Mortal Realms, Beware! Maleficent Is Born! (Rewrite finished)

Thousands of years. Hard to comprehend for mortals, but nothing but a nap for Devon. He went to sleep as a world was born, and woke up as it was being destroyed. This was the existence of beings who had lived before time was created. They defied every common sense that existed.

Right now, the four arch-angels stood with the all-father by their side. The day had come at last. The day only one being in this heaven had eagerly awaited for. Maleficent was her name.

"Are you nervous, my daughter?"

"No, father! After so many years in this place simply observing the mortal realms, I can't wait to get to experience them fully. Touch a human, destroy a planet, create one. I have so many things I want to do." She saw the glint in the eyes of her father and held her hand high. "And, yes. I remember. Any universe I destroy I have to repair or recreate myself. I have full control now, I won't make that mistake again."

"Glad to hear that, your highness. It only took thousands of multiverses before your simple direct gaze destroyed it." Devon butted in cheerfully. Mostly because he knew that such a remark would hit a sour point with her.

"Indeed. Her highness lack of divine control was truly awful in the beginning. Worst I've seen."

"Do not insult me, Rex. A snap of my finger and your life is forfeit!"

Rex looked fearful for a full second before mellowing slightly. "A simple joke. I meant no harm, of course."


"Dear brother. I thought me ripping out your tongue that one time had given you a good idea of what I thought about you insulting her highness."

"Indeed, awful sister. I got the hint. But, her highness is truly adorable when her cheeks puff out in anger. My heart flutters awake every time."


"Creep!" Maleficent whispered while trying very hard not to do exactly what Rex expected.

"Alright. With the goodbyes out of the way. My daughter should be on her way. We all have our duties to go back to." The all-father turned to Rex suddenly. "Proper duties. Not sleeping."

"Ha!" Maleficent pointed at Rex and mocked happily.

"I hope your adventures bring you much happiness, your highness." Devon declared while pushing Rex's face into the dirt. Struggle as he might, not one angel could overpower Devon, even if their life depended on it.

"Time I go. If I delay I won't be able to leave."

"I understand. You adore us too much to leave." Nomos declared, sure of himself.

"I apologize. I misspoke." She giggled before saying. "I will miss Devon too much."

"Why must you tease me, your highness. my cold, dead heart burned bright for a moment. You devious little angel. How well I have taught you." Nomos said even more proud of her.

"Indeed." She made a portal with a simple gesture and stepped closer. "I bid thee farewell." Her bright giggle disappeared as her form sunk into the portal.


For the simple purpose of keeping things interesting, Maleficent chose not to consciously pick a world to start in. The portal took her to any random mortal realm in the closest multiverse. No matter what world it was, she was only interested in observing mortal behaviour, so strength was irrelevant to her.

The first thing that greeted her was a vast forested area. It was nighttime, with a bright moon hanging in the sky.

"So, this is what night looks like." She turned her gaze upwards. "Beautiful. I didn't know a rock could be so beautiful." The first heaven was always sunny. Never an ounce of darkness, it was bright and sunny without even a sun being present. As stated by Devon many times. That place defied every common sense.

"What a strange sight. Who are you?"

Maleficent looked behind her at the slightly distorted shadow of the tree which she stood by. A mortal might have seen not much more than a blazing red eye, but she saw the black cloak, and the damaged face hidden behind the strange mask.

"I didn't think you would say something." She looked innocent. It unnerved the newly arrived stranger more that she seemed to peaceful. They stood in a dark forest, at night, and he was a cloaked man with a very dark and eerie-sounding voice. Who wouldn't be at least tense in this situation?

"Am I to take that as if you knew I was here before I said something?"

"If you want. The opinion of mortals matters little to me. It is your behaviour I am more interested in."

"opinions encourage the behaviour of anyone. Without opinions, how are we supposed to know how to act? And, why are you calling me mortal?" This was not what he expected to find this night. This important night got a little more interesting.

"I suppose that is right. Maybe I should listen to your opinion then. Still haven't decided if I should care, though. Let me ask you something if you're willing to answer."

"I'll humour you, girl. Speak your mind. You have intrigued me."

"Would you seriously regard the opinion of an ant?" She was gazing at the moon. So tiny everything looked in comparison to it. "For that will tell me whether I should listen to you."

"That is a dangerous thing to say. I am not someone you should anger, I can make you scream a hundred different ways. If you do not tread carefully, that is exactly what I will do." A small metallic object reflected off the moon's light. A bladed weapon, Maleficent deduced from a simple glance.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? I am still not well-versed in mortal behaviour. You see, where I can from, threats do not exist." She disappeared suddenly from his view. Her tiny hand gripped his just as suddenly as she disappeared.

"I know only how to take action." She swung him around and threw him into a tree with practised ease. "You will help me understand."

He looked up and saw she standing there like she hadn't just thrown a much bigger person like nothing. her arms were as thin as sticks yet the strength he felt was beyond anything he had felt before. Not only that. He couldn't react to her movements. She looked to be moving in slow-motion, but still, she had thrown him before he could lift a finger.

"That is a complicated concept for you mortals to comprehend. I moved so fast that it looked slow to you. It is your slightly evolved mind trying to not break down in front of something it can not conceive."

"Di-Did you just read my mind?"

"No. Putting it like that insinuates that it is a conscious move. Your mind is open to me, I hear it speaking without looking for the words."

"What are you? You are not a normal human, are you?" The man with the queer mask was trying very hard to not allow fear to take over. Simple breathing techniques was practically useless currently.

"How perceptive of you." She giggled like the most innocent little girl. "No, I am not mortal. I am what you see around you, in simple terms. What you are and ever has been, and what you will be. I am it all. Do you want to know how you die, Obito?" She asked with a smile.

