Chapter 59 : Loyalty

Deep panting suddenly echoed the corridor leading to the throne room. As Elsa departed herself, she saw this shadow of a figure rush pass her, which caused a wind draft to flutter her dress. She still was able to catch a glimpse of this figure, who was very beautiful.

A long one piece silky white dress covered her body, with golden lining around its edges. Two open spots were left around her hips, revealing her flawless skin. Her dress had two sleeves connecting to her shoulders, revealing two large bouncy breasts, making her appear even more elegant.

But she also appeared fierce. Two large lush black raven-like wings curved out from her back. Two demon-like white horns protruded from her head. She even had yellow eyes with two black vertical irises. To top it off she had long wavy pitch black hair with a cute little ahoge sticking up in front. This appearance obviously indicated this figure was far away from being a human. She was in fact a Succubus, much like Isabella! Except Isabella had no wings or horns, and had a spade shaped tail instead!

This of course was Albedo! One of main girls in the Overlord plane. She wasn't alone either. Three other figures calmly approached Elsa as Albedo ignored her, rushing up the stairs unto the throne room.

Yet the other three acknowledged Elsa with a bow.

The first if three was quite shorter than Albedo, not even reaching five feet tall. She was akin to a buxom beauty, except without her "big" breasts...They currently appeared quite small, staying true to her appearance. She had seductive crimson eyes, and exquisite facial features. Her hair was silver with a pinkish hue, tied up by a large pink and purple ribbon.

Her whole body was covered in a dark purple dress with a very large skirt, making it appear as if she was a noble. It had tons of frills and even had a large pink ribbon on her waist. Yet her beautiful pale skin and sharp fang in her mouth says otherwise that she is not human either. She is in fact, a True Vampire. This was Shaltear Bloodfallen, another leading girl in Overlord!

After bowing with a curtsy toward Elsa, she smiled.

"A pleasure to see you, My Lady.", Shaltear said with a smile.

"Mmm.", Elsa nodded with a smile of her own. She then pointed at Albedo with her thumb, asking, "What's her problem?"

"The bitch said this is the first time Lord Nao is calling upon us specifically. Guess even in her old age she still has enough energy to be the first one to rush to his side, haha!", Shaltear said with a smirk, making her voice loud enough for Albedo to hear.

Upon so, Albedo abruptly came to a halt halfway up the stairs. She then frowned, hearing Shaltear address her like that. She even started to leak out some of her violet aura in anger.

"Huh, what did you just say to me, you whore?"

"A bitch. That's what you are right? Curtesy of Lord Tabula. It's not like you're our leader, so I've free reign to call whatever I want."

"You...", Albedo said, leaking out more of her aura. Shaltear started to do the same, yet her aura was blood red. It was as if the two were ready to strike out at each other.

The third figure next to them only shrugged their shoulders, letting out a sigh as they flipped their palms upward. The fourth figure stayed quiet, but appeared nervous as they gripped onto their staff.

Elsa saw this happen before her. 'Nao did say Albedo and Shaltear often like to fight with each other over petty things, Guess this is one of those moments, hmm?', she thought. 'I've not acted superior since I was acting Queen for that short while before passing it down to Ellie, but since we might be getting more maids to work with Sister Tights, possibly even these girls...', Elsa continued to think.

'It's causing Nao to act more like a superior, just like how Ainz supposedly does with his...And me being the head wife, I ought to follow suit...', Elsa concluded. A resolute look appeared in her eyes. She then started to cycle her ki, letting a calm but dense blue aura wrap around her body. Ripples started to spread out as if she was an ocean herself.

Both Albedo and Shaltear started to shudder, feeling a sudden rise in Elsa's strength. Elsa hadn't revealed her true power in a long time, but she was no slouch. Of course her strength couldn't match that of someone like Vados, but she could easily overcome one of Yggdrasil's lv100 npcs.

"Stand down, you two.", Elsa said with a firm voice.

Upon doing so, Albedo's and Shaltear's auras immediately dispersed, and stood straight up.

"Yes, My lady!", Shaltear responded with firm voice too.

