Chapter 56

In the chamber of secrets, Ginevra's body was doubled over next to Harry Potter. Over both of them, Voldemort stood.

"What are you doing Voldemort? " Lucien asked

Voldemort's head snapped up

"And who are you?" He asked

"I figured you wouldn't know, being a soul fragment and all. My name Is Lucien Bennett Dubois" Lucien replied

"Hmm Well I prefer Lord Voldemort," He said

"I honestly don't give a shit, just tell me. Are you resurrected yet?" Lucien asked

"Almost, You talk as if you know me, who are you to me?" Voldemort asked

"I'm your student, Your main soul started to teach me a year ago. I was sent to make sure you properly came back so that you two can merge later" Lucien lied.

"Haha good, I can see real potential in you boy. Now, kill the girl and I'll feed on Potter's soul power to complete the resurrection" Voldemort ordered

"yes master." Lucien feigned obedience as he walked closer to Ginevra's body, he also got closer to the Voldemort's diary.

Standing over Ginevra's body Lucien could see the bodies of the missing students piled where the statue of Salazar Slytherin used to stand. Lifeless and decomposing the bodies lay sprawled out over the chamber floor.

Lucien waved his hand "reducto!".

The book remained unaffected by the spell

the young Voldemort looked at Lucien

"I guess this means a fight to the death right?" Lucien then calls for his wand and sent another attack at Voldemort

and the battle started.

Lucien knew just how talent Voldemort was around the year he left that soul fragment in the diary.

Lucien and Voldemort exchanged a few spells but Lucien really wasn't into. Wand battles just weren't cutting it anymore

Lucien waved his free hand while he was dueling. "Spiritus Bestia: rex in furore"

the blue mist emitted from Lucien and his spirit king was conjured, the Lion stamped on the floor sending a wave of energy at Voldemort destroying everything in its wake.

Voldemort put up a force field and conjured a fiendfyre snake in response

"Spiritus bestia: Kessinger earumque oppres" Lucien's great spirit snake sprang out and wrapped around Voldemort as the Lion bit down on Voldemort's fienfyre snake

"Spiritus sanctificantes." Lucien's spirit animals energy began to double, their very presence beat the fiendfyre into submission

"munda prius quod anima". the spell that made the Fienfyre cursed dissipated and Voldemort's soul began to burn.

But Lucien wanted the Horcrux destroyed. so the soul fragment Voldemort left would become food to nourish his spirit beast


The fire snake and Voldemort's soul vanished immediately

The chamber was quiet after that, Lucien's spirit animals became more solid after devouring Voldemort's soul, but it didn't make any significant difference.

Lucien looked over at the dead bodies and thought why should they go to waste. there was a charm that Lucien always wanted to try.

Lucien waved his wand in the direction of the bodies

"Tenesuna Tegezu!" magic spewed from Lucien's wand and penetrated the corpse on the chamber floor reanimating them,

Lucien had created his first Inferi.

Snapping his fingers the bodies dropped. He then called some of his Dark elves to take the corpse back to the Isle

Looking back at Voldemort's book and the bodies of Ginevra and Potter

Lucien walked over and incinerated the book. He then implanted memories of a false battle into Potter and Ginevra's mind

As the two began to wake up, a Pheonix was flying into the chamber and Lucien was being taken away by on his elves.

The next morning when Lucien woke up, was just another day at Hogwarts as if nothing happened, However, Professor McGonagall was now the Acting Headmaster and Professor Snape the assisting headmaster. It didn't seem like it was going to change anytime soon.

Lucien spent the next week playing music and the common room and hanging out with his friends. none of them really needed to go to class DADA was a joke, Though, Professor Lockhart was trying his best now. With the knowledge they got from the Dubois manor was enough to pass the second year exams.

"Lucien what should we do today, we haven't gone to explore in a long time. Should we roam the castle" Pansy said

"How about we swim to the bottom of the black lake," Zabini said

"No, I heard a black shuck was spotted in the forbidden forest. I really want to see if it has eyes of fire" Said Daphne

"How about we find the room of requirement?" Hermione looked up from her book and the turned it around to show the group.

"I thought the room of requirement was a myth. How do we go about looking for it?" Katie asked

everyone looked at Hermione, waiting for her to answer

"Well, we all have something we want. I guess we just have to want it as we explore the castle" explained Hermione

Lucien heard Hermione's words and remembered his talk with Voldemort before the Christmas party during the first year.

'if you really need a place to study, I'm sure Hogwarts will provide something. ' voldemort said. he didn't say, professors, he said Hogwarts as if the castle had a mind of its own.

"I think it's a good Idea, we should do it. Imagine the things we can do if we find it" Lucien said, with a little excitement.

If Lucien could find that room he could practice Voldemort's material that he left, without having to leave school or create another Golem. Lucien could possibly master the material by his 5th year. But, when that happens. Voldemort would be back to try and kill Lucien. If it wasn't for the unbreakable vow that they made, Lucien would be dead already.

breaking his train of thought, Lucien was pulled back to reality when his friends called for him, so they could start looking for the room of requirement.

Some way down a corridor on the first floor, Navarra bumped into Lucien playfully.

"What wrong Lucien, You don't know what you want?" She asked

"haha of course I do, the problem is I know the school cant provide it, so I'll have to rely on you today" Lucien replied

" you can count on me, but I'm sure Granger would find it first, the girl is like Hound ahah" Navarra joked

"Haha that she is. She's brilliant though" said Lucien

Navarra looked over at Lucien

"Do you ever see me like that? Brilliant? Full of potential?" She asked