The last few months, Kurama and the insatiable cake-monster had flown around the world multiple times. They were searching for the perfect place to set up roots. The goddess had decided that every world she conquered needed a hub of sorts. A place where her servants and their armies could live. And after months of searching, they had found it.
In the middle of nowhere, out at sea where no one could reach because of the harsh environment, there existed an island perfect for what she wanted.
"I know you like adventure and all, but why couldn't you have just created an island? You could have saved us a lot of time searching around the globe."
"What's the thing I love more than cake, Foxy?" Maleficent asked with a charming grin.
"Adventure, I would have to say," Kurama answered reluctantly. from her tone, he knew he would regret asking.
"Correct. So don't ask stupid questions, fox." The cake-loving goddess said with a winning grin.
"Right. Sorry, brat. I forgot you are insufferable with all that." He answered with a glaring stare. He cursed under his breath.
"I fully admit to being insufferable. But when you ask obvious questions, I will give you a hard time - it's for your own good. If I don't call out your mistakes, how will you learn to do better?" She stated proudly. Kurama could in fact point out an endless amount of things that she did worse than him. But he liked living so he was forced to swallow his frustrations.
"So, aside from your insufferable personality. Let's check out this island; what's so special about it? Looks ordinary to me." Kurama said as he tried to steer the conversation away from topics that could potentially get him killed.
"It's inaccessible to the locals in this world. Only a select few can get here without perishing and that will prove who is worthy to become one of my slaves." The goddess stated with a grin.
"Don't you mean servants?" Kurama hastily added.
"Hm? Ah, yes, servants. I need lots of servants!" Her response calmed Kurama a little, at least enough to breath normally again.
"And lots of slaves!! All ready to do my bidding!" Maleficent's grand laugh that followed shook the oceans causing raging tornados around the island.
"BRAT! No slaves! Bad girl!" He couldn't help himself, he shook his massive head and Maleficent went flying off his snout where she had been resting. His fox-form was massive and currently, he looked like a fluffy cloud floating soundly above the desolate island.
"FOOOOX!!" Maleficent flew up with her fists ablaze.
"Crap!" Realizing he had made a massive whoopsie, Kurama tried flying away from the island but alas, he was too late.
"Kuuuuraaammaaa..." She floated up to his snout. "Baaaaad Foooox."
"Heh, it was an honest mistake. Please I don't wanna die." He whimpered quietly.
Maleficent stopped her descending fist. "You're lucky. I find it difficult to hurt cute things." She sat down on his head again. But she hit him playfully on the head. By booming sound reverberating over the ocean the power in that 'playful smack was nothing if not world-destroying.
"Don't think cuteness is omnipotent. Even your adorable and deliciously fluffy fur cannot stop me forever. So don't throw me off again!"
"Yes Ma'am! I will try not to!"
"hm? Try?"
"I WILL DEFINITELY NOT THROW YOU OFF AGAIN!" The demon fox couldn't raise his head because of the divine pressure coming from Maleficent. Anyone would bow to that nigh-omnipotent pressure.
"Good." And then the innocent smile was back again and her diving pressure disappeared.
"Time for this island to get a makeover." Maleficent snapped her fingers and not soon thereafter a portal opened down on the island.
"She's here, let's go." She directed Kurama to descend down to the island.
"Lady Maleficent. I have come in answer to your summon. What can I do for your majesty?" A busty purple-haired woman met them as they descended. She was perfect, the peak of beauty and her aura made Kurama cower.
"I want this island fixed. Make it sparkle. You know the drill."
"It will be done. Maybe you should leave for the moment, my lady. It will get dirty here and I can not allow your clothes to be contaminated with this lowly mortal dirt. We must avoid such a disaster."
"Always the drama queen," Maleficent said with an exasperated sigh.
"We must maintain your purity when you're among these apes. Would you please step off that furball! His minuscule strength makes him unworthy of carrying you. I will go to the divine realm and bring back a proper mount for you."
"NO! Do not be mean to furball, Athena! He's so comfortable!" There were literal sparks between them that broke off parts of the island. A simple verbal dispute almost put Kurama in a coma from being trapped in the middle of their impossibly powerful auras.
Athena gave up and sighed. "You win as always, my lady. Now leave so I can start working on this rock and make it divine." She clapped her hands and opened a portal.
