After 3 years

There was a rumor that jungkook was dating someone. Because some fans and reporters noticed something. There was a ring, no one knows about the real story about it. They don't know if it came from an another person or did he bought it.

During their tour in america, they have an interview. The host ask jungkook, "Many armys were curious about this... Jungkook, what was the meaning of that ring? The whole world knew about that ring. Can we know the story behind it?", he just smile and lower his head. After an awkward silence, he finally answer, "Sure, so no one will ask again." Before he tells the story, he took a deep breath.

"This ring came from a fan... don't get jealous, armys. But before I wear this, there was a story. The mysterious girl shows up in a fan sign in korea 3 years ago, she was simple, we have the same smile and she was pretty. Then before she left, she gave me a ring, she said that I should promise her to take care of the ring until she came back or when we meet again. I asked her, "why?", then she smiled and she said that she wanted to give this 'special' ring to the person that saved her life. I don't actually know how I saved her life. Then, she will tell the rest of the story, when we meet again. But 3 years passed, we didn't see each other again." He said.

"That was a short, yet cute story..." The host said. Jungkook just smiled again and he look at the ring. The interview continued and before they leave they performed a song. After that, when they're all at the dressing room, they talk bout something.

"Jungkook, Is that the real story behind it? Or are you hiding something to us?" Jin asked.

"That's the story, hyung. I don't have a girlfriend, okay? I don't have time for that." Jungkook said.

"Did you know her name?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't actually remember... it was 3 years ago! I don't know her name anymore." Jungkook said.

"Nah, he's lying." Taehyung said.

"No, I'm not." Jungkook said.

"What about check the ring, maybe there was a name written in it." Yoongi said.

Jungkook removes the ring and look at the ring. And yoongi was right, he saw a name.

"V-victoria?" Jungkook said.

"Victoria? That's her name? Is she a foreigner?" Jimin asked.

"I don't remember... but this name was not familliar... did she change her name? I'm confused." Jungkook said.

"How come you forgot her name? But do yo∆∆u remember her face?" Namjoon asked.

"Ummmm..." Jungkook said.

"You don't remember, do you?" Namjoon said.

"You know? It's not important, stop asking about her..." Jungkook said.


"Y/n-ah! Ready to go?!" Your mom shouts downstairs.

"Yes, ma!" You shouted back.

You were preparing to go to korea. Your dad was a CEO of one of the biggest companies, and a hotel and restaurant in korea. You and your mom lived in America because you of your studies. And now that you graduated, your dad wants you to learn about his business, since you're the next CEO.

You go downstairs and saw your mom talking to some maids.

"Make sure that you always clean the rooms, because we didn't know when we will come back. Don't forget that, especially y/n's room, you know that she has an asthma." She said.

Yes, your mom was over-protective to you, especially after what happened in the past. You always ask them about it, but they always change the topic. So you gave up and forget it.

"Ma! Let's go! We will be late!" You said.

"I just want to remind them." She said.

"Fine, you're done. Let's go!" You said.

You quickly grab her hand and drag her out of the house and go inside the car. When you're inside, you kind of remember something.

"Ma? Is this our car? This is different from the car we usually used." You said.

"Sorry, the other car was broken... so we have no choice to use this old car." She said.

"No, it's okay. It's just... this car was so familiar." You said.

Your mom just ignore you and ordered the driver to drive. You just look at her and thinking about things.

'Is this another secret? Why is she always hide things from me? I'm sure this car was part from my past.' You thought.

You just ignore it and listen to one of your favorite songs, Mikrokosmos. It was one of BTS' new songs. You started to become an army 3 years ago. While you were in the hospital in korea, you saw BTS in the TV. They were playing in your favorite show. They're so funny and you end up laughing at them. When they performed, the song was so familiar and it was your type of music, so you search for it. And that's when you started to like them, and your bias was jungkook. He was your ideal boyfriend, you met a boy like him, but he changed and cheated. You remember some memories with him and you didn't noticed that tears started to fall.

