Calm Before The Storm Pt. 2

"Lucien, you're up first?" were the words that snapped me out of my trance. Between Bonnie's and Sarah's uncertain future, Katerina Petrova, and the growing political pressure to subject the Kingdom of Mann to Wizard law. I've been completely absent. 

It wasn't that I didn't know how to handle the situations at hand, the problem was being trapped in Hogwarts when I had real problems to deal with. Granted, they're self-created problems and as long as a man has ambition, problems are guaranteed to follow.

Now standing in front of the entire class. I called for my great owl Turoth. Many of my classmates looked on with a bit of confusion. The purpose of the final exam was to summon your primordial beast. If that failed, the summoning and contracting of any magical creature would suffice.

However, no one expected the surprise I had in store for them. Gathering my peace of mind I addressed the class with complete confidence

"Welcome..." I said, "Welcome to the Summonings Final Exam. Welcome to the most impactful event of your life. Welcome! to the resurrection and transmogrification of magic. Sorcerers, Wannabes, and Sorceresses. I am Lord Lucien Bennett-Dubois and I want to welcome you all to Hell!"

Pah! the sound of my clap echoed and the room went dark. The only light that remained was the pit of fire now behind me. A bit dramatic, but had the time and I was most certainly in the mood.

Upon my shoulder was a small scale Turoth, my most loyal besides Vega, of course. While everyone in the classroom attempted to regain their bearings after the sudden change of environment. I struck the iron while it was hot.

Through gesturing I began to construct my 'Summoning circle'. Like I practiced, I worked. And the fruits of my year's training was showing, the intricate design of my Arcane circles was superb. In the matter of second, I opened a portal and a great rush Eldritch energy came forth.

"Turoth! Now!" I shouted to the bird, from shoulder he flew to the epicenter of the magic circle. Then a moment later, he landed, purple and green light shined from the circles and the school began to shake. Thunder rolled and lightning crashed.

I muttered my incantation like a mad man, guiding my magic flawlessly to fulfill its purposed. I twist my hand into a claw, my palm splits open and blood flows like a stream.

Progress, I can feel it. the world laws fighting my summons. I'm not strong enough to win, my organ can feel the pressure and the taste iron invade my mouth. I switch my gestures again and the magic redoubles. the walls of the classroom begin to crack and my body is failing. I've bitten off more then I can chew. But I continue. another gesture and another. the ceiling crumbles, another gesture, the whomping willow is uprooted and take towards the sky. My magic is everywhere. I began to lose control.

But I had to endure and endure I did. My circle was constructed and it shined brighter than the heaven and burned like hellfire, Nether energies escaped and attacked Turoth. In agony, he screeched but like his master, he endured. I began to regain control, my circle now follows the rules that I have constructed. The portal closed, but the escaped energy was now forced by the circle to change Turoth.

If I couldn't summon my primordial, then I'll make a demon. I couldn't fight it much longer and a mouth full of blood found its way on to the stone floor in front of me. My bones are now becoming soft and darkness creeps into my vision, devouring everything I dared to see...

* * *

"Lucien. Lucien, can you hear me?"

"He's out of it. He's finally done it. He's pushed himself too far and now--"

"He'll be fine, Zabini. Lucien is our best friend. We know him better than anyone, he'll make it through this"

"How do you know that, Daphne. He's been in a coma for a week. The final task is tomorrow. and after that, the school year will be over. As long as he is here. he will never wake up. We need to call for the Bennetts, at the very least, Navarra"

"Shut up, Katie! We are in a fucking school of magic. Somethings shouldn't be said. Now, go cry elsewhere, alone and quietly or you'll put us all in Azkaban." I could hear Pansy getting annoyed. Katie was obviously beginning to think rashly the longer I stayed under. I could hear, feel, smell, and taste. I just couldn't move my body or see. I felt helpless.

Footsteps, my friends were leaving. but I felt a presence near me and sweet perfume waltzed around my nose sending sparks through my body. Daphnee, the hidden vixen.

"Lucien" she spoke in a soft voice, " you've been gone long enough. Besides you, no one can tolerate that twisted bitch Pansy. we love her, but she is as cruel as you. yet, less refined. She torments the Vane girl in secret now. her heart aches for you. Hermione is becoming more apathetic in her research but she hides your condition from Navarra. Zabini is lost. He now spends his time in the dark forest and nowhere else, hiding away. "

I can feel her fingertips gently caress my cheek, she is in pain as well. I can feel it, the painful longing.

"Back to business, my parents don't agree with allowing goblins to have wands or house elves own property. The dark lord is calling a meeting and they are attending. Lucien, they are no longer our allies. You need to wake up or everything you built will crumble. They will tell him everything. "

* * *

The next day in the summonings classroom Azeroth stood guard and monitored Turoth who was still undergoing a metamorphosis. He was ordered by Dumbledore to remain their so that dumbledore could attend the third task.

Within the castle, the student body was beyond lively. Everyone was anxious to see who would win the Triwizard tournament. Though, behind the scenes, many teachers were moving frantically to find the infiltrator. So far they couldn't get a trace of this death eater. Fed up by the constant failure, Snape turned back to Karkaroff for one last attempt to find the death eater spy within Hogwarts.

At the same time, the sinister seven were also making moves. Zabini stayed near Lucien, Pansy took Romilda Vane and fled to the Kingdom of Mann. Though, Katie refused to leave and stayed behind. As for, Daphne she was creating transportation arrays around campus.

She knew Voldemort was planning something but had no idea what it was.

It was now the start of the third task. Harry, Viktor, Vera, and Mael stood in front of great Labrinth as the cannon fired and the crowd cheered. One by one, they entered the maze in search of the Triwizard cup.

* * *

Within Lucien's mind for the first time, he saw more than just darkness. like watercolors, reds, blues, yellows, and more leaked into his field of vision painting pictures. Illusions, memories, no. they were visions.

Lucien's seer eyes were once again forced to activate. Something was happening. Pain once again assaulted his body. Images of a snake, tonks, a battle, Dragons and the burning of Hogwarts.

"Huuuuuhh!" Lucien shot out of bed gasping for air and ultimately scaring the shit out of Zabini.

"What the bloody hell are you doing!" Zabini shouted

"We have - - to leave- - Now"

Zabini immediately helps Lucien from the bed and the two made their way away from the castle. Finally, out of the castle, Zabini pointed his wand to the castle and fired a distress signal for the Sinister seven.

Within Hermionie's laboratory, she felt a surge. Navarra woke from her nap, Katie looked back towards Hogwarts and Daphne speed up the construction of her last array.

"It's coming" he muttered

"What's coming, Lucien?"
