The Dark Lord's Return Pt.2

Voldemort stepped softly towards Pettigrew. "My wand, Wormtail."

Pettigrew stammered to retrieve his lord's wands. He presented a thirteen and a half inch wand made of yew with a Phoenix feather core with subservient bowed. It white in color, slightly curved, with the depiction of a bird skull as its handle.

Voldemort grabbed his wand and took in a deep breath. "Hold out your arm," he ordered.

Pettigrew sighed and sniffled. "Master... Thank you," he said while raising the arm with the missing hand. 

"The other arm, Wormtail." Voldemort quickly corrected his servant's misunderstanding.

Gripping Pettigrew by the wrist, Voldemort pressed his wand into a faded serpentine tattoo on Pettigrew's forearm. The tattoo instantly regained its color and began to slither as if it were alive.

The clouds morphed and the boomed with rolling thunder. Skull appeared in the sky, and streams of black smoked descended from the heavens.

One by one, people landed on the ground in plums of black smoke—Draped in black robes, pointed hats, and skull masks upon their faces.

"Welcome, my friends." Said Voldemort. "Thirteen years it's been, and here, you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me."

The dark lord ripped each of their skull masks off until he reached the last man. "Not even you," he said.

The dark lord approached the man. "Lucius" 

Voldemort ripped Lucius' mask off with a gust of black smoke. Lucius recoiled and fell to his knees to beg forgiveness. 

Though during his rant, Voldemort remembered one crucial task. He suddenly stopped Lucius from talking and looked towards the statue of the Grim Reaper. More accurately, he locked eyes with the boy being held by the figure, Harry Potter. 

"I can't afford..." Voldemort muttered. 

The dark lord quickly flourished his wand. As he launched his favorite unforgivable Kavdera curse, Lucien intercepted with his own repulsion charm. One that Voldemort knew all too well. It was the same charm used against Professor Quirrell when he was Voldemort's host.

"Dubois!" Voldemort shouted frantically, looking around for the devil child he despised but was regrettably bound to.

In a cloud of black smoke, Lucien appeared, and Voldemort looked on with wide eyes. He wasn't surprised due to Lucien's wandless flying. He was surprised that Lucien had mastered all of the text that he had given him. 

The only way to learn flight was to make it to the last page of the last book that Voldemort had provided him. Like an elephant had been lifted off his chest, Voldemort's soul chains shattered, and he took in a deep breath as a free man.

"I'm free," he muttered, but a sense of foreboding came upon him.

"I liked you better when you were half dead, Tom. Why must you get in my way? All you had to do was be a stepping stone and wither away quietly by your lonesome." Lucien spoke, a dark aura radiated off of him.

Voldemort sneered and waved for his death eaters to attack.

 Harry looked on silently as he saw the magic coming off of everyone present. It was overbearing to him yet nothing compared to professor Dumbledore and Azeroth. Little did Harry know that everyone in the graveyard except him was at least at the 5th baptism.

Lucien took the death eaters on and battled them with all his might and his spirit guardians at his side. As curses and hexes were dodged, thrown, and rebounded. Lucien felt something familiar brush against his consciousness.

The next moment, darkness attacked his mindscape, forcing him to recall his spirit guardians for mental protection. Like that, the tides had turned. 

Lucien had killed three, but five remained, not including Pettigrew, Voldemort, and Lucius - who was hiding behind a tombstone. 

Lucien now identified another Horcrux. In his mindscape. The dark aura of Voldemort's Python was attacking his guardians.

"Ahhh!" A burst of energy exploded from his body as he activated his Samodiva Physique.

 "Tonks!" he shouted. The demon appeared in the blink of an eye. The moment she appeared, it wasn't Lucien that she focused on. It was the horrid Python that she sensed.

"Tonks, take that fucking snake away and restrain it. Hide in the deepest abyss if you have to, but do not return until I call!" Lucien ordered as his physique latched on to masculine and feminine forces alike.

"With pleasure! Nagini! You traitorous bitch!" all of the demonic prostitutes spoke in unison though it sounded more like a wicked battle cry.

The moment the snake, called Nagini, heard the demons' voice, the assault on Lucien's mind ended, and Nagini attempted to flee.

"You dare!" Voldemort shouted and went after Tonks.

"Mortal scum," Tonks waved her armed. A plethora of dark energy assaulted his body, blowing him into a Grimm Reaper statue, shattering it to piece. Before Voldemort could stand, Tonks had Nagini in hand and vanished without a trace.

A few yards away, Lucien finished the few death eaters that remained. Killing them one by one and taking their wands, devouring them, and storing the energy for later.

While Voldemort was climbing from the rubble, Harry did something that no warrior should ever do. He attempts to steal a kill.

"Reducto!" Harry threw his curse with furry but was too slow.

 "Avada Kadavera!" 

The two curses collided and did something no one was expecting, Priori Incantatem. A magical phenomenon can occur when two wands share the same source as their cores and are forced to compete in combat.

Lucien squinted and remembered what Qestiyah had told him. Both Harry and Voldemort's wands were brothers. Their wand cores had come from the same phoenix.

"Son of bitch" Lucien muttered. "Bound by fate."

Lucien looked at Potter and then the lifeless Mael. Only for a split second did he feel guilt. Just a split second later-- he vanished and reappeared at the start of the maze in front of a stadium of people being confined to Dumbledore's tournament area. 

He didn't worry about Harry. Harry would never be killed by Voldemort as long as the used sibling wands to battle.

When everyone took notice of Lucien, they began to look for the Triwizard cup but saw nothing. Without an explanation, Lucien looked towards the stands, Viktor and Vera looked sickly pale but tightly embraced each other. He then looked towards Hogwarts and teleported again before he could be stopped by Snape and Dumbledore.

But it wasn't long until Harry also appeared with the Triwizard Cup and a lifeless Mael in hand. Many people reverted to the same thought. Lucien Bennett-Dubois has killed Mael Brodeur, but that thought was soon thrown to the wolves when Harry cried, "He's Back. He's Back! Voldemort is back!"