
She held his hand tighter the moment the doctor started putting the gel on her belly. Her belly was bigger for two months and even Claudia who had become her friend in the last few days suggested that she must be carrying twins.

They soon heard some sound and the doctor informed them. "That's the heartbeat of,......" the doctor trailed off and Sydney's heart started thumping hard against her chest.

",....of your twins, congratulations." Sydney didn't know what she felt. She was beyond scared but thankful that Noah understood her condition and never accuse her of hating her own child. She loved them and didn't want to be judged.

"Thank you," Sydney managed a reply to the doctor while Noah remained silent.

"Everything will be fine," Noah assured once the doctor and other staff got out of their room. For the last weeks, they were living in a two-story suite above Noah's office. Sydney loved there so they decided to live until she delivers the baby.

"I am fine," She answered without looking at him and then added, "Congratulations,"

"How can I be happy when you are this scared?" He replied kissing her right hand he was holding.

"I am fine, Noah. Trust me, I am just tired and want to sleep." She said but she knew she will break if she looked at him. Once alone, she leaned to the headboard and tried not to worry about it. Only after a second Sandra appeared at her doorstep and came inside only after giving a knock. Sandra didn't wait for her nod or anything. She was paid not to leave Sydney alone even for a second and was also the younger sister of Jasper. She was a lady in her fifties but far more vigilant and active for her age.

Sydney saw her taking a seat on the chair and reading some newspapers. Sydney had learned to trust her so she turned her back and tried not to think but it was such an impossible act.

There are lots of women with twins. I will make it. I have to be here for my kids and for Noah. How I was ever supposed to be away from him? But what if I couldn't make it like my mother and my kids would be alone crying somewhere for help. The thoughts were consuming her but then she slept thinking that they have a father like Noah and he is far more powerful.

Getting up from her sleep she looked behind her to Sandra sitting and reading. Sydney felt bloated in her pregnancy most of the time and right now was no exception. Removing the cover from her body she got up from the bed while her left hand rested on her small belly. It had become her habit no matter what she does.

Sandra followed her when she got out of the room but kept her distance of at least ten steps or more. But the moment Sydney went inside Noah's study Sandra stopped chasing her. It was the arrangement. If Noah was beside her there was no need for Sandra. In the start, Sydney resisted but knowing that she suffers from high blood pressure and her baby's life could be at risk if she is not helped at the time got her agreed to this arrangement.

"Noah?" She whispered coming into his office to get his attention and he looked up while extending his hand for her to take, "You are good?"

Taking his hand she came to sit on his thigh and made him feel her belly. "I think they are fighting,"

"What makes you think? I am sure they are too small to make any move." He answered,

"Do you think I am being paranoid? I feel bloated." She shared,

"That is because you are pregnant. Bloating is common." He tried to make her understand.

"No, that's because I am having twins." She told him,

"You do realize that,......" He tried to say but was cut off when Sydney said,

"Who is pregnant here?"

"You," He huffed,

"So, I know. You don't get to play I know it all, all the time." She retorted,

"So, what are we doing?" He gives in like he was doing for the last few weeks.

"I want to go out." She finally came to her point,

They went out and walked on the streets. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt with black trousers while Noah had his black leather jacket on. No one could see and say that they were one of the richest couples on the earth. Lately, she made Noah bought her many casual wears and loved to walk among normal people on the sidewalks. It made her feel lively and normal. She bought the flowers from the very same stall she had been buying flowers for weeks now and stopped to look at anything that she would like on the small stall to her left.

She was always too naïve to ever notice that all of the people walking and shopping around her were always the same at this time of night whenever he took her out. Even if she noticed the same people she believed that these are local people living in the streets.

"This city is amazing when we saw it from up above but it is more beautiful here, what do you think?" She asked,

"I think it is great, too." He answered and she leaned her head to his arm while her other hand was rested on her belly.

"I am tired," She whispered,

"Let's go back," He suggested,

"No, let's sit there" She pointed to a bench inside a public park and he followed,

"Noah?" She called him once they were seated,

"Hmm," He replied but forgot to breathe the moment he noticed her big innocent eyes staring back at him,

"Even if something bad happens to me, promise me that you will not let any harm come to their way," She said holding his hand even tighter.

"Nothing will happen to you, and we will be right here with our kids playing around us with you complaining that they are so picky at eating." He assured her and wondered why she was so scared.

