Lucien's Complicated Day

The following days for, Lucien. Was just one day for students with time turners. Lucien had a total of six class a day. He chose to go through the first three, and at the end of the day. Turn back time in order to attend the last three.

So when Lucien started his forth class, Ancient runes he was mildly exhausted. Walking into the class room,Lucien saw Hermione and her eyes went wide

"How are you..."

"Quiet, Hermione, I'm sure I'm here the same way you're here. And if that's true. You know why,we can't talk about it. So lets enjoy the class, shall we"

Ancient runes, was one of the more in-depth class at Hogwarts. Lucien loved it, mostly the professor talked about things that Lucien knew, however, when it came to practical use, Lucien admired the skill of the professor.

If their was anyway to draw runes faster, the ancient runes professor would surely be a deadly foe.

The rest of the day brought no surprise to Lucien as he stuck to the shadows and interacted with no one since his past self was always with his friends.

During lunch Lucien decided to rest by the black lake. The past Lucien had a list of place, he was not allowed to go throughout the day, depending on the days schedule. And the black lake happened to be one of them.

Alone by himself , Lucien decided to speak his mine to someone he knew couldn't talk back. Well,she could but Lucien didn't want to cause a commotion for a summoning that would only last a few moments.

"Qetsiyah? Are you there?"

Lucien waited a moment and got now response

"Well I'm going to assume you are. There's just some thoughts a ruler shouldn't tell his people. So I'll tell you."

Lucien took another pause and a faint psychic wave touched Lucien. The thing about Psychic energy is, its fueled by emotion and pure intention. And the Psychic wave that Lucien just felt, told him Qetsiyah was there to listen.

" The Queen now rules the Scandinavian countries and has an alliance with Russia. That's good the more power she accumulates, is beneficial for me. With the sum of my assets in the human world, I can pick apart America from the inside. The family has infiltrated the ministry. Everything is going as planned, with unexpected benefits. But, why do I feel the need, for more. Is it because Voldemort, some hidden fear of Dumbledore and hidden experts. I mean my mind is swirling with thoughts I just can't understand."

Qetsiyah placed a hand on Lucien's shoulder.

"No, it's not the need for love. My family loves me, my friends, even you care enough to stick around for some reason, I can't figure out yet. Love, I have enough of it. What I need now, is to protect it. But how do I find balance between, what I have to do, need to do, and who I am?"

Qetsiyah stayed silent for awhile after Lucien finished talking, she felt a nostalgic feeling wash over her, and all Lucien received was a Psychic wave of understand, love, and heartbreak. And then nothing at all.

Lucien laid back and drifted away in his sea of thoughts

"Padma, it happened again. I want it to stop. I don't like it. I feel everything in those visions and see things I do not want to see!"

"Calm down! Everything is going to be okay. I'll fix it. But you need to control yourself, especially after seeing, you know what it does to our bodies. I don't want you to get sick"

Parvati took a few deep breaths to relax,

"What did you see?"

"I...I..saw Harry. I think. Its just the feeling I got from the stag, felt like Harry "

"Ahh, so that's why you're all worked up. What about Harry."

Parvati swallowed deeply

"The Stag, will fall to a rat, and the Grim will eat the rat. The Phoenix will fall and the snake will devour all."

Padma looked at her sister, annoyed

"What the fuck does that mean, this is why you should practice. I stopped seeing in symbolism a month ago."

"If I practice, then I'll see more. I just want it to stop.." Tears ran down Parvati's face, and Padma pulled her into an embrace. Padma knew what it was like to see in symbolism. In order to decipher it, the vision poured all of the feelings within the vision into the twins' body. So they could better understand in away.

Some distance away, Lucien rested against tree. He had heard Everything the twins had discussed

'So Potter will die at the hands of Sirius, the Grim is a black dog, so that can be, Lupin. But who's the Phoenix and Snake. Are the events chronological, in tandem, does one event cause or stop the other?"

Lucien put it to the back of his mind and left it for a later day. But, he did wonder about the course of action he should take when handling Parvati.

'Oh well, plans are always adjustable' .

When the Patil twins finished their sisterly bonding, Lucien stripped to his underwear and walked into the black lake for a swim.

Later that day after Lucien's sixth class, after Lucien's past self went back in time, Lucien decided to join his friends for dinner

"where did you go?"

"I had to use the loo. Did I miss much?"

"No, nothing at all. Just a rumor that you and Padma Patil were seen snogging on the train. By everyone."

Lucien cut a piece from his stake

"Yes, we were. I plan to take her on a date, when we are allowed to go to Hogsmeade"

"Lucien, are you serious? What about Katie?"

"What about Navarra?

"Hermione, Pansy. It's really none of your business but, if you must know. Navarra is perfectly okay with it and I haven't had the chance to speak with Katie."

Pansy and Hermione shook their heads in disapproval.

"I don't need approval from either of you. I really like Padma and that's that."

Lucien focused on eating his stake and poured wine in his cup under the table.

"Well, I'm happy for you Lucien..."


A horrifying scream echoed through the great hall,

The students shifted their attention to the great hall entrance, while the bolder students got up to see what had happened.

Lucien however continued to eat his meal. Time travel really works up the appetite

In the hallway outside of the great hall. The students gathered around a male student, Sprawled out on the floor. He was 6 feet and an inch. raven black hair and had a freckled face.

"Its Louis Cosby. He's dead!"

Inside the great hall when all of the professors had left to see what the source of the horrifying scene, Navarra had walked out of a hidden kitchen door only used by the House elves.

"I assume all went well?"

"Yes, now we have 8 hours"

"well, switch with Zabini before everyone returns"

Zabini and Navarra started to mutter an incantation, Cutting their palms the two held each others hand. Navarra began to slowly change appearances. She now looked like Zabini.

"Alright, As long as you don't heal your palm, Zabini. Navarra will keep your appearance. Now go"

Zabini disappeared, And Dumbledore called for all of the students to return to their rooms for the night.

Shortly after, Dumbledore received word from a portrait, that Sirius Black was spotted in the castle.
