Changes in Lucien Pt2

The Next morning when Lucien awoke, Melina clung to him, with a smile of complete satisfaction. Pushing her to the side, Lucien rose from his bed and walked over to the mirror to take a look at himself. He wore a big smile on his face "You did it, buddy. Two lifetimes, but you did it."

Lucien still emitted Pheromones but it wasn't as intense as it used to be. He still couldn't control it, but he no longer had to fight it. Waving his hand, he transfigured the class into a cup and with full might of his power, he crushed it like a can. the glass didn't shatter, and everything around it was undamaged.

"Control" he muttered to himself thoroughly exited.

Looking over at Melina, he sent a wave of magic waking her up. –"Don't you have a class you should be attending?"

When Melina fully awakened and her eyes saw the full image of Lucien, her eyes went wide joy, love, excitement. "My lord" she sung with a smile , getting out of bed Lucien's feasted in her naked beauty, while the evidence of last nights deed, dripped from her nether region. With a smile on his face Lucien watched his spunk run down Melinda's leg. Following his eyes, Melina took her hand and scooped all of Lucien's spunk, attempting to put it back inside of her. Dropping to her knees, she hung her head in shame. Tears dropped to the floor.

"I'm so sorry my lord... Please forgive my carelessness, I never intended to waste you gift. If I would have stayed in bed. Your seed will still be inside of me" She cried

The scene caused Lucien to frown. ' Just when I get laid, it has to be a crazy bitch' he thought shaking his head

"It's okay Melina, how about you go get cleaned up, and then you go to class." Lucien said to her. Lifting her head. Lucien saw that she cried real, genuine tears. It astonished him beyond belief.

"If that's what you want me to do. Then I'll do it. I swear I will. But, please do not abandon me... I promise to be the best woman you could ever ask for to make up for this mistake." Melina ramble

"Melina, you said I can use you in whatever capacity I see fit... you've been used, Now go to class"

Lucien ordered, the last part was a directive

"Yes, my lord" Melina straight herself up and walked back to her dorm to get a new pair of clothes.

Lucien just faced palmed himself. The bitch was literally insane. She walked out of his room and back to her room, naked and soiled.

Lucien showered and dressed himself for class. First up was double potion with….ding ding, Gryffindor, again. walking into class, many people looked a Lucien and whispered amongst them self, words traveled fast around Hogwarts, Lucien had snatched himself a 6th year Deva, put on a show in the common room and finished it in his private quarters. All rumors were verified when Melina Condor, was seen leaving his room naked and used. With a smile on her face no less.

The females talked about his potential skill in the sac. And the show the Slytherin girls could not stop talking about. Though, Lucien paid no mind to any of it. Professor snap soon walked into the room with his usual Steller performance. "Silence! Your petty school yard gossip will not be tolerated…here"

"It's not gossip, if it's true Professor. It's now considered news" Lavender Brown looked over at Lucien with a little frown and he shrugged it off.

"100 Points from Gryffindor. Now open your books to page 205" Snape instructed the class

"as you are all aware of the confoundus charm. This is the confounding concoction. All ingredients are prepared. Now brew… Mr. Dubois…a word" Snape turned heel and walked to his office. And Lucien followed

"Yes, Professor"

"Here," Snape tossed a book at Lucien. "I can not for the life of me figure out why you are so intent on wasting potential. You come to my class, you do your work and you leave. Nothing more nothing less. And yet, every time you produce potions of the highest quality."

Lucien took a look at the book in hand. It was worn and tatter. 'Advanced Potion Making"

Opening the cover of the book it read "Property of the Half-Blood Prince"

"What is this Professor"

"When I was your age. I stole that book from an upperclassman. Because I was not in the proper year, I was not allowed to buy it at the bookstore. And there was not a copy in the Library. The mysteries of the world fascinated me then. Almost as much as a young woman I had met. My best friend, actually. Things weren't going right, and I kept my potential to myself. And the first person to recognize me, was the devil himself. Only if someone would have found me first, then maybe I would be more than Professor Snape"

Lucien didn't know what to make of Snape's word's "I don't understand Professor"

"Are you aware of the incident this summer at the Quidditch world cup?" Snape asked

Lucien prepared himself to fight Snape, even if it meant death. His grandmother was head of magical law enforcement. If he was captured in Hogwarts. There's no way Dumbledore would take him to the ministry.

"of course, professor. Every knows" Lucien answered him, with no visible signs of distress.

"Yes, Death Eaters… You know I used to be one" Snape said matter-of-factly

Boom, Lucien knew exactly what this was about. Snape's favorite student. Malfoy.

"I don't think you should be sharing information like that, Professor. But, lets cut the bullshit. What does this have to do with me?"

"The Malfoys are cowards, they run to the dark lords at the mere whisper of his return and they kowtow. However, it is not to late for you" Snape insinuated

"Speak, Frankly professor. Honestly, I'm rather lost" Lucien insisted

"I know you are the dark lords apprentice. I have yet to inform Dumbledore. I just want to know why. When you stepped in my office. It should have broken any spell casted upon and yet , you didn't scream for help. So why?"

Lucien only had one option at this point. The half truth

"I met him in the forbidden forest during my first year. He was sharing a body with Professor Quirrell. I knew he was faking his speech impediment. So, I blackmailed him into teaching me personally. However, the centaur appeared and Shot the Professor with an arrow. And then I killed the centaur with an unforgivable curse that Professor Quirrell had taught me…. But Professor Quirrell was still dying and more centaurs came. Then Voldemort started to speak to me. And we made a deal." Lucien feigned panic, and his breath was heavy, with fright written on his face. "I swear I didn't use the curse on purpose, and I didn't kill that unicorn, Professor you have to believe me."

Snape took a deep breath "Was it an unbreakable vow?"

"yes sir"

"What were the terms"

"He teaches me all he knows, he can't kill me, and he had to save me from the centaurs. If I brought the unicorn to him and serve him" Lucien explained "Except, he gave me a book and said 'here practice, I have affair that need tending to' then he disappeared. I swear I haven't seen him since and I'm not a gaudy death eater. My grandmother would kill me."

Snape stared at Lucien for a moment before he spoke " you are not allowed to leave the castle, not even to Hogsmeade. For now, this will remain our secret but, if I see any evidence of foul play. I will have no choice but to notify the Headmaster. Do. You. Understand?"

"Yes professor" Lucien replied

"and you have Friday detention for the rest of the school year, thanks to that little stunt with Ms. Condor" Snape smirk at Lucien "Now get out, and go make that potion"

Lucien nodded his head turned heel to leave "oh , Mr. Dubois."

Lucien turned to face Snape and was met by that same old tattered book "Bring it back win the school year is over"