The Humble Beginnings: Goal

/Mondo Station: EY2119.05.31/23:22PM/The Historian/

Striving for the next giant leap was a daunting task.

Risks were taken to complete a mission.

Despite the innovation and previous successes,

New hurdles were to passed

New challenges were conquered

The limits were extended by the belief of possibilities

Dead ends were opened by the great mind abilities

Focused on the prize

Set on the Goal.

The creation and formation of the S T A S H Consortium became a full reality because there were visionary people that lead it from the start.

As early as EY2024, The CEOs and representatives of these companies had already met couple of times prior to their full public launch back in EY2026.

The plan was set. Each of these companies provided their own proposal about their visions. The technological knowledge of each of them, their own researches, their own studies were presented. Every piece of information from its engineers and researchers were collected and bound as one to set a goal. A goal that was so ambitious to them yet it made them more excited to see the realization of these.

Though it was widely applauded that the partnership of these companies would help further advances of the technologies on Earth, specific classified missions and goals were set that the Consortium needs to accomplished.

One of the known mission collectively for the Consortium was to reach and establish human settlement on the Red Planet.

Not only to bring and create a human colony, but to adapt all the state of art technological advances they have created on Earth and brought it to Mars.

The S T A S H Consortium, being a collective group of tech companies, decided to create a specific team or a group of people that would lead all the missions and goals, the studies and the researches. They may or may not be from each companies, as some top notched engineeres and scientists that were non-employees of each companies were also tapped to work with the Consortium. Secrecy was dealt and agreed upon by each companies and all the people that were involved.

It was also made sure that each of them would provide the manpower and the knowledge resources that would compose the team they have created.

Code EM, which is the CEO of Code T, was one of the main contributors on most of the Consortium's missions and goals. He was asked to provide the person that would lead the team.

And without any hesitations, he picked one of his most trusted man on his side.

His name is Neil Saunders.

He was asked to lead these tasks by the start of the EY2025.

Neil Saunders is considered a bright and intelligent young man, a visionary of his own, who is at his late 30s then, had most of his tech background in aviation.

Being part of the US Air Force during his early 20s, He stayed there for only 4 years though, this was because he's then tapped to be part on some of NASA's Space and Flight Research.

Neil's work at NASA has helped develop his further love at aviation and desire to go to Space.

Being young and dynamic, His potential as a forefront Space researcher and scientist became obvious as some of the private companies, that was working together with NASA during that time, noticed him.

So by his 30s, he was then asked to be part of the Space Company, the Space Technology Research outfit that Code EM also owns and operate.

This move from a government work to private firm has helped more for his technological knowledge broadens as he continued working in the Space Company. In which birthed the idea on one of the Consortium's Major Classified Project.

*(excerpts from Neil Saunders Journals and Audio Transcripts)

*" A few years back in 2018 when 5G was introduced, the technology of data transfer had a leap compare to the previous years.

It was 2022 when it was changed to 5GMax, and the leap was tripled, the change was imminent and promising.

What we've accomplished today is a major milestone preceding the current technology that the common people are using daily. Yet, this is just a small step of something big that we wanted to accomplished and in the next few years we will make it."

Neil Saunders said as he addressed a group of engineers and a few people privately on the Consortium's Tech Hub in California and Shanghai when the Fast Data Project was done in 2025.

The next few weeks after that test saw a major progress on its goal.

5TB Data Transfer in a few seconds was a success.

10TB Data Transfer done in few seconds was also a success.

20TB Data Transfer completed within a few seconds was also met with success.

At this point, only a core of people knew the exact reason of all these tests. The main reason why the Fast Data Project was being done was only known by some key individuals.

Other related research and study were being conducted, parallel to the Fast Data Project, that would eventually complete the Major Classified Project.

It was known by that time based on the results of the tests that a very big amount of a digital data can be transferred or transported from one place to another, from one machine to another machine. By ensuring that right equipment and technology would be laid and used to make it successful.

