Chapter 50

February 2, 1993

The Bennett Family woke early the next day and went out to find the Bennett land that had been lost for generations. Not that far from town, Lucien leads the family to an old abandon Manor that sat upon a small hill. It had been untouched for so long Nature had started to reclaim it.

The Bennetts began to get closer and closer until a strong wind blew through the family causing them to stop. "Did you feel that?" Lucy asked

"Power" Emma replies

"Come on let's go, we still have other tasks we need to complete today" mama Thea stepped forward.

Inside the house, the family could hear the spirits talking. Following their voices, the family went directly to the basement. When they all filed in. the candles on the wall ignited. Emily appeared again.

"The coven says the land is yours. You are welcome to stay as long as you like" She told the family with a smile, then vanished once again

"Well, you all heard the woman. It is ours now. Sheila, Pauline, Take as much money as you need and buy as much land in the area with this Manor as the center" Lucien threw them a pouch that led to the Dubois Vault under the Manor back on the Isle of Mull.

"That leads to the private vault under the Manor. if you want something to say 'accio' and then whatever you need. The cure-all elixir is there and so is the immortal elixir. The Family now has a Diamond mine and Sapphire mine in Canada and Africa. money is not a problem" Lucien added

"So what's the limit you want to pay for the land," Pauline asked

"It doesn't matter, but if its extremely unreasonable, I'm sure you two have your ways to deal with such things" Lucien replied

Sheila and Pauline left after that and made their way to the Lockwood's and the private realtors to reacquire the Bennett land. The Rest of the Family renovated the house with transfiguration and expansion charms, repairing the Manors integrity and reinforcing the foundation with Protection Charms.

"Now this Manor must remain a secret. No one can know about. We have to use a Fidelius Charm. When Pauline and Sheila purchase the surrounding land, then we will build another manor for public use, friends and parties, whatever you may have." Lucien told everyone

"Why not just use this one," Sophia asked

"Use the Manor, that's a gateway to the power of over 100 dead witches? All we need is the wrong person to find this place and who knows what they will do" Charlotte replied his time

"As for any residual energy, A cloaking spell should hide it" Mama Thea added her thoughts as well

"Then it is settled when Abbey gets here after the baby, we all will be the secret keepers, and no one has permission to share the secret without permission from. Pauline or Sheila, as they will be running things here." Lucien finished the conversation.

The family put up a cloaking spell and finished their work there until the land was purchased. Which, Pauline and Sheila had acquired, along with the surrounding 250 Acres of land. They felt it would be enough land to handle their witch business in peace.

The rest of the day the family spent their time, getting Sheila's house ready for the blessing and to welcome a new Bennett into the family.

The next day Lucien went to spend more time with the Gilberts, mostly because of the Lemon Meringue Pie that Miranda makes, and partly because the enchanted object that Grayson had on his person.

Lucien was eating Pie with Jenna, Who turned out to be a pretty decent girl, the perfect in between of Katie and Navarra. While Jenna was telling Lucien of the big time life she wanted outside of this small town. Miranda popped her head in to tell them that she was leaving for a moment and was taking Elena with her.

"Jenna, I'll be back. I have to use the bathroom." Lucien told her and made his way upstairs.

Lucien didn't stop at the bathroom and went straight to Grayson's and Miranda's room. He had remembered an astral projection spell in a grimoire he had read. And needed things from Grayson to do it. He knew that he would get anywhere near the objects during the day but, at night, that's when he could astral project and examine the objects Grayson was not wearing them.

When Lucien went back downstairs. Jenna had finished the pie

"Really?" He asked

"What I was hungry and it was good. Don't judge me" Jenna responded.

"Well, you owe me a slice of the pie now.' Lucien quipped

Jenna turned slightly red and looked away

"Fine, there's a school dance tomorrow and if you come with me. I'll let you have the next pie all to yourself." She snapped back,

'haha why not, Its been a while since I've gone to a school dance' He thought

"I'll go to the dance with you for half of a pie but, a whole one is good too" Lucien accepted the deal

Jenna looked at Lucien. She realized she should have offered half of the pie.

"haha forget the pie, Jenna, I would love to go to your school dance with you," Lucien told her.

"So when's the dance?" He asked

"Umm. It's a valentines day dance. So, Sunday on the 14th" Jenna told him

That night at the new Bennett Manor

"Zhura, Can I have your help with something," Lucien asked as he walked into the living room where the family was congregating

"What is it, Lucien?" She replied

"I want to astral project. I know the spell but its good to have an anchor" Lucien answered

Everyone in the house looked at Lucien. Astral projection was dangerous, yes, anything could happen. However, the ladies looked at Lucien because they wanted to know what could Lucien possibly need to do around Mystic Falls that required astral projection.