"I hope too," She whispered leaning to his arm, "but they won't be picky because I am not picky." She said and Noah widened his eyes.

"You are the pickiest eater I have ever met," Noah complained while she had her reddened face hid in his bicep.

Noah was always there and even If he was not there he was always near. He said no to any long trips and sent Claudia and his other staff instead because Sydney was never able enough to travel long. Her morning sickness and swelling in the feet at night were always worst. But she found Noah beside her all the time. He was always there to massage her feet or back at night. Her head wasn't the only thing in the clouds her feet were too whenever she saw the view out of her room. She felt invisible living in this palace above clouds. Getting into the fourth month wasn't easy but she made it and it somehow made her more confident while constant nausea disappeared.

The whole Miller enterprise was under her suite and she was able to get anywhere just using a button on the lift. But it was needed very less because most of the time she would only call Noah to get him up. Noah made her realize that his work was not too important than their kids and he has to be here whenever Sydney and his kids want him. And she knew instantly that her kids were the luckiest to have a father like him. If she had known that getting pregnant would make her so close to Noah she would have never taken those pills.

Most of the time she was convinced that Noah was a blessing sent from heaven up above. Everything was perfect until one day he came home late even if she had called him earlier. Though Sandra was always around she didn't want her. The lift dinged and she saw Noah appearing with a small leather bag in his left hand.

"You can leave, Sandra." Noah ordered as he came closer to Sydney and give a peck on her forehead saying, "I am sorry,"

"It is fine; let me set the table for us." She offered,

"No, I will do it," He said and went inside to make her favorite Pasta. But Sydney was adamant and did set the table.

"Hey honey, we are going to France next week. So, please make your mind." Noah said once she finished the meal.

"Is it important?" She asked but then quickly added, "You can go, and leave Jasper with us,"

"I discussed your travel to your doctor. You can go and I don't want to leave without you. Our morning sickness is not an issue anymore but how you will sleep if I won't be there to listen to your endless drama about how Nicholas and Shannon kept you busy," He said smiling at the last part,

"Fine, all of us will go, but I won't be attending any meetings this time. We can take Jasper and Sandra with us, too. This way you will let me be, What you say?" She suggested fully knowing how important it was for Noah to never left her alone.

"Thank you," Noah showed his gratitude for her understanding of his dilemma.

"You don't need,...ahh,....Noah they are moving," She told him while a tear of joy escaped her eye.

"Are you sure?" He asked,

"Yes, Omg, they are getting big. I love you," She talked to her belly while Noah picked her up in Joy and spent hours to notice if they will move again but they didn't.

"Don't worry, soon they will move all the time." She looked at his face that was looking at his belly a little frustrated.

"You are scaring them," She laughed and took him up from his collar to take his lips in a passionate kiss.

"Let their mama make it up to you," She whispered in his ear and felt his body heating her when securing her hands above her head he attacked her mouth like a beast so hungry.


"Are you sure?" Noah gritted.

"Sir, we have their recordings. I will send you the complete report in an hour," That person replied,

Closing his eyes momentarily he tried to take in all the information. In the end, it was the person closed to him.

"I have a flight in half an hour, Jeremy. Send me recordings." Noah ordered,

"Fine, Sir, but what to do with these men," Jeremy asked,

"Held them captive and what about that boy, she was giving money to, yea, Callum," Noah asked,

"His sister is doing great. The doctors are positive that she will recover in six months." Jeremy's voice came.

"Noah?" Sydney came out of the closet wearing a light blue dress with a white coat and matching beret.

"Beautiful," He said cutting the call and retrieved a shy smile from her while she looked at herself in the mirror again but saw her husband behind.

"What?" She asked looking at his serious face.

"I think my kids should be thankful to me for giving them such a beautiful mama," He whispered and picked her up.

"Noah, don't! I will walk," She gasped,

"No, these morons are already being so harsh on you," He replied getting to the lift.

"Don't you dare, they will be far smarter than you," She scolded him while pouting.

The staff tried to hold their smiles looking at their boss being so considerate of her wife. Noah made sure that she sleeps most of the time on the flight while he watched the videos where men clearly took his cousin's name,

"I am so sorry," He whispered and kissed her forehead that made her stir. She was wearing a thin filmy white night ware that was doing nothing to hide her body from his eyes. The moment she opened her eyes a smile adorned her lips.

