Chapter 36 : Ouroboros!

Meanwhile, back in Helheim City.

Cheers suddenly erupted in the main plaza as thousands of Heteromorphic players could now be seen gathered around the big floating screen above them. Every one of them ranged from lv40 to 70, with a lv71 to 80 scattered here and there. No one could be seen above lv80 here. It seemed Nao and his party were still at the forefront of level grinding.

A glint streaked across Momonga's eye sockets seeing the six Cherubims, combined with Nao's spells, Tabula's arrows, and the other two's blocking, cut away at the boss's health like it was nothing. It didn't stay at 80% for long.

Minutes began to pass as its % started to decrease even further. The six Cherubims soon began to deal the most damage, drawing the boss's Hate value through the roof. It ignored Nao and the other there, solely focusing its attention on the angels.

Unfortunately, the Cherubims began to perish one by one. A surprise factor gave the giant serpent another shock, each one of them exploded upon losing their last bit of health! Huge rainbow marks spread all over the giant serpent's body. It was sent flying high into the sky before it sunk into the raging waters.

Everyone thought it died from that chain of explosions and the flurry of attacks and spells from Nao's party, and an eerie silence soon spread out around the plaza.

Touch Me couldn't help but speak in a quiet tone to Momonga.

"Super tier spells really are something else. It's no wonder they change the outcome of the battle so quickly. The boss's health depleted in minutes!"

"That is true. Metatron also casted spells in succession, leaving no time wasted. He has a good eye at health management for his other party members. Still, I've always had a nagging feeling why they can keep up their efficiency while even our party of nine can't match their speeds. Despite his larger MP pool, it is now drained. Hmm?", Momonga answered Touch Me calmly, yet his eyes stayed on the screen at a very specific location.

His gaze intensified at the ancient golden lamp in Nao's offhand. He did not give it much attention before, as he mostly focused on the battle itself.

"Since when did player Metatron have this lamp? Did he have it when we met six months ago?"

"I am not sure, but I don't remember seeing it on hand at the time. Perhaps he keeps his item stored...!?", Touch Me started to reply, yet his eyes also focused the ancient golden lamp. Its suddenly emitted a dense blue light while Nao's party tightened their formation.

The two then saw Nao's MP pool that was depleted shoot all the way back up to full in a mere instant. Momonga even let out a frown emote seeing Nao's MP replenish back to full.

"The hell? I thought there was no way we could instantly recover our MP! That alone is insanely broken. No wonder why those four are so efficient. They literally don't need to stop till they get it done," Touch Me actually let out a rare curse.

"True, we normally deplete our MP during grinding and log off for the day, or save it for our raids and dungeons. Yggdrasil does have HP potions to restore our health, but there are no consumables to restore our MP. I never would have thought that there would be high tiered equipment capable of doing this. We may need to stretch out our influence. Isn't our next target the Grenbera Swamps?"

"Oooh, are we going to start hunting for rare items like the robe you secured? That area is indeed our next target. Should we focus on locating more dungeons as we sweep through it?"

"Yes. If such equipment is a reality, we must increase our awareness. Rumors of World Items popping up in the other realms have come to the surface too. I have not seen any notice of players finding any in Helheim yet, so our best bet would be finding those and securing more Divine tier equipment, or any specialized equipment."

"Roger that. Speaking of rumors, have you read the recent note from Yggdrasil's administrators, or have you been too busy with your work?"

Hearing Touch Me ask this question like that, Momonga went quiet before he suddenly let out a laugh and hit his robe with his hand.

"Hahaha! Work is always busy but having a livelihood is what keeps our guild alive and is one of our requirements to join. But despite that and playing Yggdrasil, I still got enough time to search for information. You are referring to the World Champion Tournament correct?"

"Right, that one! They didn't say much but it looks like its going to be a contest of champions. Further details won't get released until the first of nine realms to reach player lv100 it seems."

"Hmm, a race to reach the highest level cap, lv100, is it? This tournament seems like this would be more of your field, Touch Me. Why bring it up to me?"

"Aren't you interested in joining such a tournament too, Leader Momonga? You may appear frail close up but your defense cannot be underestimated."

"I'm not sure actually, but if this tournament will let Helheim grow closer, then it may be a good thing. I wonder player Metatron will enter it once we get the full details?"

'Well, considering he's one of the top idols of us grotesques, there's no way he wouldn't. Besides, Leader Momonga, you may even cross paths in the tournament. That would definitely be a match to see! Don't you guys agree?", Touch Me asked the other seven. (A/N : just a tease of the final bit to come in the Yggdrasil Arc, yes I'm planning to end this arc with Nao vs Momonga~)

Four of them replied with a smile emote while the other three remained indifferent and silent with their eyes still on the screen above them.

"A tournament of champions...well, regardless of what the administrators are revealing to us, this won't happen till we reach lv100. We need to focus on closing this remaining gap first. Do we have our guild hall ready for our next meeting?"


"Good..", Momonga replied to Touch Me.

"Leader Momonga.', Nishikirenai suddenly said, reaching out to Momonga.

"What is it?"

"It looks like the fight is just about over."

Hearing Nishikirenai, the nine players of Nine's Own Goal shifted their attention back to the screen. They soon saw an enraged giant serpent thrashing its body around on the sole platform, frantically trying to hit Nao and his party. The four nimbly dodged or blocked each hit, and fired off flurry of attacks and spells.

Jörmungandr soon roared out its last deathly woe, crumbling away in pixels of rainbow light. The fight was officially over and Nao cut his livestream, ending the video on screen. Momonga couldn't help but utter to himself seeing the battle end so quickly.