A wild thought soon filled everyone's head.

"Are you going through that phase? Is it that Jenna girl?" Emma asked

"haha please, I've seen all of you enough times over the past months to last me a year. Besides she still has some growing to do" Lucien had to shut it down,

"Oh my god! You peep on us? Sophia asked

"No, I just appreciate beauty when I see it. And this mind of mine never forgets…The shape of hearts"

The ladies tried the hold back their laughter, Emma's eyes went wide and she threw her hand in the air, exploding the vase near Lucien. Lucien snapped his fingers and put her in a full body bind.

"hahaha they do look like hearts don't they?" Isabelle asked a rhetorical question. And the ladies started letting out a few Hehe's

"Leave her alone it is cute... But I do need to get into the Gilbert house. That ring is still bugging me. I know I've felt that magic somewhere before." Lucien tried to bring them back on topic

In the basement, Lucien sat across from Zhura and held her hands. In between, them was a picture of Grayson Gilbert and a few items that had collected his energy and DNA

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Es Tas Sue Sasta Nanse, Transum Viso. Mas Tenas Quisa, Nas Metam." Zhura and Lucien Chanted until Lucien's consciousness left his body

Lucien appeared in the Gilbert House and went straight to the master bedroom

Grayson and Miranda were sleeping and Elena was in the crib across the room. Taking his time Lucien looked around the room and found a tray next to Grayson on the nightstand. The watch and ring were both on the tray. Picking up both the ring and watch Lucien left the room and went downstairs. Taking whatever candles he saw he put them on the coffee table and performed a revealing spell

"Revele, ki te kache" Lucien chanted over and over

A sharp pain penetrated his mind. The watch was a locator enchantment as he had thought. Though, it was specifically to locate vampires in the area.

"Revele, ki te kache" Lucien began to chant again as the pain this time was so unbearable it kicked Lucien out of the astral projection

"What the fuck were you doing?" Zhura asked worried about Lucien well being

Lucien laid on the ground heaving " I know what it is. And I know what that son of a bitch Voldemort is up to"

" What are you talking about?" Zhura asked with worry painted across her face

Lucien got up and closed his eyes to concentrate. He sent a mental Message to his Golem to give to Katie "Stay away from them. Book is incredibly dangerous. Forget what I asked you to do"

When Lucien opened his eyes, Zhura was gone. She had gone to get the rest of the family. She was afraid another soul fell into Lucien's body

When the family came down Lucien was just sitting in the middle of the floor

"I'm okay. The enchantment on that Gilbert ring was stronger than Imagined. If I had any inclination about what it was I would have left it alone." Lucien said

"What is the ring, Lucien?" Sheils asked first

Lucien got up and walked to the family, leading them up stars Lucien got a glass of water and started to explain

"It's a Horcrux, dark magic that tares your soul so that you can be resurrected after death. Except this one is different. The ring has an internal system in place to regulate its activation. If he dies a supernatural death, the ring will activate using a piece of his soul to resurrect him. and the ring will work as long as he has a soul to tare from." Lucien explain

"What the fuck? And what happens when all of the soul is used?" Lucy asked

"Anything, he can go mad, suicide, massacre a town, his family. He will be a man without a soul until his next death. But if he's anything like that bastard in England, then after losing a third of his soul. He'll start to slip away. And there will be nothing but blood" Said Lucien

"Sheila, you told us there were no other witches in Mystic Falls." Said mama Thea.

"They aren't, the Gilberts have been here since the 1800s. They call themselves one of the founding families" Sheila explained

"They're the ones that murdered the people in the church and then murdered Emily" Sophia added her input as if no one had read the same books she did at the library

"Relax, I don't think they use it to kill witches. It is for vampires. I found the watch Gilbert keeps on him. It has a locator enchantment on it to find vampires" Lucien informed them

He then added "I think those founding families are the group that hunt the vampires that Sheila was talking about"

"That makes sense, Considering the Lockwoods have always been the mayor, Forbes runs the police, Fells control the news, and the Gilberts are doctors," Sheila explained to the house

"We need to be careful of them. Let them handle the vampires, and we focus on protecting our own." That's the last they said on the matter of the Founding families. Not knowing exactly what they were capable of.