Lucky Loo's Suits and Brews

In a blink of an eye, a week had gone by. "Come on, we should get going." Zabini hurried Lucien and Viktor along

"Hold on, we're forgetting one person" Lucien replied and made his way to Gryffindor Tower " Oh don't tell me we're bringing Potter along too" Zabini asked

"Yeah, if the guys going to die soon, we might as well take him for a good time, right?" Lucien replied as they walked.

"About that, have you guys figured out the next task?" Zabini asked. Viktor refused to answer, every time he opened the golden eggs, it would produce and unbearable noise forcing him to close it.

"The egg is simple; we just need to change the frequency." Lucien gave a nonchalant reply as he looked around the hall to find a Gryffindor student

"What do you mean change the frequency?" Viktor asked

"It sounds like screams to us. But if we can muffle it, put it through filters it might change what we hear. Screams become words, words become sentences and sentences become a message…ahh found one" After Lucien finished explaining he found a young Gryffindor student walking in the hallway. Focusing on the young man, Lucien probed his mind with Legilimency and extracted the password to the Gryffindor common room.

Arriving at the Gryffindor common room, Lucien looked around and found Potter sitting in front of the fireplace with Ron, Lavender, and Parvati. "Lucien? What are you doing here?" Parvati asked

"I'm here for Potter, we have champion shit to take care of. So, let's go Potter!" Lucien gestured and Potter shot up from his seat "Parvati, do tell your sister that I'm looking for her. We have a date to plan." Lucien added before leaving with Potter. Some ways away in the hallway. Zabini stopped everyone.

"How are we going to sneak out of the castle?" he asked

"Well I have a map." Harry answered and everyone looked at him like a fucking idiot.

"Potter, I think we remember the castle by now. There's no need for a map" Lucien spoke a little worried about the kid

"No, it's a map that tracks everyone's movements in the castle" Harry replied with a higher pitch in his voice

"No fucking way" Zabini replied "Let us see it then."

Harry pulled a large folded piece of tan parchment from under his sweater vest. "It is called the marauders map. It was created exactly for this purpose" Harry touched the map with the tip of his wand and ink appeared from nothingness.

"Haha its real!" Zabini exclaimed, not able to hold back his excitement

"Then let's get out of her before we get caught, ehh" Viktor interjected, and the group navigated their way out of the castle.

Finally walking out of the wards, Lucien grabbed potter then teleported to the Muggle tailors' shop, while Viktor and Zabini apparated themselves.

Looking up the Tailor shop, Viktor wore a smile then went from ear to ear. "Fucking shit, Lucien. This isn't just a tailor shop is it?" Zabini asked in amazement

"Haha Of course not gentlemen. Welcome to Lucky Loo's Suits and Brews. A one stop shop for everything a man needs." Lucien introduced the shop with some charisma.

Lucy Loo's was a fancy building, in the windows, the mannikins were dressed in the finest of suits holding drink and bottles of liquor worth thousands of pounds.

"Bloody hell, well come on, all of the fun is inside!" Zabini took off, when the bouncer at the door tried to stop him, Zabini performed a small gesture and the bouncer went mind zero as the group walked in. From that point on the night was filled of drunken debauchery. Inside of the Lucky Loo's. Men were getting measure for their suits, while others indulged in alcohol and beautiful women that roamed the floor taking care of the patrons.

"Umm I don't think were supposed to be here"

"Loosen up potter. Our table is over there" Lucien gestured to seat in the far corner

"you even reserved a table?" Viktor asked

"Fuck no! were sorcerers , now let's toy with the fucking muggles..."

Zabini and Viktor produce a hearty laugh. And cleared the table surrounded by people. After a few moments conversating with the tailor and getting measured by the ladies. Zabini and Viktor went to enjoy themselves. Leaving Lucien and Potter alone to chat. Lucien had finally come to a decision.

"Who's your coach for the Triwizard tournament? Moody, right?" Seiichi asked sipping a glass of rum. He had finally gotten potter to drink a bit so he would stop worrying about being caught and sent to Azkaban.

"Y-yes, Professor Moody. He's said to..." Cut off by Lucien "My Grandmother is the best Auror and that's simply because of the bullshit educational system in the British wizarding world." He said, taking another sip, Lucien added, "Swear, that you didn't put your name in the goblet."