"Y/n? V? You okay?" Your mom asked.

"Hmm?" You said and then you moticed your tears.

"Ummm... yeah, I'm okay." You added.

"You don't look like you're okay." Your mom said.

"Ignore it." You said.

"V? Us, parents exists because we need to teach, comfort, and guide our children to the right way. Tell me..." She said while looking at your eyes.

"D-do yoon..." You said while looking down.

"Your ex? Forget him... you know, you should not cry to the boys that left you, because they're not worth it. The reason why the two of you broke up, because you two were not meant to be. He's just a lesson, remember that." She said and wipe your tears.

"Ma? How will you know if he's the one?" You asked her.

"You will know it to yourself... you will feel it. Just like me to your dad... before we end up getting married, his parents doesn't like me. They always make a plan to separate us. But he didn't give up, he fight for me. Your dad was quite rude before we met... he has a bad temper. And he said that I was the one who changed him. And on your birthday, it was the day when he proposed. Your birthday was the very special day for us. So don't tell us that we don't love you, okay?" She said.

"Wait... Why would I say that you guys don't love me?" You asked.

"Ummm... it's because in the past, your papa had a problem in the company, and I have to help him, since I know a couple of things how to manage it, I took care of the hotel and restaurants. And we didn't know that you felt so lonely. And told us that we don't love you anymore, and that hurts us." She explained.

Your mom hugged you and caress your back. But you felt something...

'Why does it feel like... that story was not true? I felt like she told me a lie again.' You thought.

You arrived at the airport, during the flight, you got bored. So you stand up and walk to the lavatory, you were looking at your phone, choosing some songs. Then you bumped into someone.

"Ah!" You said and fell.

"Sorry, miss." He said.

"It's okay, it's my fault for not-" You didn't finish your sentence when you saw who you were talking to. Your heart was beating so fast.

"Ummm... It's okay, it's my fault." You said as you were trying to stand up. He helped you and smile.

"It's also my fault." He said. You smile back and saw the ring on his finger.

You look at the ring and you felt something wrong.

'Why do I feel like there's something on that ring?' You thought.

"Excuse me, jungkook... ummm... where did you got that ring?" You said.

"This ring? Ummm... a fan have it to me 3 years ago. Why?" He asked.

"Ummm... nothing. Thank you for helping me." You said and smile at him one last time before you left.

But he grab your wrist and turn you around.

"W-why?" You asked.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Y/n... Y/n Anderson..." You said.

"Y-y/n?" He asked.

"Umm... yes? Anything wrong?" You asked him.

"Did we met before? At the fan sign in korea? 3 years ago?" He asked.

"I... I don't know... I got into an accident 3 years ago in korea. I don't remember anything in the past. Why?" You asked him again.

"Nothing..." He said.

"If there's no problem, I'll leave. Nice to meet you, jungkook." You said and smile to him again showing your bunny smile. Then you left him there and go to the lavatory.

'Why does she look so familiar? Is she the girl who gave me this ring? If she is, then why didn't she told me about it?' Jungkook thought.

He goes back to his seat. He touch the ring and look at it.

'Why did this ring bothers me?' Jungkook thought.

"Any problem, kook?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing... it's just... this ring... it bothers me so much... I can't stop thinking about it." Jungkook said.

"Why? I thought you said that forget about that ring?" Jimin asked again.

"I know, but after I met that girl earlier, I can't stop thinking about this ring. Why do I feel like she was the one who gave this to me? She looks so familiar." Jungkook said.

"Ask her name, idiot." Jimin said.

"I already asked her... but her name was Y/n, not Victoria." Jungkook said..

"But does the name sounds familiar to you?" Jimin asked.

"Y-yes..." Jungkook said.

"Ask her again." Jimin said.

"But even though I ask her again, nothing will happen. She said she lost her memories 3 years ago. She got into an accident in korea." Jungkook said.

