Chapter 58

"Wow, I thought it would have been more spectacular. " Said, Daphne

"Really, I mean look at this place, It seems like nothing but junk. " Said, Pansy

"Well, what do you except, when you want something only a few things qualify for an organized delivery. " Navarra explained, "Training room, bathroom, Library, those are things, that can be presented in an orderly manner."

"So, if we leave and come back in with the need for clothing, then we will get articles of clothing piled everywhere. But, if we think of a shop like Madam Malkin's robes, then all of those clothes become organized and sorted." Said, Daphne as she tried to process Navarra's explanation.

"Yes, and the only reason we can do that is because we know that the room of requirement is here," replied Navarra

"one thought, library, Come on. Let's give it a try. " Lucien said. The friends left the room of requirements and shut the doors behind themselves.

"Is everyone thinking about a library?" Lucien asked

"Yes" the group replied in unison

'Okay then, on the count of three" Said Lucien

1...2...3! then the group of friends pushed the doors open.

Lucien's thought must have been the strongest, when they opened the door it was an unfamiliar sight, massive statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. When the group walked in, they stood in a large open area that had a balcony, the balcony overlooked the entire library. It was a spitting image of the Jedi Archives on Coruscant, a staircase was on both sides of the platform leading down to the library. In front of every pillar was a stone warrior, in the center of the main hall were study desk and in between the desk appeared to be computerized catalogs to search for specific books

"Lucien, what is this place? Why is everything glowing?" Hermione asked

"It is the Archives, and because it looks cool" He replied

"What the hell are the Archives?" Zabini asked

"Nothing, just how I imagine a grand library to be. what should we call it?" asked Lucien

"Call what? The library?" Hermione responded

"Yes, the library," Lucien said

"How about...Archeia Ton Epta. It means archives of the seven" Katie replied

"I like it." Said Daphne, and everyone agreed

Lucien was amazed by the power the room of requirements had, To even add the computer catalog, was beyond anything he could hope for.

Lucien taught his friends how to use the catalog, The only downside was the catalog was in ancient runes, Lucien figured it was the most complex magical script besides glyphs that could act as computer code.

Lucien didn't have time to teach them ancient runes, so he used a spell for knowledge transference. It was a little painful but once it was over, the group got lost in the archives.

Lucien was more than certain the Archives had somehow generated every book that had ever been widely published, while other books were specifically put into the room of requirements.

After hours of exploring their new hideout. everyone met up to leave when Pansy asked "How do we keep this place a secret? I mean, granted it's hard to find this room, but someone does, they might take credit for our work."

all of the friends looked at each other for a moment

'We can use the Fidelius Charm, In theory, it should only hide Archeia Ton Epta, however, it may hide the entire Room of Requirement whenever we occupy it." Hermione explain

"Unless the way to access Archeia Ton Epta is bound by key. Seven Keys to be exact, one for each. It can only bring the person holding the key in, the only time we can bring a guest in is if all seven keys are present" Lucien explained

"Well only if the keys are bound by blood, and indestructible" Pansy added

"Then we have to stay friends forever," Zabini said

"You're so clingy Zabini, but fine lets pact right here. To be friends, through thick and thin" Said Daphne with a smile

"No matter the situation"Katie

"to save the world or destroy it"Navarra

"through the coldness of darkness or warmth of light" Hermione

"Always and forever?" Lucien

"Yes! haha" the seven friends began to laugh

when the settled down, Lucien waved his cut everyone's palm and the blood fell the floor in front of the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw forming a seven-pointed star enclosed in a heptagram geometric shape surrounded by a circle.

" Do you all willing agree to this blood pact?"

"Yes" they all echoed in unison

they all looked at each other again. this year they had all become very close. Lucien chooses to save them all from the basilisk, and they lived and trained together, to fight and die together, not one of them could hide their true feelings. because the Golems had acted on their master/Mistress' emotions when they choose to turn on their own houses and friends for each other.

Lucien nodded his head and began to seal the pact

Archeia Ton Epta began to shake

"mahitemi. k'idesi. lemeleyeti yemīredu sebati k'ulifochi.! " Lucien projected his voice as he sealed the back.

Twisting his hand Seven red and gold skeleton keys were conjured from their blood seal representing the blood pact and lock on Archeia Ton Epta. Rowena Ravenclaws statute began to crumble to nothingness, Seven statues were soon erected depicting the likeness of Lucien, Zabini, Pansy, Katie, Daphne, Hermione, and Navarra. Forming a half circle, they were all wearing their Hogwarts robes and held a book and key. Lucien's statue sat in the middle

A fire pit appeared in front of each of their statues and flames erupted. Lucien's flame was black while the flames of the others were white.

when the flames appeared the keys fell to the ground in a loud clank. The seven friends picked them up and felt a surge of energy connecting them with the keys.

"They only work in our hands," Said Lucien

"What are those? " asked Katie, gesturing over at the flames

"It's a little something I added in with the power the blood pact generated. Go ahead try to put it out." Lucien replied

Katie pulled out her wand "Aguamenti" water was conjured and fell on the flames, yet, they kept burning much to the surprise of the others

"They only go out with our deaths. " Said, Lucien.

Lucien took the keys from everyone so that he could use Kemiya to make them indestructible and send them back during the summer.

The next day Hogwarts held the House cup Ceremony...Dumbledore was there. It didn't surprise Lucien at all. When a man holds as much power as Dumbledore, he could virtually do whatever he wants. Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock, and Grand Sorcerer. When one person holds that much weight, they get shit done. And Lucien could do nothing but respect it, the old bag is a powerhouse. It was 'joyous' day for Hogwarts, But, the seven weren't excited, they knew Dumbledore was going to allow them to die this, and possibly every year to come.