Everything was falling to the right places for the Consortium and the next phase was being set.

/Onto the Next Phase /

*(excerpts from Neil Saunders Journals and Audio Transcripts)

*" Our excitement is growing further and further with all these successful tests, studies and researches that we're conducting." Neil said in front of the core group of individuals that comprised the Lead Research Team in which he handled.

" The Missions and Goals that we've set are starting to get near. Our works are in a fast pace and we will not be hindered by any hurdles onto our path. Right?" Neil added.

" Yes Dr. Saunders!" mentioned by one of the new scientist in the group.

" Oh, I am very sorry Dr. Gupta, some of them may have not oriented you, but I prefer you call me just " Neil", plain and simple, ok? As Neil responded.

" Then, you get my nod, and my thumbs up, Neil!" Dr. Gupta said with a thumbs up motion.

Small laughters heard inside the meeting hall.

" Our laughters mean that we truly enjoy what we are doing here. And its good for everyone. Because these results to us being productive and creating success on what we've done and will be doing from here onwards." Neil continues.

"So now…"

" We are on the next phase. More of our minds and efforts are needed. We are now doing what was impossible a couple of years ago" as Neil continues to address everyone in the meeting.

" So the idea is…"

"... to digitize a tangible object, living and non living. We thought that these are impossible and can only be seen on a Science Fiction themed movie."

"No, because we have already made some advancements on our research regarding this."

"So, I wanted our very sensible lady here to provide further explanation on the status of this project. You have your spiels, right?" Neil mentioned and was specifically asking Dr. Zhou to provide more information about this exciting project.

" Thank You Mr. Saunders. What a nice statement and introduction." As Dr. Zhou sarcastically responded to Neil.

Grin showed on both faces.

"Hey, She should address him " Neil" , right? " Dr. Gupta whispered to the guy next to him, getting a blant response instead.

" Shhhh.." the guy responded with a wink on his eye.

"Yes, a definite Yes, and we have the reason to be more excited." Dr. Zhou said as she started to address everyone.

"That can be done. We from the Digital State Project Team have the results on the ongoing studies that we've done."

" Test has already been made using our machine, where a tangible object has been digitized."

" Then, the converted digital data of that object was put on a USB drive-like device."

"And after that, the device that carries the converted digital data was transferred from one research room to another. Then, reversing the process, the digital data was reconverted and molded back as a tangible object using the machine located on the other research room."

" The team's response was in pure amazement and we thought that these technological breakthrough should be known by most of us so that we can collaborate on further enhancing it."

Dr. Zhou stated regarding the project she was with.

"And the name of the machine that digitize the object is?" One of the engineers asked.

" I would say… a Digitizer. Plain and simple. Better right? " Dr. Zhou happily responded.

"Ms. Zhou…" as Neil called her attention.

" The transfer of the device containing the data from one room to another, was that really needed?" asked by Neil.

"Yes Mr. Saunders, and I wanted to believe that a manual teleportation of the object was done, I supposed that was it." As Dr. Zhou responded.

" Well that's great! That's actually what I thought we wanted to accomplished." Neil responded back as he continue the meeting and brainstorming with Dr. Zhou, the other engineers and techminds inside the Consortium's UltraFacility . This was around the late part of EY2025.

Dr. Stacey Zhou, who is a mid 30s lady, is one of the head in charge on Research and Innovations inside the Consortium. She specifically lead the Digital State Project

Dr. Zhou had her background in physics and information technology. Prior to her work at the S T A S H Consortium, she was a leading scientist and physicist at CERN, and has also lead many researches there which is why she was noticed and tapped by the Consortium to work with them.

The machine mentioned on the conversation were the Digitizers. Again, just one of the Consortium's secret innovative machines.

So by mid of EY2026, progress on their different projects were in a full swing. This was because The Consortium has a plan to include these machines and equipments being on test when Earth sent humans Back to the Moon, which happen the next year, EY2027.