandering about ruined buildings, and in the main plaza people currently had their stalls set up, ready to trade their goods.

Despite being a city located in what was essentially Hell, it was quite active. Shops, blacksmiths, restaurants etc flourished. This was the one safe zone for all Heteromorphics players, and Human and Demihumans could not enter it. No one would dare to either, since the discrimination against Hetermorphs was reaching its peak.

Any Heteromorphic player seeing a Human and Demihuman would likely try to PK them on sight if they felt confident enough.

Not only was the city bustling with activity, a giant screen could be seen in the center of the plaza. These screens were placed in each plaza of each main city of the nine realms. They were mostly used to showcase updates and new features to players alike, or used to trigger special limited time events. .

Yet it could also display livestreams if a player was popular enough to appear on the big screen. Nao never stopped his livestreaming. He didn't forget to set his stream up before his party entered the sealed realm.

Little did Nao know that his livestreaming was currently being displayed to the players of Helheim City!

The players became stunned for a moment once they saw the screen suddenly change from black into rolling images.

It didn't take long before one of them exclaimed after identifying the players on screen.

"Look, that's the False Angel! Did he start up another livestream!?"

"It definitely is him! But holy hell what is that massive thing they're fighting!?"

"It must be a hidden boss! Quickly, go round everyone up! He's the idol of us grotesques after all. We can't miss this!"

"Right away! Though I can't help but be a bit jealous seeing the False Angel trigger a special event. He's probably going to get insane drops from this."

"Stop your yappin' and get a move on it! We don't know how long this will last."

"R-Right away!"

Before long the players started to scurry and round up everyone in the city. It was a shame the players outside the city wouldn't be able to watch it, unless they were at Nao's page directly.

As the city became even more bustling, nine figures soon entered the city. The one leading them was a skeleton. Yet his brown ragged robes could no longer be seen.

This skeleton also appeared to have gone through an upgrade too!

He now appeared to be wearing a large black-purple robe that had golden lining around around the edges. His rib cage could now be seen fully exposed inside the robe and a pure crystal red ball could be seen at the bottom of the rib cage and above his pelvis.

Two large bone-like extrusions locked onto his shoulders, and each side also had red crystal balls set in it. The robe covered his head and had a large flowing cape behind his back.

That's right, this was the spitting image of the original Ainz Oowl Gown! The only thing that he was currently missing were the rings on his bony fingers and the Staff of Ainz Oowl Gown. He had not obtained his rings yet and had yet to create the guild's weapon.

A lot happened since he and Nao met. Momonga was able to find his divine class robe, and successfully upgrade into his high Racial Class, Overlord!

At this moment he could be seen leading his eight other members of Nine's Own Goal. The rest were friends of Momonga who shared similar values, but they all agreed that Momonga would be the one to lead them. Otherwise the guild would have collapsed right then and there.

Yet now they were confused at the current happening in the plaza watching players round up other players.

"Is there a special event happening to cause the players to behave like this?"

"I'm not sure, but something is definitely happening to stir them, Leader Momonga.", Touch Me said, answering Momonga's question.

"Ugh, How many times have I told you guys to stop addressing me as Guild Leader? Just Momonga is fine."

"But you took up our mantle didn't you, Leader Momonga?"

"That's cause you guys forced the position on me, hahaha!", Momonga suddenly let out a laugh of irony.

Yet a third voice soon interrupted Momonga and Touch Me. It came from a figure that screamed ninja. Even his face was hidden away by a black piece of cloth.

"Uhh, as much as I like your guys' banter, you two may want to have a look at this, Leader Momonga, Touch me.", Nishikirenai exclaimed at the two.

He then lifted his finger, directly pointing at the big screen at the center of the plaza. Momonga and the rest followed his fingers and saw what appeared to be four players in perfect sync fighting and launching flurries of spells against a massive, humongous snake.

In the next moment the magic caster in the back stopped moving. Giant blue magic circles started to spread in and around him.

Seeing this many magic circles start to rile up the crowd, it was because a Super Tier spell was now being casted!

A glint of light streaked across Momonga's eyes as he stared at the magic caster, slowly moving his hand around his wand inside his robe. While it was not the Staff of Ainz Oowl Gown, it still appeared to be quite powerful.

"So it really is him, huh?", Momonga questioned himself.

"Do you have any regrets not inviting the False Angel to join us?", Touch Me suddenly asked him.

A moment of silence spread out around them before the eight saw Momonga shake his head left to right.

"No. While us Hetermorphs need to support each other in these dark times, it looks like he already has his own path to travel, even so when we first met. Still, his strength mustn't be underestimated. I will wish for his party's success against this boss."

"Hoh? Guild Leader is wishing someone a successful fight? Now that's rare.", Ancient One said who was further behind.

"Enough fooling around. Let us depart to our Guild Hall."

"Are you sure you don't want to watch this fight, Leader Momonga? The False Angel is casting a Super Tier Spell right now--!?", Touch Me tried to ask Momonga.

Yet just as they tried to look the other way, a voice from the screen suddenly yelled out, drawing their attention. A humongous golden gate started to form behind the magic circles.

"Heed my call! Come forth and answer my prayer and open the gate of heaven, Pantheon!"

Heeding Nao's call, the golden gate finished materializing. It then opened, leaking out golden light. Many figures started to emerge from it!


A/N : Note down here this time!

Hope you guys will enjoy this boss fight!

Sorry if that last line was cheesy, I wanted to have a chant, not just having Nao yell Pantheon. That alone sounds boring.

Also, we are actually closing in on 300 stones, if we happen to make it before the day ends and the week resets, you guys can expect another chapter tomorrow!

Don't forget to leave your comments below!