"What? Now, that's hard." Jimin said.

"Aish... this ring. I shouldn't be thinking about this, but I feel like I need to see the girl who gave this." Jungkook said.

"Oohhhh... I bet she will be your future wife." Jimin said.

"Stop talking nonsense, hyung." Jungkook said.

"Wait... when you saw the girl in the fan sign... does she look rich?" Jimin asked.

"No, as far as I remember... she was wearing casual clothes, but it looks like normal clothes that we see, nothing expensive." Jungkook said.

"But... the girl you met earlier... how did you met her here if she's a normal girl?" Jimin asked.

"You're right... but her style... she's not the type of girl that likes elegant and fancy clothes... she's wearing some shorts and some hoodie earlier. Same as the girl before, nothing expensive." Jungkook said.

"Aish... let destiny do it. If she really is the girl you met 3 years ago, you will meet her again a couple of times. Okay?" Jimin said.

"Destiny? You always believe in stories. Aish." Jungkook said and look at his phone.

"Well, you believe in soulmates, duh." Jimin said.

Jungkook ignore him and he saw you walking back to your seat. You were listening to music and look through the window.

The whole flight, you sometimes caught jungkook looking at you, but when you started to feel uncomfortable, you just sleep. While sleeping you moved to the other side and jungkook can see you sleeping, he smiled and continued looking at you.

'She's rich, but her actions and style was like a normal girl. But she's cute though.' Jungkook thought.

After a few hours, you wake up and arrived in korea. You quickly got your bag and left the plane. You were buying some water because you run away to escape. Your phone rings and your mom was calling you, you answer it.

"Y/n Anderson! Come back here! Don't make me angry!" She said.

"Sorry, ma! I want to have some alone time... see you at the house!" You said.

"You little-" She didn't finish her sentence because you hung up.

You laugh at your mom's reaction. Some people thought that you're well disciplined and behaved daughter, but the real y/n was stubborn, everytime you travel like this with your parents, you always escape and run away from them. You go to different places... alone.

You saw a big crowd and since you're curious of what's happening, you go to the crowd. You saw your idols, BTS! Waving to the fans before they leave. Jungkook saw you and smiled, you're confused and feel awkward so you turn around and walk away. But someone stops you...

"Y-yes? Do you need something, sir?" You said.

"Ummm... are you an army?" He asked.

"Uh... yes?" You said.

"Can you give me your number?" He asked.

"And why do you need it?" You asked.

He came closer to your ear and whisper, "Jungkook wants to know your number, he would like to talk to you later."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give my number to a stranger. But if he wants to talk, please tell him to go to Victoria's Hotel at 6 pm. And tell him to go to the receptionist to ask for me. I promise I'll go see him." You said and smiled to him before you left.

The man looks like a staff, you want to give him your number but your dad told you to be strict and don't give your number to anyone that easily.

The staff goes to jungkook and tell him what you said. He chuckled and smile.

'Playing hard to get...' He thought.

Good thing that they're free for 3 days since they just came back after their tour and after 3 days, they will start to perform and work again.

At 6 pm, he really go to the hotel and ask to receptionist about you. So no one can notice him, he wears some casual clothes, a mask.

"Ummm... may I ask? Where is Miss Y/n Anderson?" He asked.

"Oh, you're her guest, she said that you can go to his brother suite. It's in the highest floor, it has the biggest door, so you can easily see the room. Just knock and she will open the door." She said.

"Thank you..." He said and go to the room.

You were talking with your brother when someone knocks on the door.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Ummmm..." You said nervously.

"You brought a boy again?" He asked.

"Yes, but he's just a friend!" You said.

You stand up to open the door, but your brother stop you and he opened the door. He was surprised to see jungkook.

"J-jungkook?!" He said.

"Y-yugyeom?!" Jungkook said.

