Chapter 60 : Mare Bello Fiore

A/N : Aht here!

This next scene has some light lemons, as I'll be having the Overlord girls strip themselves of their clothes, along with Mare's gender being revealed from our last poll.

No sex or anything yet though, our next girl is Vados~

Don't forgetting to keep dropping those power stones and leave comments below!


'S-Strip right here, and now? With you all present?"

"That's right.", Elsa said, answering Mare.

"I just remembered I left something back in my room...", Mare complained, shifting their right foot as if they were about to flee.

"Oh no you don't. Get your butt back here!"

Trying to flee, Aura reacted quickly, and grabbed a hold of Mare's shirt. Mare frowned and complained again.


And as the two did this, Albedo rose her voice at the two.

"Mare, you just received a direct order from My Lady. If My Lady wants you to strip, then you will strip!"

Hearing that, Mare's cheeks turned a deeper red.

"I-I know, but it's embarrassing..."

"You can't back away from this, Mare. Besides, you're the lucky one to receive their order first from My Lady. Tch.", Shaltear said, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

"Don't you all worry, I'll be going by each one of you here. I just happened to pick Mare first, that's all.", Elsa said. 'So cute. Whoever even had the gall of making Mare a guy ought to be burnt in hell. Oh wait, that's Sister Iris, isn't it...?', Elsa thought to herself.

"Y-Yes...", Mare simply answered, slowly nodding their head.

Trying to calm down, Mare took in a deep breath. Mare then moved their hands behind their back, slowly finding the zipper to their skirt. With a zipping sound, Mare slowly undid the zipper on their skirt.

With a plop, Mare's skirt flew to the ground, revealing their slim and tender dark skinned legs. Nothing else covered Mare's crotch, except for a cute pair of pink panties.

A glint of light streaked across Elsa's eyes as she observed Mare, who tried to cover their crotch with their hand, except Aura prevented Mare from doing so again. Elsa didn't see a bulge in Mare's panties either, so if Mare still had a dick, it was either really small, or that Mare didn't even have one.

"M-Must I really remove the rest...? This is super embarrassing already...", Mare said, whose cheeks couldn't turn even redder from all of their blushing.

"You're already halfway there, I know you can do the rest!", Albedo responded, urging Mare on with a smile.


"Atta way, Mare!", Aura also said, urging them on as well.

Mare nodded, and began moving their hands to waist. Grabbing onto their pink panties, they pulled it down in one go. Mare's cute closed slit and her tiny bead could be seen in her full glory. Mare's slit was completely closed, as if it was waiting for someone to come knocking on it for the first time.

A dick was nowhere to be seen on Mare's body. She was indeed a girl!

Seeing a hole down there, Mare tilted her head to the side a bit, becoming confused.

"Huh? Is that a hole? I don't remember Lady Bukubukuchagama describing those Young Boys in having this...", Mare said, confused.

Hearing Mare say that so innocently, Elsa let out a chuckle.

"Fufu, you're right about that. That's cause you aren't one of those Young Boys! You're a girl, like me!" (A/N: for those who don't know and watched jp, it's when Mare refers to himself as 'Otoko no ko', means Young Boy)

"A girl..."

Hearing that, Elsa actually saw tears start forming her eyes, as though she was about to cry.

"Am I not who Lady Bukubukuchagama want me to be even though she created me...? Hic..." As tears started to run down her cheeks, the other three were surprised by this sudden reaction.

Elsa acted quickly, rushing to Mare's front. She then brought Mare into a hug, and ruffled her hair, trying to soothe Mare.

"Nonsense, Mare. You are who you are supposed to be. Sister Iris just decided to keep this hidden from us. I'm sorry if it made you feel otherwise.", Elsa said as she continued to soothe Mare.

"M-My lady...then does that mean Lord Nao won't push me away? I can still serve our Palace?"

"Of course you can, silly! In fact being a girl like us is good for Nao!"

"It is as My Lady says, Mare. ", Albedo said, still holding her current position. "We now have an additional Sister in our group! Even I didn't know what your gender was."

"That just means we now have more competition to try and garner Lord Nao's atten-ugohh!?", Shaltear said, trying to retort Albedo. Yet she couldn't even finish her sentence before she felt a really fast blow to her stomach, causing Shaltear to bite down on her tongue.

Seeing this, Mare tilted her head a bit as she enjoyed Elsa's warmth.

