Start Of A Beautiful Friendship (Rewrite Finished)

Beyond the village, to where the fox had landed after being hit by its own attack, a battle was ongoing. Its tails swiping furiously at the tiny floating girl, claws and giant chakra-based attacks reshaping the landscape. Still, Maleficent swiftly dodged every single attack. She weaved in between the fox's claws and landed punches herself.

"I have some questions. Would you consider answering some of them?" She peeked from behind one of the trees. The answer was one giant tail destroying it. She appeared on the fox's head with a hand raised high.

From her hand grew a dark sun, pitch black and eerie-looking. Small in size but radiating power the nine-tails had never seen before. She smacked it down on top its head blowing away most of the landscape and knocking the beast unconscious.

"Hello? Are you alive?" She sat down in front of one of its eyes. Carefully, or not so carefully, she lifted its eyelid to look for signs of life.

"I hope it's not dead, that wasn't that powerful of an attack. Was it?" Time moved differently to an entity such as her. With no idea how long she had been sat there, she finally heard a low grumbling sound from the beast.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Whatever rage that was driving the beast before seemed to have mellowed out now. Maleficent dropped the eyelid and smiled as she waved.

"I hear the eyes are windows into the soul. I was looking for signs of life."

"That is a moronic way if there ever was one. I have a heart, you know." As if it was a bother to speak, the fox answered her begrudgingly.

"What do you want, anyway?"

"I want some answers to some of my questions about mortals. You have been among them for a thousand years. Surely you can answer some normal questions." She looked hopeful. More naive than someone as old as she was allowed to look.

"How do you know that. None of these humans knows my age. None of my hosts has had the privilege to know that either." The tone was threatening. Though, of course, Maleficent didn't recognize it as such.

"I read your mind. You have led a surprisingly boring life for a superior lifeform. Well, superior in a mortal realm. You hold a lot of resentment towards these humans."

"If I didn't know I stand no chance, I would have eaten you by now. I did NOT give you permission to go looking through my mind."

"I technically created you, so I do not need your permission." She said happily.

"You have nothing to do with my creation. The person who created me was a man."

"Let me show you." One finger touched the soft fur and millions of memories and images flashed in his mind. It was like a massive headache that wouldn't stop, every image and memory created new questions and every answer gave way to more difficult questions.

"What. The. Hell." If tailed beasts could physically sweat, there would be oceans worth on the ground by now. He regarded her with real fear, knowing what she was. The visions he had been shown. The beginning of his world, how she had observed when the Sage created the nine beasts. Her immortal gaze like a shadow above the planet. Terror of the highest degree.

"You see now? All of the creation started with my father. Who is me, and I am him. Everything you see and hear comes from us. Pretty cool, huh?" She grinned despite the pure terror displayed on the face of the beast.

"My first guess would have been that you were after my power. Like everyone else in this world is. But, clearly not." He would have done a well-placed scoff if he wasn't so afraid of her.


"So, what do you want, Maleficent?"

"Are we on a first-name basis?"

"Don't you da-"

"Nice to meet you, Kurama!" She gave a quick pat to the fox's snout.

"Now I really feel like eating you. Why don't you climb into my mouth."

"Your teeth won't be able to pierce my skin. Though, I am quite sure I taste delicious. Behave and maybe I'll give you a taste."

"Alright, another time maybe. Now to the questions you had. Since I can't escape your grasp, I might as well answer them so I can get rid of you."

To this, she seemed to agree. Kurama got some approving pats on his snout as she summoned a yellow pad. With a quick look, he saw multiple questions cluttered together on the little piece of paper.

"Imagine that. The all-mighty goddess can't sort out her questions without the help of mortal tools." He roared in laughter at her expense.

Maleficent puffed her cheeks unintentionally. If Rex was there to witness the cuteness overload, he would surely faint.

"Remember I can rain death and destruction down onto you. Not only that, I will transform you into a housecat and give you to two cat fanatics." She slapped the pad down on his head a couple of times. Every action performed enhanced her cuteness further. Even he was close to joining Rex's corner of worship.

"First question." She began when Kurama begrudgingly kept his mouth shut.

"How long is the average mortal lifespan?"

"You don't know that? The all-mighty goddess?" He thought about laughing at her. Until the image of being forced to sit in some old couples lap entered his mind. So, wisely he kept his mouth shut.

"Time is different for me. Actually, everything is different for me. Important things for mortals are things I have never even considered. Kind of like how long an average mortal lives for."

"This is gonna suck isn't it?" Kurama had to admit even he, an immortal fox had to think about this one.

"I think the humans in this world if we're talking about the average biological age. Maybe, sixty to seventy or something."

"Fascinating. And, how long would a mortal survive without food or water?" A nap for her could be an entire lifetime for a mortal. She definitely didn't regret descending down to the mortal realms now. So much new to learn, so much she had missed from observing from heaven.

"That's a morbid question. I don't know. A few days, maybe."

"I see." Maleficent was frantically writing things down. By the looks of things, and the small glimpses he caught, she had some pretty disturbing experiments planned for humans.

"You are part of the being who created everything. Shouldn't you hold this knowledge already?"

She looked up from her notepad and frowned as if to say the question was stupid.

"I hold the second most knowledge of existence. But, I am not omnipotent. My father sees all at the same time. He knows everything before it even begins. He has already seen my life begin and end, despite that, I will outlive every single multiverse that will ever exist."

"I am not that." She said with certainty. Kurama felt his brain almost burst trying to comprehend that. But, she gave no regard for his struggles and continued.

"I hold very little knowledge of mortals since they play such a minuscule part of existence. Mortals have been around for a very short amount of time, and most of my knowledge revolves around the things that came before, I know not much about what makes you mortals tick."

"You truly are beyond comprehension."


"Since I was born, the one thing that fascinated me the most was mortal behaviour. I can't understand why mortals do what they do, but in the beginning, I just imitated what they did. Held hands with my father, when I saw him, things like that. I came to figure out why mortals place such high value on feelings. I know I feel, I just do not understand why I do."

"Okay, next question!" She said in a spur of excitement.

"Alright," Kurama said. His understanding of her started to increase. His interested taking place as well. Of all the beings he had met, she was by far the most fun and interesting. Someone, he could actually see himself hanging around with for a while.

