Chapter 23

Lucien decided to take it slow in the Congo. Eyes and ears open and his mouth shut. He remained vigilant. The bugs and the heat didn't bother him none. What he was focused was other sorcerers and all the beast Vega informed him, that she was sensing.

After about an hour walking into the Congolese Rain-forest Lucien had seen many animals. Snakes, Birds, Big cats, but not one magical beast to speak of. However, this didn't bother Lucien and he kept trucking on. After another 2 hours, night began to fall on the Congolese. Winds began to breakthrough the forest and the heat decreased.

Although Lucien began to notice strange happenings. Snakes slithered away, Birds went to their nests, even the big cats went to their borrows or lurched in the trees. But, not one of the mundane animals that Lucien had saw during the day, dared to roam in the night.

'do you feel that my lord?'-Vega

'Yes, do not prob. Only defend. If something pokes, then poke back. I have a feeling this isn't the place to leave your mind open' Lucien replied as he looked around the forest, trying to see the feeling that made his hairs stand stall at attention.

'We should keep moving my lord' Said Vega as she took the lead until she was stopped by Lucien

'I'll lead, you watch my back' He told her, and proceeded to venture deeper into the night caped Congolese

It was 3 more hours until Lucien decided that he was deep enough in the Congolese to set up camp and start again in the morning.

Lucien being from New Orleans, he naturally spent time in the Bayous. Even there he felt it unnecessary to use a tent. Laying up against a tree with Vega curled up beside him. Lucien held out his hand over a branch and transfigured it into a Double-Bladed Polearm.

During his time training before attending Hogwarts, his elves taught him the fighting style of forest elves. They had regained quite a few memories from their blood line and one of the first memories was a fighting style, flexible and agile, yet brutal and without mercy. It presented illusions of openings to draw the opponent in, although with elemental wind the elves are able to react faster than their opponent turning the opening into a trap. This is what caused the criminals at the Dubois manor to fear the elves. Their wands just weren't fast enough to defend against the deadly elvish combat style.

The combat style was weaker and less evolved than the Combat styles Lucien had seen in Africa but, it was faster than a wand, making it deadly enough to use in Britain. All the magic used in this style was applied before hand and not in tandem with the execution of techniques.

The elves couldn't remember the name of the style and only remembered 8 forms out of 32. Magic is applied to strengthen the blades,wind to the feet and while protecting the mind, one had to stretch their senses to their surroundings to keep the enemies' movements within detection. And Lucien managed to put a little extra on the style to better fit him. Telekinesis.

'My lord, it isn't the strongest but, it is challenging us.'- Vega had sensed a beast creeping in closer to their location causing her to warn Lucien

'Back me up, we can take it together. However, this is the first time I can use what the elves taught me. I want to try victory on my own first.'

Lucien closed his eyes and took a deep breath "cumasc le gaoth, stailc mar stoirm" he muttered, Magic reinforced his blades and the wind enveloped his body and he vanished. As a giant winged reptile crashed into the spot, he was lying in a moment ago.

Appearing again behind the beast Lucien shook his arms out and twirled the double- bladed polearm a few times to get accustomed.

"Vega on me" Lucien applied the swirling wind magic on to his feet and shoot off like a missile. Putting his heel in the ground to come to an immediate stop, Lucien let his weapon fly like an arrow straight at the reptile.

Sensing the incoming danger, the reptile turns its body to dodge the polearm and launched towards Lucien to mount an attack.

Lucien then activated his telekinesis, twisting his hand back at himself , the polearm turned around and gave chase to the reptile as Lucien bent his legs and jumped into a cartwheel to evade the reptile.

Dodging the polearm once more the Reptile stopped and looked at Lucien. "Young Ssoccerer, Jusst Diee" as the reptile attacked again, and Lucien leapt forward to meet it in the middle.

Now with his weapon back in handed Lucien went through the rest of the 8 form that the elves had taught him. In a upward slash, Lucien attacked while slightly turning his body to the left to evade the incoming beast. Although the blade was an inch away from dealing a blow, that didn't stop Lucien

"Delatur!" he barked, and the tip of the blade went blue and shot off a small ball of ferocious magic blowing a whole in the beast and Lucien's double- bladed polearm exploded into pieces not able to handle the flow of magic.

Hisssss! The reptile was pissed, coiling its neck backwards . It snapped at Lucien.

Lucien quickly raised and flourished his arms bringing the broken weapon back to him. "Immuto!"

the Double-bladed Polearm was transfigured once again and when the beast jaws tried to snap shut the weapon penetrated the top and bottom of its mouth like a skewer.

Lucien dropped to the ground and upon landing dislocated his shoulder forcing a deep painful wail to escape his lips

The winged reptile also crashed into the ground and began wailing in pain as it opened its jaws wider and wider trying to remove the Lucien's weapon. Taking the initiative Vega Pounced forward onto the beast and bit down on its skull crushing its brain.

'Lucien Rolled over to get up as his Phoenix healing kicked in and rested his dislocated shoulder.

"I think I need more practice, How about it vega?" Lucien asked as he looked at the Wampus Cat crushing the now dead beast skull even more

"Its dead Vega, Leave it be." Lucien added.

'Vega, Honestly if I want to make it any deeper in this forest than we already are, Ill have to get stronger.'

'Of course, My Lord . and Naturally I will have to follow suit. we got a head of ourselves and that almost led to your death. ' Vega replied

'My mind still needs rest from our mental arts training, so you can leave and develop your skills more. I'll call Tondy to train me'

Vega looked over Lucien once more before she turned and left into the forest. although difficult they both knew that if they couldn't survive this summer they might ass well stay in Britain for the rest of their life.

"Tondy, Come here" a second later the blonde haired elf appeared with a stack of mail

"Yes, Master?"

"Tondy ?who is the mail from?"

"Well, it's from Masters friends, Ms. Granger, Grengrass, Avery,Campbell, and Parkinson. Also master must never forget the Bell Ladies. You also have letters from Mr. Yaxley, and Zabini. These ones are from the underworld businesses. Houses Nott, Yaxley, and Greengrass. The Malfoy's convinced the dark lord is dead, have pulled out. And these are the result's from Nokby's cure all potion experiments" Tondy reported

Lucien released a deep sigh "Okay if the potion works, put it in the inventory log and then the market, Bar the Malfoy's from the market and inform Borgin and Burke of this matter. Leave the Letters, I'll read them later. Did you take care of the Koldovstoretz Headmaster?"

"Yes sir, He has been replaced, and the Eastern Europe market is running smoother." Tondy

"Good well, Keep to running the market. Tell Nokby to come here and bring my book on sacrificial magic with him."

"Yes, My lord" Tondy then vanished and Nokby replaced him