"Okay, boys... I know you two know each other, but let's go inside and talk, hmm?" You said, you grab their arms and drag them to the living room.

"Y/n! Tell me the reason why you invited jungkook here! Do you have a relationship?!" Yugyeom asked.

"Oppa... I already said it, me and him are friends! Nothing more!" You said.

"Are you two together?" Jungkook asked.

"O my- No! Of course not! Why would I date this guy?! Ew!" You said.

"Yah! Many girls loves me! And they want to be my girlfriend, unlike you." Yugyeom said.

"Yah! It's not my fault that those girls were blind!" You shouted.

"I'm still your older brother! Don't shout at me!" Yugyeom shouted.

"Aish! I really wish I was older." You said.

"Stop!" Jungkook shouted.

The both of you look at him.

"I don't want to be in this siblings' fight, hmm? I went here to talk to y/n, that's it!" Jungkook said.

You quickly grab his hand and went to the balcony.

"Sorry about that..." You apologize.

"I understand... but you two look so cute while fighting." Jungkook said.

"It's not that we hate each other, that's just how we fight. He's actually over-protective when it comes to me. You know... older brother stuff." You said.

"Yeah, if I were him, I'll do the same too." He said.

"But why do you want my number?" You asked.

"Was going to ask you... do you have a nickname?" He asked.

"Yes... it can be V, tori, or just y/n." You said.

"V? and tori?" He asked.

"Ummm... my brother said this hotel was named by my name. Because this hotel was build after I was born and it became successful." You said.

"Your nickname was victoria?" He asked.

"As far as I know, yes..." You said.

"Do you know this ring?" He said and showed you the ring.

"No... I didn't know that ring... but it looks familiar, maybe I just saw it in stores." You said and look at the view.

"Really? Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yes." You said.

"Okay... so tell me about yourself." He said.

"Me? Well... I was born in America. I'm 20 turning 21 in the end of august. I'm half american and half korean, my mom was korean and my dad was american. I just graduated last month and came here for business. I'm a big fan of your group actually." You said.

"Really? Well, who do you like? Your bias?" He asked.

"You." You said.

"M-me?" He said.

"Yes... it maybe because we have the same personalities." You said.

"Hmmm... you said you got into an accident before?" He asked.

"Yes... I don't remember how did I got into an accident, my family doesn't want me to remember anything. I don't even know what kind of accident it is." You said.

"Do you know why?" He asked again.

"No... they also started lying to me in those 3 years. I think something serious happened 3 years ago. I try my best to forget it, but I just can't." You said.

"But did you try to remember your memories? Like when you felt that this thing or someone was so familiar. Did you try to remember him or her?" He asked again.

"No... because I'm scared that it might affect me. Sometimes I thought that the reason why they didn't want to tell me my past was maybe because something bad happened." You said.

You look down to the streets and something flashes on your mind. Then a tear suddenly escaped, you quickly wipe it off. You're confused why you were tearing up or what was that thing did you just see... or... remember?

"Why are you crying, y/n?!" Your brother shouted as he saw your tear.

"Oppa, I'm not crying." You said.

"Then what are those tears?! Did jungkook made you cry?!" Yugyeom shouted.

"No... I just..." You said and look down to the streets again.

Then something flashes on your mind again, but it was more clear. You saw many people shouting on the streets, they look so worried and they shouted, "Don't jump!", you got confused why. Then your brother turn you around, because you were just staring.

"Sis! Tell me why?!" Yugyeom said.

But another thing happened... you saw someone grabbing your shoulders, he turn you around and shaking you, he was shouting at you, "Are you out of your mind?! Wake up!"

That's when you started crying. When they saw your tears, they panicked.

"Yah! Y/n! Are you okay?! Answer me!" Yugyeom shouted.

"Yugyeom, don't shout. You're scaring her." Jungkook said.

"I won't stop shouting until she answer me! Y/n!" Yugyeom shouted.

But you grab his hands and you made them shock.