The Humble Beginnings: Goal II

/ Mondo Station: 2119.06.01 /02:14AM/The Historian /

*( excerpts from Neil Saunders Journals and Audio Transcripts )

*"Stacey…" Neil said as he approached Dr.Zhou.

" lt's Dr.Zhou Mr. Saunders, right?" as she responded back to Neil.

" I prefer you still call me Neil instead of Mr. Saunders. That's too formal Stacey…" Neil answered.

" I thinks it is still working hours. Right Mr. Saunders?" Dr. Zhou replied while motioning a look at her watch then winked at Neil.

" Oh Yeah, I got you there Dr. Zhou. I mean… I just need to talk to you further about the Digital State Project and the Fast Data Project. Our colleagues here are very keen and excited on the next phase of the Major Classified Project." Neil answered back.

" Then let's talk business at the meeting Mr. Saunders…"

"… Oh and by the way, please make sure and do not forget to buy my favorite donut and coffee. It is your treat for me.! " Dr. Zhou said and added while having a smile on her face.

" What??. Where will I?.. Yeah.. Yeah. Whatever… My treat Ok!" Neil said giving back a smile to Dr. Zhou.

" Good Mr. Saunders! " she answered back.

A series of meetings and talks from the Lead Research Team and the heads of each projects were being done.

Specifically, the focus were now on the technology being developed further for the Fast Data Project and the Digital State Project.

Another project, The Ultra Power Project, produced and enhanced the development of the Solar-Nuclear Batteries that was a patented product of the company Code T. Prior to the creation of the S T A S H Consortium, they aleady had originally developed this as an alternative power supply for the Lithium Ion Batteries that they were using on their products. Seeing the potential of it, Code T decided to give and share their knowledge and research studies between the member companies inside the Consortium about the creation of the Solar Nuclear Batteries to allow further advancements of it.

The use of the Solar Nuclear Batteries proved to be an integral part of the Fast Data Project's success on its tests. So by that time, the Consortium is fully aware of its future usage.

*" So we now all understood the full potential of all the projects and developments that we are doing." Neil said to his colleagues in their meeting.

" The next part is for us to integrate these technologies and make a more advanced technology out of them." He added.

" This will create the initial fulfillment of our Major Classified Project. "

" … and I said initial, because I can see that the advancements that we will be able to create is only the start of something greater that we are able to do in the future. That is for sure!" He added more.

"Talks and discussions had been made between each teams that lead the projects. I have here Dr. Zhou from the Digital State Project…"

"… and we have Engr. Evans from the Ultra Power Project." Neil said as he introduced them to the other individuals inside the meeting.

" I will have Engr. Evans first, since our sensible lady here wanted to be the last to talk, right?" as he introduced Engr. Evans and winking at Dr. Zhou. Grin on her face instead.

"They will further discuss all these integration that we will do for each projects" as he added.

It was Engineer Evans who first discussed all the information he could provide about Ultra Power Project and the Solar Nuclear Batteries.

" I believe it was fairly known to most us that the existence and development of nuclear batteries had been around for quite a while now." As Engr. Evans started his talk.

" Research and studies were made in Europe and Russia. Tests inside labs were made and gain success. An atomic battery, Tritium battery, radioisotope battery, nuclear battery… whatever we want to call it. The initial development of this piece of technology was surrounded with fear. This is because where talking about nuclear, nuclear reactors and radioactive isotope to generate electricity, to create power. We thanked these people that initiated the discovery of having an alternative yet more powerful and more long lasting type of a compact power source." He stated.

" We at the Ultra Power Project team had made further enhancements on this technology. We made sure that this compact power source, or batteries , will be safe by focusing on the development of its shells or the canisters where we put the parts, the chemicals or I can say, the ingredients that makes up a Solar Nuclear Batteries." He added while presenting the prototype version of the Solar Nuclear Batteries that was used on the machines for the initial Fast Data Project that happened a few months back.

" And did I said Solar? The technology though is quite redundant The "solar" part of the batteries are the ones that recharge the radioactive isotopes, the nuclear reactors inside it. The best thing though is that we were able to include a supercharge function so that the solar power it was able to collect can be supercharged the nuclear stuff, hence, a longer and a more powerful battery. Tripling a power of a standard nuclear batteries discovered then and prolonging its lifespan." As Engr. Evans said and concluded.

Small claps were heard inside the meeting area.

" Good. Thanks Engr. Evans!..." Neil said.