"Just ignore her, Mare. Besides your body is really pretty, and pristine. Lord Nao definitely won't push you away!", Albedo said with a smile.


"Yes. In fact it even makes me kind of jealous with you having a body like this, fufu. Speaking of which, Aura, how old were you two again?"

"Lady Bukubukuchagama mentioned we were still children. According to her, we just turned 76 this year. As dark elves, that's still young compared to regular humans. Unlike miss flat chest over here though. She can't even age anymore as a Vampire. How pathetic, haha!", Aura answered, revealing a grin as she looked at Shaltear.

"H-Hey! That was uncalled for! I was created by Lord Peroroncino to look like this thank you very much!", Shaltear retorted back in anger.

"Is that so? Well, pipe it down will ya? Mare is still undergoing her exam!"

Hearing Aura say that as a reminder, Mare just realized she was still half naked, letting her closed slit reveal its full glory to the four. Her cheeks turned red again and started to fidget her fingers in embarrassment.

"U-Umm...My Lady, is it okay for me to put my clothes back on now?"

Elsa let out a chuckle, parting from Mare.

"Fufu, not yet. Still, both of you are plenty young. Plenty of room to become fine adults later, and who knows, I may even let you two into Nao's harem then. But for now, besides checking your loyalty, I'm here to check you guys' purity and see if your body has been tampered with. So far you check out, Mare, and all that's left is to check your purity."

"Is that so? I'm not really sure what that means, but if it's something I can do, then please let me do it!", Mare said, revealing a resolute look in her eyes.

"Well said, my Sister, haha!", Aura said letting out another laugh.

"Mmm. Now moving onto your purity...", Elsa started to say. She began to kneel down front of Mare, which startled her.

"M-My lady, you don't need to kneel down in front of me! if anyone is to kneel, it should be us!"

As Mare yelled that out, the three also found this action surprising. But Elsa's next words cleared their doubts.

"Then see this as an exception. I need a good close up to what's", Elsa said, calmly tracing her finger against Mare's abdomen. She then traced it over, soon landing on her slit. It felt very soft and warm, but no sign of love juice was anywhere to be seen.

Seeing Elsa so this, Mare became even more confused.

"You want to see...inside my hole down there? But isn't that where I pee from?", Mare asked innocently. (A/N : 76 or not, we still all going to hell for this lol)

Hearing Mare say that so innocently again, Elsa blinked her eyes for a moment. Her head tilted forward, and then let out an inwardly sigh.

'So Mare didn't even know what gender she was but she still knows how to pee. I'm really going to give Sister Iris a good slapping later.', Elsa said, sighing to herself. She then spoke out to keep the conversation going, but was interrupted by Shaltear.

"Mare , that place is also used to make bab--ugoh!?", Shaltear tried to retort, only to get a hard blow to her stomach again, and bit her tongue.

Albedo once again struck out very fast with her elbow, but with the way it looked like, it was as if she didn't move at all.

As Shaltear was silenced, Elsa continued to speak.

"Ehem, that is one use of this hole here, Mare. But that isn't the only one. I won't teach you two what else it can do until you two grow some more, but for now, can you spread it open for me?"

"O-Okay.", Mare replied, with a nod. She then moved her hands down to her slit, slowly pulling her hands back. Elsa finally got a look insider her beautiful pink walls, and sure enough a spherical membrane could be seen, preventing anyone from looking further inside.

'Good. Mare still has her hymen in tact.', Elsa said, confirming herself.

"Thank you, Mare. We are all done. Go put your panties and skirt back on. You're all set."

"Okay! T-Thank you very much, My Lady!"

Calming down, Mare removed her hands from her body, and went to go pick her clothes that fell into the floor earlier. It wasn't until she was half bent forward reaching down that she realized her butt was in full view, and she became nervous again, almost stumbling forward in the process.

'So cute. Mare is definitely better as a girl. Nao will be in for a treat. How could I not let these two into our harem later on?', Elsa said to herself, revealing a smile.

Yet Mare pulled through and was able to put her clothes back on. After dusting her skirt off, she equipped her divine staff, which was named the Shadows of Yggdrasil, and re-joined the group.

As for Elsa, she had long stood up again. Her gaze wandered around the four, before speaking out with a firm voice.

"Mare's check is now over and we were able to confirm her gender. I was planning on doing Shaltear next, but why don't we do you next, Aura? Let Mare see what her Sister is like!"

"As you wish, My Lady!"