Chapter 35 : Jörmungandr The World Serpent! (II)

A/N : Hi guys Aht here!

Won't say too much about the silence, the infection I had a while ago is back again but I'm on stronger meds now. Just been trying to rest after work (: Still going to try to give you guys 2ch a week at least.

Thank you for your support with those power stones these last two weeks! Don't forget to keep dropping them and leave comments below!



For some reason Momonga felt a pulling sensation, unable to turn away from the screen. Seeing their Guild Leader turn quiet and start watching Nao's battle, they stopped their tracks and stood by Momonga, also watching the battle. No one said anything, and watched Nao in silence.

It wasn't only them, the other players were too shocked to speak seeing Angels start pouring out one after another from the large golden gate behind Nao!

Meanwhile, back at the scene of battle, Nao and his party was experiencing a really enjoyable boss fight. It gave him similar sensations to the fights he experienced back in the DBZ Plane.

Going back to the beginning, Nao's party saw the giant serpent open its eye, which was larger than the four around it, let alone it's entire body. The moment it awoke it let out a deafening roar, inflicting fear status on them that lasted a few seconds.

There were many status ailments one could inflict in Yggdrasil, and Fear was one of them. It locked a player's movement and made it easier to be knocked down.

Its roar was extremely loud and attempted to knock them down, but they were able to hold their ground. The obsidian serpent then started to slither its body in circles.

Nao didn't say anything and started to chant a spell. Bukubukuchagama took up the role if the main tank and Isabella a 2nd dps. A bow appeared in Tabula's hand. The three started to launch their attacks.

"Discern Enemy!"

Casting Discern Enemy, the serpent's information soon appeared in Nao's window.


A Divine Being born in Asgard and is the son of Loki. It was banished from the realm of the gods for reasons unknown and now it took up its nest in the River of the Dead in Helheim. It often feasts upon the lost souls and was once known as the Destroyer of Worlds.

Rank : World Enemy

Lv: 80

HP : 9700 / 10000

MP : ???

Phys Atk : ???

Phys Def: ???

Agility: ???

Mag Atk: ???

Mag Def: ???

Resist: 100

Special: 100


'Now that's a World Enemy type boss for you...Can't even discern some of its stats. At least our first flurry of attacks shaved off a bit of its hp. Seeing it start from 10,000, this is going to take a while.', Nao thought to him.

Yet before he could say anymore, Bukubukuchagama let out a scream, only to see her fly backwards in the air.


"Already on it!", Isabella said, rushing toward Bukubukuchagama. She was able catch her body and stopped her movement. A good chunk of her health was chipped away from this sudden attack.

"Thank you...despite my great defenses, this guy packs a punch."

"You can say that again, it wouldn't even give me most of its stats besides its hp. Here, let me heal you.", Nao said, replying to Bukubukuchagama.

"Maximize magic, Heal.", Nao chanted. He wanted to get the full use out of Heal by doing this, and after casting it, her health got back up to full.

The three then saw Nao jump back a bit. All of a sudden a giant blue magic circle appeared around his body with smaller blue magic circles circling around him.

"Think you three can stall it for a few seconds? I'm going to open this up with a bang!"

The three nodded quickly. Yet before they could rush toward the coiling snake, they saw its pupil contract. Its pupil stared right at Nao. Jörmungandr let out another deafening roar, but thankfully it didn't cancel Nao's current spell.

They finally heard Jörmungandr speak for the very first time as well!

"You insignificant little ants! I was going to let you four rot in here for all eternity before becoming my meal but you dare cast such a spell in front of my eyes! I'm going to kill you first!", Jörmungandr yelled out.

'Shit, did it get triggered by me casting a Super Tier spell?', Nao thought to himself.

As Nao continued to cast his spell, Jörmungandr continued to slither around and around in circles. Jörmungandr soon started to unravel itself, letting light peak into the darkness. It wasn't yellow though, it was pale green. Once the serpent finished unraveling its body, it jumped up into the sky, which contained nothing but Hel's Winds blowing fiercely.

The four thought they were going to appear in a river of sorts, but it was more of a rampaging sea. Tempests and water tornadoes ripped apart the waters, causing it to never be still. Whirlpools sucked in endless amounts of ocean water all around them.

The water itself was rather dark blue and if one looked into one of the whirlpools, it would lead into a dark abyss, with its bottom nowhere in sight.

Once the four saw the serpent high in the sky, it shifted body and soon started to descend, and fast. Jörmungandr then opened its mouth, letting the four see its insides. It was intending to eat them and it was heading straight for Nao first!

"I won't let you! Heavenly Barrier!", shouted Bukubukuchagama. Her slime body then spread out before the three and a giant golden barrier soon appeared before them. This barrier was a rather high level skill at her level. Not only could it block all medium and low tier damage, it could deal additional damage to those weak to light. It can absorb a lot of impact from higher level damage as well, hopefully enough to stall Nao's casting period.

Even though it only took around fifteen seconds to cast Nao's super tier spell, it thankfully required no MP, as Super tiered spells were more of that of skills than spells. The only downside is they took long to cast.

Most spells only took one to five seconds of casting time, up to ten if the chant was long enough. Nao only needed to click a button before the chant would automatically begin on his interface to cast them in Yggdrasil, and by doing so spells could fly out one after another.

The Super Tier spell he was planning to cast was Pantheon! This spell would summon 6 lv80 Cherubim Gatekeepers, High-Tier Angels. They weren't set to a cooldown either, until the six Angels died the spell would remain active!

And with that, each passing second seemed to be an eternity for the four. Bukubukuchagama thrusted with all her might to keep the massive serpent at bay. Once it reached their barrier sparks and booms flew off of it, but it didn't disperse. Slowly, however, cracks began to appear at the serpent's impact.

Isabella used her fists and had several shields summoned around her. She spread out and learned new elements, so she no longer just had her Dark Shields anymore. Each element could be seen, ready for different situations.

Tabula had a fiery red bow in his hand, constantly setting his arrows ablaze. He hoped the fire would inflict splash damage wherever he shot. Singed rainbow marks did indeed appear around Jörmungandr's head and its neck.

Slowly but surely, the fifteen seconds passed and the shield appeared just like it was going to break. Yet Nao's spell finished finished casting with just a moment to spare. Pantheon was casted!

A gorgeous golden gate twisted into the space behind the four, causing the serpent to momentarily halt its mouth, staring right it. Once it started to open, golden light rushed forth, momentarily blinding everyone, including the boss. This only lasted for a brief moment so it wasn't really considered a status effect.

After the light died down, six shadows quickly rushed out of the gate. They all appeared identical. They had the head and mane of lions. Four silvery white wings sprouted from their backs and stretched out. Another pair inside them folded around their body. They had a total of six wings, and were High Class Angels!

They all had shining armor, shields adorned with eye patterns, and lances of fire to arm themselves. It didn't even take them a moment for the six Cherubims to lock onto Jörmungandr. The party's shield broke into small pieces of light but the serpent's movement came to a halt.

The 6 Cherubims arrived in front of Bukubukuchagama while in the sky, flapping their wings. Thrusting their lances out, six large rainbow gashes appeared on the serpent's neck, causing it to let out an anguished roar. It's body was sent in the opposite direction, flying back and sunk into the raging waters to the left side of the sole platform Nao's party was standing on. This flurry of attacks from everyone sliced away at Jörmungandr's health, dealing 1700 damage in total, bringing it down to 8000! It had only 80% of its health left!

Nao and party, together with his six Cherubim, underwent a moment of silence as Jörmungandr was currently under the water. The three armed their weapons, taking defensive stances and Nao started to cast another spell...