Bringer Of Accidental Hope (Rewrite Finished)

"H-How I die? Y-You can't be serious! What is this!?" Obito, deep in his mind, knew who, or rather what he was staring at. But, fear numbed his logic and emotion. He was trapped in a state of complete disregard for reality. He was rejecting everything around him.

"Interesting. So, mortals exposed to my divinity lose their mind. Interesting. Not surprising, though. Suppose it was to be expected." She snapped her fingers and restored his mind. She reversed time for him, yet the world remained untainted by her power.

"What am I doing here? Where am I?"

"Take a second," Maleficent said calmly.

Obito breathed in and out slowly and calmly and the memories of the last ten minutes came rushing back. But now, the difference was that the panic was sedated. Almost like someone else was holding the reign on his emotions.

"Are you some sort of god? I don't understand." He couldn't seem to get angry. He felt what he should naturally do in this situation. Kill this girl, but he wouldn't. Something was holding him in place, controlling him. A puppeteer.

"By your standard, sure." Maleficent was now looking at something else. In the direction of his original goal.

"Why are you here? To destroy the village beyond this forest?" One can hope.

"That is your goal, no? If I am... A god as you so elegantly put it. Why would I bother destroying something so meaningless as a village of mortals?" The tone seemed to suggest she was genuinely asking. Obito was all too happy to oblige, something which troubled him greatly.

"You said you wanted to know about our behaviour? The village would be a starting point."

"Exactly. You get to live another day." She smiled with that innocent smile again. That smile which was both the scariest thing and the most beautiful thing he had seen.

"What happens now?"

"You get on your way. You did have some premade plans this night, did you not?" Maleficent's finger twitched slightly and Obito suddenly felt free. A feeling so incredible he had never imagined something could feel this good. The gift of freedom. He had it back, and it felt incredible. He started with simple stretches just to confirm he had control back.

"Be on your way now." She waved in his direction and he didn't need another say-so. He jumped away, simply happy to be alive. With full control back, he set his sights on the Hidden leaf village ones again.


"Mortals are foolish. Despite who he thinks he is, he still trusted me to leave him be. Are all mortals as trusting as he?" Maleficent floated above the forest with her sights on Obito. He moved quickly for a mortal man, but it was how he moved with a purpose that intrigued her most. Mortals always performed and achieved most when evil drove their actions.

"Evil propels evolution. Evil always loses to good. One of these I will change. What if evil didn't lose? What if evil never lost. What would the multiverse look like if something uncontrollable and incomprehensible took control?"

"What if I could dictate how mortals evolved without directly interfering in the evolution process itself. So many options open to me." She wasn't like her father who was all-seeing. She could gaze at specific future events at will.

As her mind wandered, Obito had landed himself in a fight with another man. Their little fight didn't interest her, no. What caught her attention was the raging giant fox. An entity with some years behind it. Not mortal in the same sense as the men it crushed mercilessly. Yet, it wasn't ever-lasting, like she was. It would fade into nothingness eventually.

"Unless I intervene." She said as she skipped forward with a spring in her steps.


"GET THE CIVILIANS AWAY FROM HERE!!" The third Hokage roared to the ninjas surrounding him. Most of them would be useless in dealing with a tailed-beast. The only options left for them was to protect the civilians, that way they would hopefully survive. Which he doubted he would at the end of this.

"Lord Hokage! It's charging something!"

"My lord, do you feel that chakra!"

"It's hopeless, isn't it?!"

He looked around at the despair so evident on their faces. He didn't blame them, not one bit. Tailed-beasts were so far beyond the level of Hokage it wasn't even funny. The strongest ninja they had seen stood hopeless in front of them, so who would blame their loss of confidence.

"How easy you lose hope." The old Hokage who felt more ancient than the nine-tailed beast struck his kunai on reflex. It hit nothing but air.

"Was I imagining things? Have I finally grown so old I am hearing voices?" Should he laugh to himself or pray for his village. He had no answer.

"I suppose I could see why despair looks appetizing."

Now he was sure. He was not imagining things. Right in front of him stood a little girl. Looking no more than sixteen years of age. Blonde hair, multi-coloured eyes and a very noble-looking dress.

"It's dangerous here, get away from here! This area will soon be destroyed!"

Maleficent said nothing as if she had forgotten he stood there. Her eyes glued on the monster-fox. And, after such build-up, it released the massive ball of chakra it had collected in front of its snout. What picture described death incarnate better than that massive collection of chakra?

With no one the wiser, her finger twitched and the ball stopped mid-air. As if the ball struggled against some form of hold, it moved millimetres in either direction. Before long it flew back against the fox faster than most eyes could track. With a collision worthy of the history books, the nine-tailed fox reformed the land as it was sent crashing back.

"W-What just happened?!"

"Did God save us?"

"Lord Hokage, did you do this?" Any form of formality or respect in their tones were gone. The feeling hanging in the air switched between despair and frustration.

"I have no idea. Simply no idea." He turned to ask the little anomaly, but she was gone. No, where to be seen. simple logic now dictated that she was the responsible party, but the Hokage, unfortunately, had more important issues to focus on. The still free fox, his panic-stricken soldiers, the fourth Hokage and the civilian population. Never before had he felt his age as he did at this moment.

"I should have become a sage. I'm too old for this..."

