
"O-oppa... I remember something." You said while crying so hard.

Both of their eyes widened and shocked.

"W-what did you remember? Tell me..." Yugyeom said.

"I... I..." But before you finish your sentence, you fainted.

"Y/n!" Both of them shouted.

Jungkook quickly brought you to the room. Yugyeom called your parents and they were also shocked. A few minutes later, your parents came with a doctor.

"Ma? What's with the doctor?" Yugyeom asked.

"I called him, where's my baby?" Your mom said.

They saw you in the bed unconscious.

"O my... V... my baby..." Your mom said.

"What really happened, son?" Your dad asked.

"She was with jungkook on balcony talking about stuffs. But then when I go check on them, I saw y/n tearing up. I was panicking because that's the first time I saw her crying after the incident. Then when she look and stare down the streets, she started crying so hard. I asked her why and she said she remembered something, I was shocked and asked again, but she didn't complete her sentence and fainted. I don't know what she remembers." Yugyeom explained.

Your dad came to you and stroke your hair gently while the doctor was checking you.

"She hadn't eaten, right?" The doctor asked.

"I don't know, she just came to my suite at 4 pm and I thought she already ate." Yugyeom said.

"Well, her stomach was empty, and you said she cried so hard. That also made her heart beat faster and had an asthma. She can't breathe properly earlier and fainted." The doctor explained.

"Well, does she need to drink any medicine?" Your mom asked.

"No, just make sure she always eat on time and when she started to have a problem with breathing, use her inhaler. I heard she remembered something, I think she started to bring her memories back." The doctor said.

"Thank you, doc." Your dad said.

The doctor bows and left the room. Jungkook was just watching you and he was worried.

"Yugyeom, I will leave. Tell me if she feels better." Jungkook said.

"Okay, be careful on your way home." Yugyeom said and jungkook left.

After 1 hour, you wake up. You saw your parents on the both side of your bed... sleeping. You smiled, but suddenly the incident earlier comes to your mind.

'Did I try to kill myself before?' You thought.

Your brother came inside and saw you awake, he quickly go to you.

"Are you okay, sis?" He asked and you nod.

"Did mama and papa knew what happened earlier?" You asked him.

"Yes, they're so worried earlier, almost crying." He said.

"As always..." You said and the both of you laugh.

"But do you... remember?" He asked.

"I... don't know... but I had this dream, it felt like it was real. I saw myself and all of you in the garden, we're laughing and look so happy. Then I saw grandmama and grandpapa with us, we're in the sea side and watching the sunset. Then I saw myself with a mask almost jumping off a building, but I got saved by a man, it was so dark. Then I saw myself crying while driving, I saw a light but, it went black. That's when I wake up." You said.

He got shocked when he heard about your dream.

'S-she's recovering...' Your brother thought.

"Oppa? Anything wrong? You look so shocked." You asked.

"N-nothing... I was just thinking about your dream." He answered.

"And oppa... I need help." You said.

And he look at you with suspicious look. He knows what's the meaning of it. But he always help you.

After a few hours, your mom wake up. She saw no one in the bed expect her and your dad. She wakes up your dad.

"Pa! Wake up! Did you know where is y/n?" She asked.

"Huh? She's not here? Maybe she's outside with his brother." He said.

But when they go outside, they just saw yugyeom reading a book and drinking coffee.

"Yugyeom, where's y/n?" Your mom asked.

"Busan..." Yugyeom said calmly and took a sip.

"What?!" Your parents shouted.

"She said she wants to visit grandmama and grandpapa." Yugyeom said.

"And she didn't told us?!" Your dad shouted.

"You know her, and besides... the both of you look so sweet and sleeping peacefully. We didn't interrupt it and let the both of you sleep since the both of you were tired." Yugyeom explained.

"Aish... that little girl." Your mom said.

"Let her go, ma. She's old enough to take care of herself. Trust me, nothing bad will happen." Yugyeom said.

Meanwhile, you were in your car going to busan. You didn't saw your grandparents for 2 years, so you're so excited to meet them. You called them earlier so they'll expect you to come. When you arrived, they hug you tight and kiss you.

"I miss you, grandmama, grandpapa." You said.

"We also miss you, Tori." The both of them said.

"Come on, let's sleep. It's so late..." Your grandma said.

The three of you goes to sleep, and in the morning. You saw your grandma cooking breakfast and your grandpa talking to someone outside.

"Who is that?" You asked your grandma.

"Oh, the man was our neighbor. His son came back from seoul too." Your grandma said.

"Really?" You said.

"Yes, I heard his son was a very popular idol." Your grandma said.

"Jinja?! What's his name?" You asked your grandma while drinking your warm milk.

"I think it was... Jeon Jungkook from BTS." She said and you choked.

"What?!" You said, almost shouting.

"Yes... he was so proud of his son. We also told things to him about you and he said the both of you have similarities." Your grandma said.

