3. Lord Of The Red Dragon

18th December 2018

We got down to the nearest hawker stall down at our apartment, and we quickly ordered our lunches. My stomach growled as it indicated that I had time travelled back in time with no sustenance inside my stomach and its a bit hurting.

After ordering some food, we quickly wolfed it down and told Zairon; that we would be heading down to the motorcycle dealer's soon after. "Why do we need to go to the dealer, Sis? You need to service your scooter or something? I thought you would normally service the scooter on odd-numbered months?"

"I would be going to mortgage the scooter, grab some cash and then order the nutrients and hooked them up to the gaming console. Don't tell nanay and tatay that I mortgaged the scooter, okay?"

"I don't want them to think I splurge too much money on the MMORPG and not looking for a proper job. What can you do anything else except for gaming if you do have a Bachelor's Degree in Game Design and Programming, am I right?"

"If you keep this under wraps, I would send you some allowance to get those skins or buffs that you need for your kind of games, okay? Deal or not?" I made a compromise with Zairon, and his eyes lit up the moment he heard about free premium skins he could purchase the moment I passed him some credits.

"For real or not, Sis? Don't try to lie to me, or I would superglue your gaming console, and you cannot open the door anymore. Your gaming console at first glance looked like a futuristic coffin, you know. Not to keep the dead but to keep the living from dying. Hahaha...!"

Zairon guffawed as I reached out to pull his ears, but he was too quick for me. This 9-year-old boy got the gift of the gab and was good at twisting and mincing his words. Most times, he would hurt people's feeling through his unfiltered words without him knowing it.


"Sis... You are bullying me, you know. You had me carry your packets of drugs, and all you gave me was some cash to buy the basic of skins. I already have those skins installed in some of my online games, and I need those premium ones."

"You know, Sis, those premium ones are those sought after, you know? It is the top of the crop for the players to achieve victory. Like yourself, you had personally bought a gaming capsule to give you an edge over your upcoming game."

"Previously, all you need was a VR Gaming Headset but now since you realise that you need to have the winning edge, you decided to invest in a gaming capsule, right?"

What Zairon had mentioned was true. I need to have a gaming capsule to get the edge of completing missions and getting more resources. A gaming capsule enables the gamer to achieve an additional 10% chances to the attributes, including Luck. Previously I was using a VR Gaming Headset and was lacking when it comes to drops from mobsters, and my levelling up was paltry when I had levelled up to almost 25% of the gaming character.

With the gaming capsule, I had experienced smoother upgrades and levelling up. This kind of upgrades that would couple with the S-Class nutrients that would be installed on the gaming capsule and fed through intravenous tubes that I would synchronise it with my DNA once the nutrients are ready.

Besides, when Zairon shot some words about drugs without giving much thought, immediately brought curious stares from the onlookers as we stepped out from a fitness centre with paper bags of those nutrients.

"Hoy bata...! If you think the money is not worth to buy anything, then return it to me then. I could get another set of nutrients to drink and prepare myself before I set the S-Class nutrients to the gaming capsule, okay? You ingrate, I have been taking care of you and even sacrificed my scooter to get the things and pass you some money, and yet you bad mouthed me."

"Come... Give me back my money. Its better than nothing, you know. You at this age already have been thinking and wasting money. When I was your age, I was also doing the same thing. Hahaha...!!!"

Zairon first heard that he had been chided, but then he heard that I was laughing it off, so he tapped his short's pockets and made sure the money was still there.

He was carrying a paper bag that had filled with C-Class nutrients. It was the lowest range of nutrients that one could purchase from the fitness centre. The S-Class nutrients, that was the upmarket product for bodybuilders, university students and also those pay2win gamers who wanted to have a winning edge and advantage over those free2play gamers.

Besides, "Lord of The Red Dragon" is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, also known as MMORPG that had taken the world by storm. This game had invited a lot of investors from local and overseas businesses, even before the game was officially launched. This makes the sales of those A-Class and S-Class nutrients, as well as the gaming capsules to a record high.

"Here, take this money. Go and get some wings and nuggets from the fast-food restaurant under our apartment. Sis will wait for you here. Come, let me carry the paper bag first." I motioned to Zairon as he gleefully handed me his paper bag that he was carrying and grabbed the cash from me as he ran over to the fast-food restaurant.

Instead of going inside the restaurant to order the food, he went to the drive-in counter instead to order as he knew it would be the fastest way to get food...! He does learn fast from his sister, don't you think so?

I looked at my iPhone 8 plus that I had been using for over a year now. It was of the pristine condition, and I had upgraded mine to iPhone SE in late 2019. It was not the model that we are discussing right now but the fact that I had mentioned about meeting someone whilst inside the MMORPG.

He was a Level 55 Assassin or Rogue while I was a Level 53 Mage or a Wizard. I was a long-range threat and able to deal DoT (Damage Over Time), AOE (Area of Effect) as well as ability to perform DPS (Damage per second) while he was a close-quarter combatant with the same qualities as well. It was like a match made in heaven as I deal damage from a distance and kite the Boss out from their comfort zone and the Level 55 Assassin or Rogue was able to strike at close distance with deadly effects.

We worked together and found us to be a perfect match. I stared at my iPhone screen as I tried to recall his mobile number. Would it be a delightful surprise if I were to send him a WhatsApp message and inform him to join my party as soon as he got registered and online?

His nick in the MMORPG was 'LeChef' which meant 'Leader' in French, and he was a lone-wolf when he started. He later joined my guild and became one of my lieutenants in the later stages. When we got acquainted, he was like an empty shell that was waiting for someone. Through our daily meets in the gaming world, I get to know his real name and his phone number that I had etched it in my mind.

His name was Ron, and he's much older than me. An adult or matured gamer, if I could put it in that manner. And what surprises me was that he could virtually read my mind and I was thinking to myself if we had met each other in the previous life or maybe we were fated to be soul mates after several failed relationships?

I was feeling flushed all over the sudden as I touched my face and found it to be warm to touch...! Am I blushing like a little girl right now? Oh, My God...!!!