"So quick, even with it being a World Enemy? As expected of player Metatron. His party's efficiency is definitely up there. But it looks like its over. Let us depart for the guild hall."

""Yes!"", the other eight members of Nine's Own Goal responded to Momonga in unison. They soon left in the shadows among the many players in the crowd.

As for the other players in the plaza, they became momentarily stunned seeing the boss defeated so quickly. However, it didn't take long before cheers erupted. Helheim City became quite festive on that day.

Yet Momonga's conversation with his guild members didn't go unnoticed...

Still within the city, on a corroded building rooftop made of stone, a lone small figure could be seen fluttering their wings in the air. It appeared to be a fiery red Sylph of sorts and her body was quite small. Her line of sight was currently locked onto the space where Momonga and his guild members were just at.

"So it looks like that Momonga is going to stand up against Brother Nao after all...He even ends up transferring along with us to the New World according to Brother's vision. We won't hesitate to cut him down if Ainz Oowl Gown starts to antagonize Brother once we arrive in the New World. Still, I wonder, how will his forces react when Ainz won't have the Albedo sisters or the Dark Elf Twins under his command? Hehehe.", the fiery red Sylph questioned herself, letting out a playful giggle.

"Sister Elsa is already starting to recognize Sister Buku as one of our future sisters, so long she isn't against it, Brother will bring her into the harem. If Tabula isn't against it he too can join our family, similar to how Dabura and Teo joined. I don't think he will want to stay putting up with this crappy planet anyway. Even now I'm still surprised Brother Nao and Sister Chelsea managed to live in those conditions for six years. A normal human would definitely break down during that, like Herohero did.", the fiery red Sylph continued to speak to herself.

"Still...our observation is going smoothly. Brother has tasked me to do this in secret and is also letting me handle keeping our appearances the same as our real bodies when we transfer to the New World. But I think I have that latter part handled already. Don't you think so too, Eve?", the fiery red Sylph replied to herself once again, letting out a smile emote.

All of a sudden a blue holographic 3d face distorted next to her, with the appearance of a girl. Her design was similar to that of Jarvis from Marvel. Her mouth echoed in waves each time she let out some sounds as she responded to the fiery red Sylph.

"Big Sister, I exist solely for the administration and observation of Yggdrasil. If there is any breach in its data, I must correct it."

Hearing that, the fiery red Sylph let out another smile and brought her small hand to Eve's cheek. It began to pixilate as she tried to move her hand across her cheek.

"I know you do, Eve. It is a shame we cannot assimilate you into our home, you are bound by your duty. You won't be able to see us through to the end."

"The end...?", Eve couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't take heart on that. As long as you will let me do what I need to do, everything will be fine."

"As long as it doesn't destroy Yggdrasil's data, I won't need to stop you, Big Sister." (A/N : This is mostly referring to cyber attacks, effects from world items like Longinus still comply with Eve)

"Good. Then let this be our last meeting. I have to return to my sister's side."

"Will I not see you again...Big Sister?"

"Who knows~", the fiery red Sylph replied playfully with a small giggle.

Eve turned her head down a bit, but seeing the fiery red Sylph not say anything more, Eve soon distorted the space around her and vanished from sight. As for the fiery red Sylph, she took out a sealed scroll from her inventory. Tossing it up into the air, it burnt into flames after unraveling itself. The fiery red Sylph then teleported away, back to Alfheim.

This fiery red Sylph was none other than Miya of course! But the two had come and left as if this didn't happen at all.

Meanwhile, back inside the sealed realm, the frantic boss fight had finally come to its end. Nao and his party let out sighs of relief, only to be teleported back into the over world. It wasn't until then the four started to receive their system notifications.


Rewards : World Item : Ouroboros, +5 Levels




Seeing these few messages pop up, Nao's eyes would pop out of his head if they could. He only let out a shocked emote face instead.

Two items then appeared before the party. One was a pitch black staff that had a creepy serpent coiling around its own tail only to bite it. The other was a massive sealed red scroll tied by dark purple leather.

Nao's aim for this hunt was Ouroboros, which did unfortunately turn out to be a one time use item after he read its description, but it has the power to alter Yggdrasil's game mechanics itself, far more powerful than A Wish Upon A Star! It would be with this that once Nao creates his dragon girl NPC that he would request the admins to raise her lv cap to 3000 to match the guild base level!

But Nao didn't know he would also come across a hidden class change item, nor even a second World Item! Not only that, it was the same World Item that Ainz passed to Aura when he fought against Shaltear.

It was a very powerful sealing item, capable of locking anyone away inside a separate dimension.

It wasn't just Nao who became excited, the other three became excited as well. This would mark the beginning of their hunt for World Items. It was said that there was a total of 200 World Items scattered throughout Yggdrasil, with 20 being unrivaled in power, and 1 of those 20 was Ouroboros!

This also put the four on their final stretch to Lv100. Nao decided they would leave Grenbera Swamps to Momonga, while his party will charge right into Hel's Castle, hoping to claim it for themselves as a Guild Base! As to whether the Goddess of Death, Hel, could also be tamed, that is left for the unknown!


A/N : Here is the next chapter! Still focusing on resting.

I know the game is monitored by the admins, but I still threw in the ai for fun, come on it's a virtual world lol.

There won't be too much more to cover in Yggdrasil Arc! Do you guys want Nao to capture Hel as an npc?

I also won't show all items Nao will get, just expect he will amass lots of them, gold, and gacha items like Ainz does. I will do 1 more status screen once Nao reaches lv100, but that won't be until the very end when transfer happens.

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below!