Chapter 61 : Aura Bella Fiora

"Why don't we move onto Aura next so you can relate to your newfound little sister?"

"As you wish, My Lady!", Aura responded with a firm tone.

Giving Elsa a small salute, Aura began to rummage through her clothes. Yet she was interrupted by Elsa's voice once more before Aura could even unbutton her tuxedo.

"Oh, right Aura, unlike Mare here you'll be getting rid of everything. Even any concealed weapons you may have."

Hearing that, Aura, paused all of a sudden. Even a rare blush appeared on her cheeks. Her eyes then glanced at Shaltear.

"I' get butt naked, in front of stupid Shaltear?"

"That's right."

After Elsa said that, Shaltear grinned.

"What, cat got your tongue, shorty? Or do you not want to reveal your immature body to the rest of us? Even Mare is bolder than you are!", Shaltear said with a snicker.

"Tch, my little sister could do it half naked, so I can do it all the way no problem!"

"Then what are you waiting for? My Lady is observing us!"

Aura scoffed once more at Shaltear's pestering, but didn't say anything more. As for Elsa, this let her reminisce the last couple of years when Peroroncino officially joined their family, who is still alive and well by the way. Like Tabula, he too took an interest in Dabura's home and is now living inside his castle.

'Sister Iris and Brother Peroroncino did often bicker with each other, even on a weekly basis. I definitely see those two in Aura and Shaltear.', Elsa said, musing to herself.

Yet she didn't speak to the four, and seeing her just observing, Aura decided to continue to rummage through her clothes. She first took off her leather gloves, revealing her small dark skinned hands. Following that she took off her shoes. She didn't stop there, and continued to unbutton her tuxedo.

What was left after her white tux that fell onto the floor with her gloves and shoes was a scale-like chainmail vest, which was pure red. It was as if it was built from the hide of a Red Dragon. Any sort of Dragon were rare beasts in Yggdrasil, and most of their drop items could be easy forged into divine gear.

And if one looked closely, they could see two little budding mounds at her chest behind the chainmail, unlike Mare who was still completely flat.

Shaltear currently had her chin cupped with her hand, observing Aura with interest, along with the other three. Mare formed a fist with her hand as if she was encouraging Aura.

With one go, Aura pulled off her chainmail, revealing a similar slender dark skinned body, with no visible muscle. It looked really tender on the outside but her skin was actually smooth and firm, signifying that she had underwent a good amount of training.

The only difference compared to Mare besides this was her breasts had already started to grow, as two small mounds could be seen with two cute little pink nipples.

Aura took in another breath in before sliding her hands downward, and unfastened the string of her dress pants. With a plop, her pants fell down on top of the rest of her clothes.

All that was left was a pair of matching pink panties that Mare was also wearing right now.

'So cute, twins wearing even the same underwear.', Elsa mentioned to herself again. Yet not even another moment passed before Aura slid her hands into her panties. Her last piece of clothing dropped to the ground. She was now stark naked.

And like Mare's, Aura's slit was completely closed beneath her tiny bead. Yet she had two cute little lips blossoming, as if it was almost ready to come out and play.

Aura didn't hide away either, she placed her two hands at her hip and bent her elbows, protruding her chest out at Shaltear.

"See? Told you I could do it."

"Yeah, yeah, it is a nice view~", Shaltear grinned as she replied.

"Be quiet, Shaltear. You aren't squeezing your butt out of the way in this. In fact you'll be up next after I finish checking Aura.", Elsa sighed, giving a command to end their bickering.

Shaltear's body immediately straightened up upon hearing Elsa speak with a serious tone.

"Yes, My Lady!", Shaltear replied, and closed her mouth.

"Good. As for you, Aura, your body is just as pristine as Mare's. It looks like you've been taking good care of it, it hasn't been tampered with."

"Ehehe, you think so, My Lady?", Aura answered as her cheeks turned a little red, hearing Elsa's compliment.

"Mmm.", Elsa nodded. She then walked right up to Aura, and got a good look at her naked body.

"On top of that, it looks like your body is maturing a bit faster than Mare's too. Let me test something.", Elsa spoke out.

"My body is yours, My Lady!", Aura said proudly.

Hearing that, Elsa smiled and ruffled Aura's hair before letting out a laugh.

"Fufu, that's a nice sentiment, Aura, but save those words for my husband, alright? All four of you are beautiful, and seeing the results so far, it's very likely you all will enter our harem later on."

"All of us have an opportunity to directly serve our lord, Lord Nao?", Albedo asked with interest. "Despite being mere servants?" (A/N: Remember, the notion of floor guardians do not exist here, so they're equivalent to servants right now.)