"What are those?" Asked Kurama as he watched the red pig-looking humanoids coming out from the portal.
"Demi-gods. They belong to the High orc race. We use them for manual labour when we need them. They have crazy high stamina which makes them the most efficient workers." Athena answered proudly.
"In the beginning we had the minor gods do all that stuff but all they did was complain all day long - so they were replaced."
"I... see. Gods used for manual labour." Kurama whispered. "What have I gotten myself into?"
"The greatest adventure. Now let's go to Fairy Tail. I have gifts for our new friends."
Kurama walked into the guild which they hadn't visited in months. His powerful strides shaking the foundation of the building. It worked great to immediately get them the attention Maleficent so desperately always needed.
"We have returned!" The little bundle of omnipotence stated loud and proud as she sat on Kurama's shoulder. Her picture-perfect appearance made the scene supremely adorable.
"Maleficent! Welcome back!" Mavis exclaimed loudly with a drink in hand, as usual in this guild. Never would you come across a time when there wasn't a party ongoing celebrating something.
"The ants' nest has grown yet again. Well done indeed, Mavis. More slaves for me."
"No, bad god!" Kurama knocked her on the head lightly. He would do it harder but he fancied living a little longer. His 'immortal' state didn't really mean much in front of the being who was responsible for basically creating his reality.
"No slaves. What did we talk about?"
"Slave is a demeaning word. I shouldn't use it." Her shoulders slumped just an inch as guilt infested her expression.
"That won't work on me. You can not guilt trip the demon fox." Kurama was receiving many wide-eyed stares because of his very large frame. While within an acceptable range, he was still quite intimidating as his seven feet frame towered over everyone.
"Come guys! I wanna hear all about your adventure, anything interesting happening in the world nowadays?" Mavis asked with excitement.
"Still annoying," Kurama grumbled with his deep voice almost causing aerial vibrations.
"Be nice to her. She's only a baby, not even having passed her first millennium. She'll calm down eventually." Maleficent said with a smile.
"I think you're forgetting that not everyone is an ancient Creation God."
Maleficent delivered a quick but vicious slap to his head. "Rude! I am only four million years old, give or take a few thousand years." Now they were only getting strange looks as their conversation delved into truly bizarre topics.
"Mavis," Maleficent directed Kurama to walk forward. "I have gifts for you. Rejoice!" She snapped her fingers and four magnificent rings appeared in the air.
"Wow! So pretty! I want the pink one!" Mavis almost instinctually dove for the pink ring. She got a hold of it swiftly and wasted no time putting it on.
"I feel something from them, I don't know what though. Are they magical?" Precht asked with curiosity. He wasn't as naive as Mavis when it revolved around friends. He wouldn't just blindly trust such objects despite Maleficent and Kurama having proven to be friends to the guild.
"Rings that I made personally. They do provide certain abilities, nothing major, just some extra protection for you. I also made them for your bloodlines only." Maleficent explained happily.
"Kinda like founder rings. I would like it if the position of the guild master was kept among our four families." Yuri stated with a smile. "I like it. And I do feel stronger as well. Thank you." He bowed slightly to Maleficent.
"That is right. Bow to me slaves!" She stood up on Kurama's shoulder to laugh maniacally, only to have the fox push her down.
"Thank you, Maleficent. I like it a lot. I will treasure it forever." Mavis said as she jumped around admiring the founder rings.
"How did you make these? I had no idea you were interested in craftsmanship." Perch said.
"I am not. I just made them because it sounded fun. I tend to forget faces so with these I will now know who you are when we meet."
"Y-You would forget me?!" Mavis looked distraught; as if her world had undergone an apocalypse.
"Well, yes. Would you bother trying to remember the shape of every cloud you see or every ant you see? I would assume no."
"Be nice. She means that in the nicest way possible." Kurama stated quickly. He couldn't bear to see Mavis heartbroken expression any longer. It was physically painful to watch; she was too adorable. Though like he would ever admit to that.
Wait, could Maleficent read minds? Probably, so d-does she know? He glanced carefully towards the God sitting comfortably on his shoulder, only to be met with a knowing smirk.
"Indeed I can." That was all she said in response to his questionable stare.