"I-I Swear. This shit is bloody dangerous. And to be honest, I was terrified during the first match" Potter answered sincerely.

"Then don't trust Mad eye. And quite frankly don't trust Dumbledore. It isn't common knowledge. But when my grandmother ran for the seat of head of magical law enforcement. Dumbledore coaxed mad eye to see her attempt thwarted and possibly killed, if not severely maimed. We were raising too fast as a family, and we weren't controlled by Dumbledore. This made him see us as a threat."

"He wouldn't." Harry protested

"He would, he's been playing games with you from the start. During our first year, who convinced you to join Gryffindor?"

"Well, one could say Hagrid, but on the other hand, Ron." He replied

"Hagrid was sent by Dumbledore, good guy really. But I just can't seem to brooch who's side he's on, yet. But that Weasley is no friend of yours. Trust me on that." Lucien cracked a few peanuts and popped them into his mouth, " Dumbledore said that you killed Voldemort your first year, that was a lie. He said the stone was destroyed, that was a lie. Hagrid is trusted with most of Hogwarts' secrets and magically tells a stranger how to breech the defense to get to the sorcerer's Stone? He was lying and has ulterior motives.

During the second year. Ginevra was targeted, she was targeted because she will be used to honey trap you so that the Weasleys could snatch your heart and mind. I love the bitch, and it's because I see the minx in her that everyone chooses to neglect. But she'll bite your fucking head off. Dumbledore is aware of all of this; he is orchestrating it. And your life is the song." Lucien ate a few more peanuts and observed Potter.

Harry shakenly took a sip, or more so a gulp of his drink. It was obvious that Lucien had been pondering whether or not to discuss this with him, for a while and now that he was drunk, Lucien gave the appearance of a drunken rambler. But, no matter how drunk Lucien appeared to be, Harry heard certain truths in his words. It was like Lucien was a conspiracy theorist and Harry's life was the conspiracy. Given into the possibility of a lifetime of manipulation, Harry asked questions

"What happened to the Stone and Voldemort?" He asked

"The stone was stolen, Voldemort escaped" Lucien replied after downing his cup of rum.

Harry dawned a terrified look "Relax, that fucker, Tom. Hasn't returned yet" Lucien reassured Potter. Though, Potter was shocked once again hearing Lucien call Voldemort, Tom.

Taking a deep breath, Potter continued " Why do you think Hagrid is a traitor, and what do the Weasleys want with me?"

"Money and power, that's what the Weasleys want with you. And Hagrid, to be honest with you. I don't know, it's just a hunch. I really don't care either way, but it you want we can always find answers with Legilimency." Lucien replied.

Potter pondered his words " And what makes you think Ginny even likes me?"

"Cool it guy, her name is Ginevra. She is a witch with talent and has a dark beast sleeping in the corner of her psyche, not your friend. And she and I are close, I've seen that half assed fawning she's been doing in front of you since our second year. You have issues, so the Weasleys give you parents, a brother, and a wife to make everything official. Open your eyes man" Lucien leaned back to rest and called a bottle girl over

"Why should I believe you, you killed my Godfather?!" Harry's emotions were in a frenzy

Lucien's eyes went wide and his eyes showed 'sympathy'. Waving his hand towards the floor, he said, "Behold the Barren field of fucks I give. Potter, your godfather was in Azkaban all your life. Stop holding on to a guy you've never met. It was me or him, so I took his fucking head. But you know what, be mad at Dumbledore, you honestly think that he didn't know, that Sirius Black was an innocent man. The old bat reads minds and extracts memories, he's the most powerful sorcerer in Britain. Voldemort, fears him, chew on that for a moment, Potter"

It was that last straw for Potter and Lucien saw it. 'Time to fuck up the chess board. I'm the new game master now, Bitches.' Lucien thought to himself before putting the nail in the coffin, "You know, I put my name in the goblet of fire and my cheating caused the other two contestants to be chosen. But you, that was Mad eye's doing. I saw him that night. The confoundus charm, entering your name into the goblet. And Mad eye only takes orders from..."

"Dumbledore…" Harry finished Lucien's sentence. He was done, out for the count. Turning to his left, Lucien grabbed the bottle girl, pulling her into his lap. His pheromones hit her like a sack of bricks. And Lucien chuckled at how fragile muggles were when he began to smell how excited the girl's pussy became.