" Then let us now have our sensible lady here. Let us hear it from Stacey…Oh… I mean Dr. Zhou." Neil added as she introduced Dr. Zhou.

" Well Mr. Saunders, thank you for doing that "sensible" intro to me, as always." Dr. Zhou said.

Small laughs were heard inside meeting area.

" So let us get straight to the point here. We, at the Digital State Project, were able to developed an amazing piece of technology. Making a piece of a tangible object be digitized and put in back to its original state, being a tangible object." As Dr. Zhou stated.

" The Digitizers, as we can simply call this equipment, were developed and designed to quickly change a matter from its current form to becoming a digital data and reversing the process by molding it back to its original form. So this is not just creating a three dimensional model of an object but transforming its molecular state into a digital data, which can then be carried or contained or compressed. Then, the machine reversing the process, will transform the digital data back to its original molecular state. The research hand outs have further details since we cannot discuss it in details all day long but just giving you a gist on something that would tickle each techminds that's in us." She explained as she points some of the parts of the Digitizers being displayed in the meeting.

" In theory, these equipments should be able to "digitize" a solid, a liquid and gas, being the state of a matter. Though the tests that were done yet was only for a solid object. Liquid and gaseous matter will definitely be next and I believe it can be done."

These will pave the way for something we all are expecting and excited for. We will put next on the line a test for a living object. That will be something very cool right?" she concluded.

" Thank you Dr. Zhou. You can now finish with your coffee and donuts." Neil said to Dr. Zhou.

" No! I should say Thank You Mr. Saunders because it came from your purse not mine." As she rebutted.

" Well…" Neil replied realizing the joke coming back to him.

" Everyone, my colleagues, Listen. " he said addressing back the whole group in the meeting.

" I understand that we are getting a lot of information at this point and I know that these are not making us too overwhelmed but instead let the ideas flow on our brains. A lot of ideas."

" There are a lot of things and stuffs that we can do with all these equipment that we have now."

" At this point I wanted to be transparent to all of us here."

" Being the Head in charge of the Lead Research Team, I recently had some talks, discussions and presentations with our bosses. I'm referring to the CEOs. The Consortium was built to lead and pioneer the advancement of technology here on Earth. Yet in some sense to be profitable as well, since these are businesses that are united with a common goal. We are tasks not to stop thinking of different ways of improving these developments that we are able to do and apply its function on the different products, devices and equipments that each member companies produce, being a separate entity as a tech company."

" But I also need to clarify that being profitable does not mean being greedy since our bosses does not even want to have that kind of mantra within the Consortium. I think it is an easy Math that funds are needed for all these project to continue since partnership with different government agencies does not bring a lot of funds to us."

" So lets make sure that no idea should be wasted and lets always continue improving our technogical stuff or equipment, I am referring to all these internal equipment we are using on our classified projects, and the technological equipment that we use to enhance each companies products and services. These are the ones that the common people are expecting from us to give and provide to them. State of the art technology that is at par with the current trends. Though that's outside but here inside, we should be more advance." He explained.

" For our Major Classified Project, I think it is also clear where we are heading and this is where the common people are not ready yet. So this one is for us pioneers."

" We are going to integrate the Fast Data Project and Ultra Power Project, with the Digital State Project."

" And I can sense that everyone in this meeting is brainy enough to understand what we wanted to do here. " Neil continuously explained.

" Time Travel" he said.

Mumbling was heard inside the meeting hall.

" So that is a No of course. "

" We wanted to achieve what scifi comics, books and movies have done, or rather imagined. "

" Teleportation. Teletransportation. Beaming . We are not actually in the business of naming it but making it a reality instead.

" So for the next few days, weeks, and months, everyone of us will work diligently to fully intergrate each pieces of technology coming from each projects mentioned."

" Using the technology of "digitizing" an object with a Digitizer from the Digital State Project and transmitting it from a certain location to another location using the technology we have on the Fast Data Project, of course, using the Solar Nuclear Batteries from the Ultra Power Project to boost further the speed of transmission."

" That is definitely exciting and promising. I know everyone cannot wait for that day." As Neil concluded.

Everyone inside the meeting hall felt the excitement and everyone's eagerness to make this milestone reached.

" Mr. Saunders? " Dr. Zhou called Neil.

" You said we are not on the business of naming but I may need to ask for us to have a name of the project that we have now since around three different projects will be integrated here?" Dr. Zhou asked.

" Well I actually thought of it… "

" That is the Digital State and Nuclear Transmission…"

"… or Project: DiStaNT " as Neil concluded.