"Y-Yes, My Lady!", Albedo said, almost biting her tongue.

"Good. Albedo, come here and do your greeting, as you obviously did not do so just now."

"Right away!", Albedo responded, completely disregarding her earlier snide. She returned to her professional demeanor, and approached Elsa. She then knelt down in front of her.

"My deepest apologies for showing you that, My Lady. I just had a bit of excitement overcome me. It is a pleasure to see you."

"Mmm. You know how to redeem yourself, good.", Elsa said, pulling back some of her aura, but her strength did not lower. Albedo took this time to slowly stand back up to join with the others, but she was interrupted by Elsa.

"Did I tell you to rise?"

Hearing that, Elsa exuded more pressure, which silenced Albedo. She immediately went back down onto her knee. "Stay like that for me."

"Yes!", Albedo answered, and held her current position, not saying anything more.

Elsa nodded her head to confirm her. She then ignored Albedo, and didn't say anything to Shaltear, only looking at her flat chest for a bit. Shaltear took note of this but didn't do anything, and stood still. Elsa's gaze then went over two the other two figures, who appeared to be twins.

Both of them were dark skinned, as if they were tanned. But that wasn't the case thanks to the pointy long ears they had. One of them had their ears pointed upward while the other had their ears slouched downward.

On the left the figure wore a full white tuxedo with a red long sleeved shirt underneath. They wore light tan leather gloves to hide away their hands. They had short golden hair split into large bangs with one going down the middle of their forehead. They had a little ahoge splitting upward, slightly larger than Albedo's.

If one looked closely, they could tell they had Heterochromatic eyes. Their left eye was pale blue while their right eye was bright green. If one had to describe their appearance, this figure was a tomboy, with a very upbeat attitude.

As for the figure to the right, they acted as if they were exact opposite to the figure on the left. If the left figure was bright and upbeat, this one was meek, shy, and quiet. They also were the most nervous of the four as they continuously felt Elsa's pressure. Every so often they would fidget their fingers as they waited for Elsa to speak.

In regards to their appearance, they had smooth golden hair rounded off in a curve across their head, with two bangs going down each side. They wore a white plaid skirt with a blue and white uniform, almost as if it was a school uniform. They even had white stockings covering their legs and wore white gloves, making them appear very cute despite their outward shyness. This figure was also holding onto a wooden staff of sorts.

And if one looked closely, this figure also had Heterochromatic eyes. Yet their left eye was bright green while their right eye was pale blue, opposite to the figure on the left. Despite being twins, it was easy to tell the two apart.

These two were indeed none other than Aura Bella Fiora and Mare Bello Fiore! The two npcs created by Bukubukuchagama. Albedo was also an npc created by Tabula Smaragdina and Shaltear Bloodfallen created by Peroroncino respectively!

After getting a close up of these two, and the prior two, especially since the transfer to the New World happened that caused these npcs to become alive, Elsa inwardly acknowledged them and greeted Aura and Mare with a smile.

"Aura, Mare it's a pleasure to see you two."

Bending her right arm over her chest, Aura did a bow. That's right, despite her current appearance, Aura was actually a girl. As for Mare, they stammered for a moment before reaching their hands out, grabbing onto her skirt and did a curtsy. Mare also appeared more of a girl than Aura did, but in the original, Mare was actually a guy.

Yet here, Elsa was unsure if Mare was still a guy or not. Bukubukuchagama did say she did something special to him, letting everyone know, and Elsa was determined to figure it out while seeing their loyalty.

"Always a pleasure to see you, My Lady!", Aura responded with a bright smile.

"I-It is nice to see you again, My Lady...", Mare responded bashfully.

"Mmm. You could work a bit better on that Mare, but it's good for now. The four of you must be wondering why we had Brynhildr call you over, right? I am assuming she did not tell you the contents."

Hearing Elsa ask that, the four shook their heads. They waited a good moment as if they were waiting to receive permission to reply, but seeing Elsa not say anything, it was then Albedo spoke out, with a courteous tone.

"Sister Brynhildr did not mention any contents as to why we are being called upon, only that this is the first time the four of us are specifically being requested of by our Lord, Lord Nao."