'H-he's here... what if we saw each other? Aish! Y/n... calm down. It's not like you like him or what.' You thought to yourself.

"Y/n! Come outside!" Your grandpa shouted.

You came outside and saw jungkook. Your eyes widened and you turn around, going back inside.

"Y/n! Come here! I want them to meet you." Your grandpa said.

"But... I didn't wash my face yet." You said.

"Don't worry, you look so beautiful already. Now, come here!" Your grandpa said.

You obey and walk to them.

"This is my granddaughter that I was talking about..." Your grandpa said.

"Nice to finally meet you, y/n. Your grandpa was right, you look so beautiful." Mr. Jeon said.

"You probably know my son, jungkook." Mr. Jeon added.

"Of course, we already met in seoul yesterday." Jungkook said while smirking.

"Oh, also she was my friend's sister." Jungkook added.

"You were?! What a coincidence. Son, why don't you invite her to the seaside? You said you're going there later." Mr. Jeon said.

"Dad!" Jungkook said while hitting his dad.

"Really? I was planning to go there also. We can go together if you want." You said with a smile.

"See? Accompany her." Mr. Jeon said.

'I swear, if I lose my respect and patience right now... I can hit my dad hard. Aish!' Jungkook thought.

"Later... at 9 am." Jungkook said.

"Sure, see you later." You said with a smile and left them.

You came back inside quickly and look at your window, you saw your grandpa, jungkook and jungkook's dad still talking.

"Did you know, y/n... jungkook's dad really likes you even though you didn't met him." Your grandma said.

"Really?" You said while looking at jungkook.

Your grandma look at you, she saw you smiling.

"You like him, do you?" Your grandma said.

"What? No... besides, I'm... not his type." You said looking down.

"Oh come on..." Your grandma said while going to you and hug you.

"You're a beautiful girl, tori... inside and out. And many boys will like you, because you have everything. The personality, intelligence, talent, status, and looks. I swear, he will like you." Your grandma said.

"Thank you, grandmama." You said.

Then your grandpa came in.

"What?! The two of you were hugging without me?!" Your grandpa said.

He quickly go to the both of you and hug you tight.

At 8 am, you take a bath and choose an outfit. And at exactly 9 am, jungkook knocks on your bedroom door.

"Come in!" You said.

"Hello, y/n." Jungkook said.

"Hey... let's go?" You asked.

"Yes... by the way... you look so... b-beautiful." Jungkook said while blushing.

"Thank you, jungkook. You look so handsome too." You said while laughing.

"What so funny?" Jungkook asked and he was pouting.

"Nothing... you look sooo cute too!" You said while pinching his cheeks.

"Aw! You have deadly hands." Jungkook said as he touch his cheeks.

Then you grab his hand and bring him downstairs.

"We're going out!" You shouted.

"Be careful, Tori!" Your grandma said.

"I will!" You shouted.

The two of you just ride a bike.

"So... you always go here when you're on a break?" You asked him.

"Sometimes... but sometimes, I just stay in the dorm and take a rest." He said.

"But you should at least visit them when you have time. Your parents really missed you, you can barely see them, because of busy schedules." You said.

"Yeah, that's part of being an idol. But I'm doing this for them." Jungkook said.

"You know... you're my idol. Because... even in such a young age, you can take care of yourself and even help your parents. While me... I didn't even helped them in the company. I'm such a useless child." You said.

"No, you're not." Jungkook said.

"What do you mean?" You said.

"You're not useless. I heard that you managed to take care of the hotel by yourself even you're just a student." Jungkook said.

"I did that? I don't remember." You said.

"Maybe because of your amnesia, your grandpa said that you were 16 when you started to take care of the hotels and restaurants of your family. But your parents didn't let you continue, because of the accident." Jungkook said.

"16?!" You freaked out.

"Yes, you were so smart. I also heard you graduated as a top of your class in architecture. Am I right?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes... but even though I started working as an architect. Dad will force me to take care of the company and hotels. And that's hard." You said.

"If your dad said you can do it... you can do it. Because he believe in you. See? Even while you're studying, you can take care of the hotels. And it will be a piece of cake to you." Jungkook said.

"I hope so..." You said.

And a few minutes later, you arrived in the sea side.

"I finally see it again!" You shouted.

"Wah... it's so beautiful." Jungkook said.

The two of you take a rest and sit while eating an ice cream.

"You know... I met my first love here." Jungkook said.

"Really? Do you remember her name?" You asked.

"I didn't had a chance to ask her name... I just bumped into her and it was love at first sight. Funny right? How can a little boy fell in love with a little girl that easily?" Jungkook said while laughing.

"Really? But is that the first and last time you met her?" You asked.

"No... I also played with her a couple of times in the playground. And one day, I felt so proud to myself, because I fight for her. She got bullied by some boys and help her." Jungkook said while smiling.

"Even the thought of her made you smile, huh?" You asked.

