Chapter 68

Lucien went back inside after watching his guest leave, Zhura and Nokby were waiting for him when he got back

"Do you believe them, Lucien?" asked Zhura

"There's only one way to find out." Lucien closed his eyes and sent a message to the elder of the Celestial elves, who held from the ancient lands of Atlantis.

*pop* " You have summoned me, my Lord?"

"Yes, I have. What is the status on the location of your Royals specifically?"

"Master Lucien, Preparations are almost finished. The ritual should take place in two weeks."

Lucien dreaded the fact that these elves held significant knowledge, and even though, he is their master, they couldn't speak without royal consent on certain subjects.

"I don't have two weeks. Tell me, in Atlantean history, was there ever an event when the Royals of Atlantis, ever gifted something to the Humans?"

The elder elf pondered the question for a while and then spoke,

"We have never gifted anything, but throughout time things have been stolen, my Lord."

Lucien smirked, there is always a loophole "okay well, have you ever heard about a sacred land held by the three sovereigns and five emperors of China?

"Yes, my Lord."

"Does the fabled immortal pool come from Atlantis?"

"That I cannot say, that is another question Master Lucien must ask the Royals."

"Fair enough."

Lucien then dismissed the elder and thought about ways to get into the tomb. Before Lucien called it a night, he sent elves to obliviate his dinner guest and their friends that he had met days before.

Lucien would have loved for them to accompany him, but he had to make sure the tomb really didn't lead to Shangri-La. If it did, Lucien planned on destroying it. Something just needed to be left buried. Lucien had no time to fight a war for Shangri-La. If he destroyed everything, he would become the only map.

Two days after the dinner party Lucien gathered, Nokby, Padkey, and two celestial elves, along with his family excluding, Mama Thea and Nita. They were still on the Isle handling politics.

Over the past two days, Serpent Paxx was discreetly moving into the Museum. When Lucien finally arrived, the place was ready to go, the mercury wasn't a problem at all.

Lucien expanded his senses and led his team into the inner tomb. Most of it was caved in, which explained the high mercury readings. Stories say that the first Qin Emperor had rivers of mercury to represent the waterways throughout China. The cave could have caused the mercury to spill into the surrounding area. Carefully moving the earth around Lucien had uncovered numerous chambers in the inner tomb, many of them occupied by the bodies of dead servants, gold, gems, and Scrolls the Emperor deemed valuable.

Taking their time, Lucien had everything collected from every chamber. Time became irrelevant in the tomb. Arriving at the main chamber, it was truly a sight to behold. The emperor's coffin sat in the middle of a lake of mercury, on the walls was a map of China. Diamonds and gems created the celestial bodies in the sky. The waterways were painted blue.

Lucien now realized the emperor meant to be surrounded by a lake of mercury. Lucien waves his arms and twisted his hands, pulling up all of the mercury in the surrounding area, revealing countless dead and treasures.

Lucien told the team to collect everything while he took care of the lake of mercury. Condensing it into a ball, Lucien solidified then compressed it.

Then he stored it in its own pouch for safety.

Once everything was collected, Lucien blew the lid off of the emperor's coffin. The emperor was nothing but bones, clutching a scroll Lucien quickly retrieved it. Then snapped his head towards the entrance of the chamber

"We have company"

After a few moments, A group of 15 men and women walked into the main chamber. Looking at the face of the one leading them Lucien knew exactly who they were.

"Can we help you? this is a private dig."

The man leading the group had no idea who Lucien was. Tondy was always the middleman when handling the underworld business.

"The Gu family will be taking over from now on."

The Gu family was one of the Chinese crime families that tried to move back into Europe after Lucien kicked them out. However, when Lucien ordered the massacre of the Xiao family, The Gu's were the first to cave.

Lucien laughed on the inside

"And who feed you that bullshit?"

One of the lackeys in the back got mad and stepped forward. Zhura snapped her fingers and then the neck of the lackey snapped as well.

The Gu family immediately reacted turning the inner chambers into a battleground.

The Gu family sent a barrage of spells and a stream of fire.

"Protego!" the Bennett's shouted in unison as the elves jumped over them to close the distance and engage in combat. Extracting the hearts from the first four the Gu members they came into contact with.

The Gu members in the back of their party conjured earth walls to surround the Bennett

"Blow this shit to pieces, there are more coming!" Lucien started to get annoyed

"Bombarda Maxima" The Bennett ladies chanted

The earth walls exploded

Lucien stepped forward using his telekinesis, one wave of his hand broke up the Gu family, the next wave snapped a couple of necks. Lucien then picked off the remaining by sending them headfirst into the ceiling killing them instantly.


"I know there are more coming. I want to sacrifice them all." Lucien sent an incantation to the ladies' mind

"Lucien where did you get this spell?" Emma asked

"Don't worry about it, just let them all come. and don't stop chanting until I say so."

Lucien was about to show them what happened when they stepped into Bennett business

The Bennett ladies started the to chant in unison, holding hands to amplify each other's magic.

The sky above the museum turned dark, blotting out the sun, thunder rolled across the cloud echoing into the distance

in the main chamber, Lucien stated the names of his family members and then his incantation

"signum meum tuum est.

tuum est sanguis meus.

Partes meae!"

The Bennett women felt a stinging pain on their left breast, as Lucien's High Priest symbol was carved into them. Even the women in Mystic Falls, excluding Bonnie, were being marked.

When the pain was over, they all wore a mark that resembled the clavicula Nox, Rouge Dragon.

The mark allowed the family to receive power through sacrifices Lucien conducted if he allowed it. The placement of the mark dictated its function. Over the heart allowed one to receive the magic, on the forehead allowed Lucien to take the magic in a being.

The members of the Gu family began rolling in, like lambs to the slaughter. As soon as they passed the threshold into the main chamber, they collapsed tumbling forward allowing the next person to fall into the trap.

Twenty more men and woman fell. Lucien lined them up and pulled out his sacrificial blade, he held the curved blade in the air, muttering his spells for the ritual. During this time the Bennetts never stopped chanting

Lucien brought the blade down, walking to his first sacrifice, Lucien carved his mark into her forehead, repeating the process with everyone that followed. Lucien stepped back and with one big slash in the air, he slit all of their throats killing them.

As the life left their bodies, their magic left them and nurtured the Bennett women. Their magic pools expanded, and their bodies became stronger.

Lucien channeled the mark that linked everyone during the ritual and sent a message out

"Suppress your ascensions, send some of the power to your soul wands. it will do the rest for you, and use the remaining power to expand your minds"

Lucien wanted them to have perfect baptisms, in order to do that. the need their body, soul, and mind to be equal. The mind needed a strong consciousness and had to understand a certain amount of world laws, the body had to be strong and have a big magic pool, while the soul needs to grow in size, to the limit of what the body could take.

When the sacrifice was over Lucien collected all of the intact corpses and Left the tomb of the first Qin emperor.