4. All System Go! Initialise!!!

18th December 2018

"Alright, Sis. It is time for us to go. I got for ourselves half dozen of spicy chicken wings and another half dozen of original flavoured chicken wings. I got two dozens of chicken nuggets and some potato wedges as well. It would be enough to keep you busy, don't you think so?" Zairon spoke up as he brought the paper bag into his arms once more along with the doggie bag that was filled with the food that he had mentioned earlier.

I looked at him comically and sneered back at him as we made our way back to our apartment. Living in the suburbs gave us a perk that food would always be within our reach. Zairon would normally walk to school since his school was only a stone's throw from our apartment. As for me, I am considered as self-employed in a SOHO apartment that we shared with our parents as well.

"Sis, you need any help with the fixing of those drugs into the machine of yours, do you? How come you buy so many of these in multi-coloured packs? Do each one of these represent something and what are their benefits, eh Sis?"

"Haiya... These are not drugs la, Zairon. If you mention this about drugs, you would have the area swamped with DEA officers very soon...! These are nutrients and these are crucial for a gamer like your Sis here to achieve best results in the game."

"You are only nine and the minimum age requirement would be fifteen. Wait a few more years and you would be able to join me in battles and our junior team would be able to 'carry' you."

I replied as I faked a kick at Zairon's buttocks as he wiggled it as he waddled along like a small duckling.

"Wuwuwuwu. Not fair. But it is alright, Sis. I think the MMORPG that you would be playing would go out of taste in a few months. Other MMORPG that hyped themselves, in the beginning, had burst like a laundry soap bubble after that. Hmph, I want to bet with you that your MMORPG would not last more than six months...!" Zairon harrumphed while we waited for our elevator down at the lobby.

"How wrong you are, kiddo...! This game is going to be played well into the year 2020. I was there and too bad I had no proof to show you." I thought to myself.

Furthermore, I had travelled back in time for no particular reasons, but one thing for sure, I would make things right this time as I prepare myself mentally and physically for this game.

Back then, I was a noobie and had not gotten my hands on those S-Class or even A-Class nutrients. Right now, they do not cost a bomb, but through the mortgage of the scooter, I was able to get my hands on the S-Class nutrients that would give me a headstart on the MMORPG gaming world that I would be registering soon.

I had to hook these S-Class nutrients as soon as I get home. Since Zairon was going to help me out hooking up the S-Class nutrients together, then we would able to finish up the job faster.


I had placed all the paper bags in my bedroom table as Zairon was there as he eyed me suspiciously. "These nutrients are beneficial for the brain and muscle development. Here is the basic form of nutrients for a start. It says here it would be best taken on an empty stomach since we gamers spend most of the time living inside the gaming capsules and do not have time to go out and have a bite to eat sometimes."

"You know all the energy drinks that sell in the convenience stores, am I right? Its something like it but its more potent. This C-Class packet of nutrients, would normally be transfused inside the gaming capsule but it could be taken directly. Like now, see...I already opened one, and I am going to consume at least 3 of this."

I made a tear at the corner of the packet of C-Class nutrients and poured it into a cup as I offered one to Zairon. He took a whiff at it and felt slightly put off from the smell of it.

"Sis, I told you already. It smelled like drugs to me. It's so smelly, how are you going to drink it?" he asked as he stared wild-eyed as I took the cup that I had offered to him earlier and downed it in a single gulp.

It tasted thick, slightly sweet and sourish and it goes down pretty well with no signs of sticking back at the throat. My stomach felt warm the moment the liquid hits it. My thoughts were of the future in the year 2020, but my body right now was in the presence of the year 2018...! It was as if it was my first time consuming these type of nutrients before.

Right after I had consumed the first pack of nutrients, I opened the other one and the next since I would start with the C-Class Nutrients first. Since there's a week before the actual launch, it would be great for me to have a headstart and start beefing up my own physical and mental strength.


After I had consumed the first three packets of C-Class nutrients, I started to hook up the rest of the packets of nutrients onto the gaming console. Zairon was surprised to find me moving at a faster speed than usual and was not tired after hauling the paper bags and its contents. He watched from the sidelines as I arranged the nutrients according to their Classes as well as when it would be dispensed to me.

"Alright, its time for the machine to recognise its owner now. Stand back Zairon, and do not touch anything around here, you hear me?" I advised my baby brother as he nodded his head and watched unabashedly as I stripped down to my bra and panties and stepped into the gaming capsule and closed the door.

I placed all the necessary nodes on parts of my body as I slipped a special kind of gauntlet on my left arm as I punched a few numbers on the panel to enter the authorization codes. I could feel prickly feelings of being pierced through my outer skin as the gaming console was making its initialization.

"Hello, Gamer. Welcome to Lord of The Red Dragon, also known as L.O.R.D. Please enter your username and password to begin its initialization of the customized gaming capsule." the system boomed into my head as I relaxed and reached out to enter the name 'ZA' as my character name, 'FEMALE' as for my gender and 'HUMAN' as my race. As for fighter class, I keyed in as 'NEUTRAL' for now since we would enter the game upon its launch date at precisely 2359 hours of 24th December 2018...! By then, everyone who started the game would be clothed in a pair of abysmal cloth armour, no shoes, no cloak and definitely with a wooden weapon of your choice.

"Character name is available and registered as ZA. HUMAN, FEMALE race and gender with NEUTRAL class and capabilities. Game is currently offline and would be launched at 2359 hours on the 24th December 2018. DNA initialization complete. Thank you for registering. Logging off."