Trail of Wands

Lucien spent the night at Ollivander's to get a fresh start early the next morning. Curious about what wand Lucien was going to receive, Ollivander had closed the shop for the first time in a long time.

"Alright, Mr. Dubois, Let us begin. The first wand is Holly and Dragon Heartstrings, 12 and a half inches." Ollivander spoke as he pulled out a curved brownish wand and handed it to Lucien. Lucien took hold of it, and he instantly shoots a hole straight through the shop counter.

"Okay, not that one." said a bewildered Ollivander as he looked around the shop and then pulled down a green box with gold trimmings. "Olivewood and Phoenix feather, 10 inches."

Taking the tan spiraled wand, Lucien gave it a slight flick before his magic created splinters in the wand and knocking him back afoot, causing him to fall on his back.

"ah, ah. It seems we have to be rather careful with you. Never have I met a young wizard capable of splintering a wand with such little magic. Such talent…I wonder..." Ollivander muttered to himself while he searched the wall again.

"Ahh, I know it's here somewhere. Ahh, here it is..." Ollivander opened another box and pulled out a wand "11 inches, Holly, and a phoenix feather core," and gradually, Ollivander held out the wand for Lucien to take.

Lucien's hand got close to the Holly wand, and small flakes started to float from it. To Lucien, everything looked normal. However, Ollivander's face contorted, and then his eyes shot open in shock, quickly pulling away from Lucien.

"Too much death… I was prepared to hand you every wand in this shop to find your perfect match but, I see now that's just not possible. With your raw and unrefined magic, you will destroy every wand you touch," Ollivander snarled.

"Then what can I do?" asked Lucien.

"Well, talk to me, of course…You see, wands choose their masters not because of their character but because of their destiny. Heroic death, brilliant charm caster, uncanny ability to take dark magic a step further… Mr. Dubois, I sold one of the darkest wizards his wand. 13 and a half inches, yew, with a phoenix feather core...

It chooses him, not because of his dark soul and manipulative personality. Nor was it his talent. But because the wand knew on some level that he was going to use it to do brilliant things...vile, but brilliant... That if the wand submitted to him, then it would be used to shake the wizarding world...

Wands are more than just magic sticks. On some level, they are alive. A quasi-sentient magical instrument that looks into your soul and reads your destiny... So, tell me because I can see your soul, but I can not read your destiny... How was it that your soul came to look like that?"

Listening close to Ollivander explain the basics of how a wand picks its master, He began to realize that his entire life isn't natural. That he had died and took over the body of another. How could he possibly have a destiny? Then the words of the Bondye and his father rang in his head.

'If you want something, be a man and take it' 'Live true to your heart and be free.'

None of that said destiny or fate.

"Look like what, Sir?" Lucien finally asked.

"It's hard to describe, Although very simple at the same time. A black flame, black from death yet, a ferocious flame representing your raging life force," Ollivander explained what he saw.

"I…"  Lucien then paused, thinking how to choose his words carefully. Lucien began to spin a tale.

"Well, to be honest, sir. I died, and I came back to life... I wasn't gone for long, but it was enough for me to remember what death was... And for death to leave its mark... In death, I remembered what it was like before I was born, to not have existed... When I came back to my 2nd life, I could recall what it was like to be created... To be pulled from nothingness and to become….something, I guess. I can't explain it… whatever it was, it wasn't groovy."

Lucien fiend desolate loneliness and deep internal confusion. If he could fake the trauma, he had hoped Ollivander would take his words at face value and not dig any further.

"Hmm. That would explain it somewhat, the decay of the Holly, Phoenix feather wand, The rejection from the others. You've experienced two ends and two beginnings. Perhaps… your destiny ended with your first life, or maybe…" Ollivander stopped talking and started delving through a shelf that looked as if it had gone untouched for years, collecting black boxes from the shelf.

"What is it, Mr.Ollivander? Have you got a solution to my problem?" Lucien asked.

Ollivander soon dropped 10 boxes on the shop counter and went rummaging through the same level of the same shelf, bringing two more boxes back. But the last two boxes were extremely different from the others.

"I think one of these two wands may be the answer to your problems," said Ollivander.

Looking at the two boxes, Lucien had his doubts, yet, he felt some hope as well. The first box was about 18 inches long, black and white with a red lining. On the box, a cawing red firebird was sitting on top of a tree with a snake in its mouth while a winged horse bird sat at the foot of the same unknown tree.

The next box was 16 inches, white, turquoise, and navy blue. On the box was an engraving of a beautiful woman, a horned snake wrapped around her arm, and her other hand clutched a knife piercing through the head of a beastly fish while she sat against what looked like a pear tree.

"What makes these wands so different from the others?" asked Lucien.

Ollivander chuckled in amusement but, sorrow lined the depth of his eyes. "In order to understand the origin of these wands, you have to see it with your own eyes."

Ollivander then pulled out his own wand. It was a tan, curvy wand, with runes etched into the curves. His wand was 12- and three-quarter inches made of hornbeam wood with a dragon heartstrings core.

Waving his wand in the air, a large silver bowl of water floated out the back room landing on the shop counter. And with another easy wave, a long stream of blueish-white magic energy connected to the tip of his wand was pulled from his mind and landed in the bowl of water. With a quick tap of his wand against the water, images began to appear...