"Good.", Elsa replied, nodding at the four. A moment then passed in silence before she continued to speak.

"As you all know, we recently entered a world unknown to us, according to the Valkyries' reports. And well, because of this, the four of you are currently undergoing a test so to speak. In fact, it is happening even as we speak."

"A test-dearissu?", Shaltear questioned Elsa. (A/N some chars have unique accents like Shaltear does in jp, do you guys want me to start using them during the Overlord plane? And also letting the npcs address Nao like Nao-sama? Otherwise I will stick to the English equivalent)

"That is happening even as we are speaking?", Mare also questioned, becoming interested.

"Yes. There's also a couple things I'd like to confirm for myself too. And well, your current actions are the basis of this test. I won't have you four walking into the throne room blindly. This test will test your loyalty. Our family is one of trust and companionship. As to whether we can trust your loyalty in serving our family without lies or deception, well that depends on you all. It will also determine whether you'll be fit to serve here or not, regardless of us being the ones who created you.", Elsa declared.

"A test of Nao doubting us?", Albedo said nervously, tilting her head a bit.

Elsa only smiled at Albedo and approached her. She then placed her hand, and ruffled her hair.

"Nonsense. We aren't doubting you guys. Just as I myself had given birth before, we created you guys. We see you as our children. It's just that we'll be venturing into the unknown a lot. The current place we're in isn't so friendly either. And well, if our children decide to get to get a bit rebellious in some place that could be dangerous, well, we might have to give them a bit of discipline."

"My Lady...", Albedo said, letting her wings flutter behind her back in happiness.

The other three also became happy knowing that they were accepted as family, and by their lord as well, who they serve.

"I wouldn't mind getting punished by Lord Nao though...", Shaltear uttered in a low voice to herself, revealing a weird smile. Hearing her try to say something, Elsa turned toward Shaltear.

"Did you just say something, Shaltear?"

Hearing her, Shaltear immediately straightened her back.

"N-Nothing, My Lady!"

"Good. Moving along then...", Elsa responded, nodding her head at Shaltear. Her gaze then went past her, before looking at the other three again, and admired the four.

"Still, you four are quite amazing. Especially you two, Aura, Mare. Didn't think Sister Iris had designs like that."

Hearing Elsa say that, Aura smiled and did a spin, while Mare nodded their head.

"Ehehe, These clothes were indeed blessed by Lady Bukubukuchagama, our creator. They look cute, don't they? Especially yours, Mare, they make you, like, super girly!", Aura replied with a giggle.

"Hehehe...", Mare replied using their own giggle as well. Mare's face sank into their shoulders, letting their cheeks turn red after hearing Elsa's compliment.

Yet Mare immediately shook their current feeling away by shaking their head a bit. Mare then tilted their head to the side, perusing their lip with their finger, and spoke out.

"It is quite pretty...But I'm a bit confused. Lady Bukubukuchagama originally wanted to have me be one of those "Young Boys" she always talks about in her stories she voices...yet it always feels drafty inside when I wear this skirt. Would you happen to know why, My Lady?"

'Wait, Sister Iris didn't even reveal what that special thing was to Mare, let alone the rest of us? I'm curious and I'm sure everyone else is too. There is only one way to go about this then.', Elsa said, musing to herself.

"There's one way to find that out, Mare.", Elsa said, revealing a playful smile.

"Huh? What would that be?", Mare asked, appearing more confused. Yet Elsa's answer almost caused Mare's eyes to become wide in shock.

"Simple. Drop your skirt and strip your underwear. None of us know what you are like down there yet, fufu.", Elsa responded playfully.

It took a moment for her words to register in Mare's head. Mare had a bit of steam come out of their head before blushing deeply. She then stammered as she yelled put.



A/N : Aht here!

Hope you guys noticed but I intentionally left out Mare's gender this chapter. Mare's gender will get revealed at beginning of next chapter!

Though I must say the poll was pretty one sided. We're all probably going to hell for this lol

If you guys noticed as well I also took down all my earlier polls since they've ended by now. Any new polls will be announced in future!

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones and leave comments below!