"Yeah... I remember one day, she said that she loves someone. I was so nervous and scared, because she might love someone else. She also said that... First love was the love you can never forget... I guess she was right. Because up until now, I can't still forget her." Jungkook said.

"Hmmm... you know... because of this stupid amnesia, I forgot who was my first love... but in a dream, I saw my younger self, writing in a diary. She look so in love. And I bet the thing that I was writing in that diary was about him. I hope I get my memories back soon." You said.

"Dream? Is that the only dream you had?" Jungkook asked.

"No... it was many... I saw myself when I was young up until I was in my teenage years. And I remembered the last part, I was driving then there was a light, then I woke up." You said.

"Are you sure that it was just a dream? Maybe it was your memories. Because I read a story same as yours... he also got into an accident and forgot his memories even his family. But when he saw a familiar scene, he suddenly fainted and had a dream and in the dream, he didn't know, it was his memories." Jungkook explained.

"Really? I don't know... I came here to see my grandparents, but I have another reason. To search for the places I saw in dream. My heart told me to go, so even if I didn't ask permission to my parents I came here." You said.

"You didn't told them?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, that's the real me... I always go out by myself without telling anybody, except my brother though. He looks much more scary than papa and mama. When my boyfriend breaks up with me, he go to him and beat his ass. Good thing I was there, if not, oppa already lost his career and my ex was dead by now. That's how he protects me." You said while laughing with jungkook.

"If I were him, I'll do the same." Jungkook said and continued laughing.

"Back to the real topic... what will you do if you meet your first love again?" You asked him.

"Hmmm... I don't know... if I feel the same, I'll try to win her heart. But if I don't, then I think I'll make her as my friend." Jungkook said.

"What do you mean? You should know if you still love her. If you always think of her and make you smile just by the thought of her, then you still love her, it depends!" You said.

"But why are you asking these questions?" Jungkook said with a smirk.

He came closer to you and look at your eyes.

"Do you... like me?" Jungkook asked.

He saw you blushing, but you push him.

"No, I'm not! I'm just... curious of what boys think of their first love... Nothing more!" You said.

He look at the sea.

"You know... I really want to know and see the girl who gave me this ring... I have a strong feeling that I've met her before she gave me this in the fan sign."Jungkook said.

"Can I... take a look at the ring?" You asked.

He nodded and took off the ring. He gave it to you and you look at it.

'This... looks so familiar.' You thought.

But when you saw the name written on the ring, another thing suddenly flashes to your mind. You saw that your mommy (your dad's mother / your grandma) gave it to you on your 16th birthday.

'What did I just saw again?' You thought to yourself.

"Wait... let me call someone first. And I'll borrow this for a few minutes." You said.

"Sure." Jungkook said with a smile.

You video call your aunt who was with your grandma. She answered it.

"Aunty! Can I talk to mommy?" You asked.

"Sure, she was eating breakfast... Mom! Y/n wants to talk to you." She shouted.

She gave it to your grandma and saw her smiling.

"My beautiful granddaughter, what is it?" Your grandma asked.

"Mommy, did you gave me this ring?" You asked while showing the ring to her.

Her eyes widened.

"I-I thought lost it. Where did you find that ring?" She asked.

"So you gave it to me, huh." You said.

"Yes, I designed that ring for you and put your name in it. You can't find that ring in any jewelry shop." She said.

"Okay... bye, mommy! Take care!" You said with a smile.

"Bye, sweetie! You too!" She said and you hung up.

"So... it was... me..." You said to yourself.

You came back to jungkook and he gave you a smile.

"Who did you call?" He asked.

"Ummm... m-my grandma..." You said.

"Why did you need to borrow the ring?" Jungkook asked.

"U-uh... she loves jewelries and I thought she saw this before so I could ask where to find it. This ring looks so expensive, simple and beautiful." You said.

"Really? Don't lie to me, I know that you're lying." Jungkook said.

"Aish... Fine, I was lying, but I won't tell you to truth yet." You said with a smile.

"What if... I made you fell in love with me... will you tell the truth?" Jungkook asked.

"Is that a bet?" You asked.

"Yes... are you in or out?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course... I like challanges, I'll gave you a month. If you didn't made me fall for you, I will not tell the truth." You said.

"Confident, huh?" Jungkook said.

"I'm just like you, Golden Maknae. You can't win, because I'm hard to get." You said.

"I made many girls fell in love with me, Victoria. And I'm sure that you'll be one of them." Jungkook said.

"Really?" You said and came closer to his face.

"What if... I made you fall in love with me?" You said seductively and smirk at him.

He was speechless and blushing. You started laughing at his reaction and stand up.

"I already know what to do... if you fall in love with me, you lose." You said and go to your bike.

"Wait! Dad asked if you can eat lunch with us later? With your grandparents." He said.

"Sure, we'll be at your house by 12." You said and left.

"We're the same, huh?" Jungkook said to himself and smirk.

"Yah! Wait for me!" He shouted and ride his bike.