Years passed slowly to most mortals. Many had learned to treasure what little time they had in the world. The same could not be said for a particular God and demon duo.
"I keep telling you that you can not have houses made out of cake! Stop being unreasonable!" The feared Demon Fox, destroyer of man and bringer of end times to some was stuck in a never-ending argument with a temperamental Goddess.
"Why not!" Maleficent was not giving an inch.
Maleficent stuck her tongue out and puffed her chest. "I didn't listen. Tell me again."
"You are impossible. I quit, end my existence already." Kurama transformed into his fox-form and laid down. After hours of yelling the same answer over and over again, his head was mush. The goddess he served had a tendency of being stupidly stubborn on things she thought was a good idea. Which was basically every idea she had.
This one idea to turn every building on the newly designed island-city into various cakes was one idea she was fighting extra hard for. He didn't understand why, but she rarely did something if he forbade it, but that didn't stop her from nagging until he agreed. Buts he never actually went behind his back if he expressed his displeasure with it.
Their relationship was scarily similar to a parent and child one. No need to guess which of them held what role.
"Athena will get annoyed if you did that as well. So just leave it. Go find some mortal city and turn that to candy or something." This was one of those instances where he instantly regretted speaking without thinking.
"GREAT IDEA! CANDY CITY HERE I COME!!" She couldn't fly away before a deep rumbling appeared around the island.
"We have a guest," Kurama said, silently thanking the divine for the perfect timing.
From the clouds above a massive black claw made itself visible. Following it was the body of a truly magnificent looking beast. A jet-black dragon. Maleficent smiled excitedly at its approach. An oddly predatory grin on her face.
"He is one of the apex creatures of this world. I'm sure you've sensed him before."
"He's been holding up in that mountain range since we arrived. I guess very few things interest him anymore. The curse of immortality." Kurama said as his gaze followed the slow descent of the black dragon.
"Living forever or not; Only boring people get bored. There is always something to do."
Kurama sighed out loud. "Not everyone can travel between worlds at will. Most immortals are trapped in whatever world they are in."
"Sounds boring."
Exactly." Kurama wanted to facepalm but resisted the urge.
The beach was vast so the black dragon had more than enough room to land on. Surprisingly he did not attack them. Kurama's aura was not suppressed much which most likely helped. Maleficent couldn't be sensed by mortals unless she willed it.
"Hello, little lizard. whatcha doing here?" Kurama asked calmly. He wasn't especially afraid of the dragon. He was slightly stronger currently.
"Abominations. You shouldn't be here. You are not allowed here."
"How cryptic. This little lady is pretty stupid, despite her age, so how about you speak clearly. She might delete your existence otherwise." Kurama said as he yawned.
"Hey, lizard. Join me! You're cute."
Kurama tapped her lightly on the head. "He is here to kill us. Why would you ask the brat to join us? He is clearly temperamental, he will not take that well." As to prove his point, the dragon started gathering magic in his mouth.
"See what you did. Annoying goddess."
"Stop him, Kurama. He will mess up my cake island."
"For the thousandth time. You will not turn this island into a giant cake." The fox chose not to follow the command, instead, he just watched as the dragon got ready to fire.
"Meanie. Why did I even recruit you? You don't let me have fun at all!" Maleficent flicked her fingers and the dragon who was until now ignored was pushed by an invisible force and crashed into the ocean.
"Thank you." She bowed gracefully.
"It was not a compliment. He is coming back, you know."
"I know. You deal with it. I'm tired." She laid down on his head and went to sleep. Just like that.
"Troublesome." Kurama stood up, he knew Maleficent couldn't fall off no matter how he moved. It was some strange power she used that glued her to the surface. Similar to chakra but she could use it even as she slept.
"Come here, lizard. Entertain me!" Kurama quickly gathered magic in his throat and launched an attack at the spot where his opponent had disappeared into the water.
Maleficent said chakra was so boring so she made Kurama a magical beast instead. He knows utilized magic instead, which was more versatile since the effects you could achieve were greater.
The water exploded upwards as the dragon came flying towards the shore. He was slightly bruised up but not enough to stop him.
"Come on, tiny lizard." Kurama roared as well and his body grew multiple times his own size. Now standing at a ridiculous height of a hundred meters.
"Acnologia, right? The world is scared of you, I can't begin to understand why." With his height came power. No longer suppressed, Kurama's power had grown five times. His hand moved faster than Acnologia could react to and grabbed him.
"I've always wanted to do this." Kurama cocked his arm back. "Hold on!" The struggling dragon in his grip couldn't do anything as Kurama's arm moved and launched him towards Ishgar at well beyond the speed of sound. The boom accompanying his launch awoke the sleeping goddess.
She jumped towards Kurama's eyes and stared into them. "I said to make him join us. Why did you throw him away?"
"You did not say that. And I threw him because I won't bother fighting him. He's annoying."
"You have been complaining for a long time about being bored. Why not take it out on that boy?"
"Because I want a fun opponent. I need a battle maniac, someone who feels that need to bleed, that's what I seek!"
"Ugh, younglings nowadays." Maleficent jumped back onto the fox's head.
"At least we young folks don't sleep all day like some people."
"Fuck off!"
"Real mature..."