"Yes. That is why I'm checking you guys individually. We still have a few more to check on afterwards, but I decided to go with you four first. And if you are mature enough, you may get an opportunity to enter it sooner than others."

After Elsa answered Albedo, she took a step back from Aura, and gazed at her. She then spoke out.

"Let us begin, Aura."

"Yes My Lady! What would you like check out first?"

"I will start with your breasts. As I mentioned earlier, let's see if you feel this."

"Feel?", Aura replied, becoming confused.

Yet not even a moment passed before Elsa reached out her hand, and cupped her left breast. Elsa felt Aura's smooth skin, and it was warm. She then started to rotate her hand, rubbing Aura's breast.

As for Aura, she felt Elsa's warmth, and all of a sudden, a jolt of electricity rose up her body. As a result, her skin tingled, and felt pleasure, causing her to let out a cute moan.

"Ahhh!", Aura moaned. However, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

Seeing this reaction, Elsa smiled, and stopped her hand. She then retracted it before speaking out.

"So it looks like you can feel it, Aura, despite still maturing."

After Elsa said that, Aura removed her hand and let out a hot breath of air. Her cheeks were slight red.

"M-My Lady, what was that feeling just now?"

"A sensational feeling, Aura. It doesn't look like Mare is able to feel it yet, but your body responds to it. I won't dive into what it is until your body matures some more, but I won't prevent you from finding out what it is. But that's not the only place you can feel it from. Your body checks out, so let's check your hole down there."

"Okay!", Aura said, still enjoying the sensation of Elsa's warmth on her body.

She then went with the flow, reaching her hands downward. Like Mare, Aura spread her crotch open while Elsa knelt down to get a good look. Sure enough Aura's walls glistened with a light amount of dew, unlike Mare. And further inside was a spherical membrane the same size as Mare's, as if the two were matching in size.

'Good. Aura's hymen is still intact as well. She is able to feel a certain degree of pleasure, and her insides responded to it. Should I try sticking a finger inside to test it out? I don't want to damage her though...', Elsa said, feeling conflicted.

'Well, she did feel the experience already, so I guess I'll leave it up to Nao to let Aura feel the full thing. According to her current stature, it might only be a few more years unlike Mare, who is still quite a ways off. Dark Elves sure have some differences in growth, huh? I'm not one to complain though, since I myself was forced to grow up early since that incident on my home planet happened when I was a kid...'

Seeing Elsa say quiet in her own thoughts, Aura stood still letting her full glory be seen by everyone. Despite that, Aura took the courage to speak up, which dispelled Elsa's further thoughts.

"M-My Lady, is my hole down there fine?"

"It is, Aura. Thank you, your check up is done, and you're all set. Go put on your clothes and re-join Mare."

"Thank you, My Lady! I'm not sure what that feeling was earlier either, but it felt nice!", Aura replied happily. She then dispersed her current position and went to receive her clothes, putting on her tuxedo again. As she did Elsa got up and returned to their center.

"That'll be up to you to discover on your own, Aura. But even if you cant, I think you'll mature enough and enter our harem within the next few years. Nao will gladly accept you into serving him."

"Really!?", Aura suddenly bounced up and down, almost causing herself to trip over her own clothes.

"Fufu, don't get too excited, okay?" Elsa said smiling at Aura as she reacted like this. But in the end she managed to put her clothes back on and walked next to Mare, joining her.

Two checks were now done of the newly added npcs to Nao's family, and of the four now, two remained. Both Mare and Aura checked out and were good candidates to be added into Nao's harem later. It was time to see Shaltear's and Albedo's potential.

To be honest, Elsa was looking forward Albedo the most. Her body just screamed pleasure, one of the effects if being a Succubus. Moreover, she was strong, just like the rest here. However, like in the original, Shaltear was actually the stronges in this current group, besides Elsa that is.

Without haste, Elsa looked at Shaltear and grinned inwardly. 'Thanks to their bickering earlier, it's time to punish a little mischievous vampire.', Elsa thought to herself.

She then gave out her next command, and of course, it went to Shaltear Bloodfallen.

"Shaltear, strip all your clothes and get down on all fours."

Shaltear was ready to hear the first part of Elsa's command, but she became surprised by that second part, and let out a yell.



A/N : Aht here!

I decided to have a chapter belong to each npc. Though depending on length of Shaltear's chapter next I may combine Shaltear's + Albedo's into a double chapter, we'll see.

But these four chapters are only a preview of what's to come when they actually join the harem, along with possibly three of the New World residents.

Till then just enjoy the light lemons (:

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones and leave comments below!