"What are you doing?" She accuses him with a fake glare but couldn't hold her smile back.

"Loving my wife," He said taking her lips in a deep kiss while Sydney closed her eyes and felt the bliss of being loved by the person she admires a lot. He slept beside her while she caressed his hair looking at the blue sky or him. She stared at his toned shoulders and gigantic body. He was tall and strong and somewhere she started believing that even fate can't win over him.

The flight was long but comfortable. They went to their huge estate that was not so far from Paris and even Eiffel tower could be seen from there. Jasper and Sandra were there to welcome them and showed Sydney her room while Noah left telling her that he will return soon. Sydney was told that some huge campaign is going on for two weeks at Paris where many Presidents and corporate leaders will join to pass many resolutions. But Noah told her that she is not required to tire her as this event is not so important that she costs her health.

Sydney decided to take a tour with Sandra after her bath. The view was great but the company was not. Sandra never talks much and always stay reserved. So, she passed her time thinking she will come here again with her children next time. Yes, mama is really impatient to hold you two. She smiled looking at her belly and didn't know how to pass the next long five months. She took a seat at the bench while autumn leaves adorned the view but soon a limousine came inside and stopped not so far from where she was sitting.

She saw Noah getting out before the car went inside. "How are we doing?" He asked,

"Great," She replied,

"You tell me about your day?" He asked taking a seat beside her.

"It is good now," She replied looking into his eyes and he leaned in to take her lips. I think I love your father more than you two. Come on, he is my husband and irresistible. She talked to her kids in her thoughts and felt a kick.

"Ouch, I think these two have some issues with us." She laughed and he took her inside. Candlelight dinner was great and she couldn't help sharing her plans with him about taking their kids to visit here.

"We are living here for a month. I will show you around once I am free." Noah made a promise and she was excited to explore the streets of this amazing city with Noah beside her.

Three days passed and Sydney wished to look around the city. Though the estate was huge for her to visit a new different part every day until her month-long visit expire but she wanted to experience to see people around her or shops and stalls on the street. She talked to Noah about her wish and he promised to arrange something. The next day at lunch Jasper asked her to get ready as she was supposed to receive Mr. Noah after his meeting ends.

She donned some plain white jumpsuit and chose a black Rolls Royce for picking Noah up. The excitement was an understatement when she ordered Jasper to start the drive. Paris was a beautiful city. People seem kind and streets were lively. She expected to get their car pulled by some huge building but Jasper stopped the car on a sidewalk. "Mrs. Miller, let me take you for a walk he still has an hour to come out." Jasper offered and she couldn't decline. With Jasper walking a foot behind her and her car driving a few yards behind them she listened to some blind guy playing his violin. She passed him to stop at some antique shop and bought some key chains and a small couple made of wax while Jasper offered some money to that violinist. But then a beautiful huge stall of flowers and bouquet got her attention. She clicked some pictures and sent them to Noah.

"Aren't these beautiful?" She texted,

"Have a good time," The reply came and she was still smiling looking at the message when a big screen ahead showed him, Noah. She saw him shaking hands with some people but then a tall woman came to kiss on his cheek and stood beside him.

"Who is she?"

"You can't stay too close to her."

"She is ogling at you,"

She sent three texts in a row and watched him checking his phone after five minutes. "Mrs. Miller, she is an heir to a very large corporation. Don't mind her. She knows that Mr. Miller is married, I am,....." Sydney cut off Jasper saying, "Jasper," her voice was shaking but next she saw Noah going somewhere else and talk to someone else. Only then she let her breath go and bought some flowers from that shop.

She enjoyed walking on the real streets and the air feels fresh. But somewhere she couldn't shake away the thought of that woman beside Noah.


A lot of cameramen were gathered around the entrance of the place where the campaign was arranged. Noah was escorted with five men around him making sure that no one crosses the barrier. He knew that Sydney was waiting for him two blocks away in a parking lot. And, this fact made him a little more anxious to see her soon.

He was still passing the crowd when a woman with red hair tried to approach him. "Mr. Miller I need to talk to you. You can't take away our contract. My company has spent millions on your contract. Mr. Miller,..." He heard but passed her while his men held that woman behind making it difficult for her to approach Noah.

"Who is she?" He asked his assistant who was still walking with him along with his two other bodyguards. "She is Mrs. Wilson. Jasper told us to cancel this contract we had with Wilson's previously. He said it was an order from you." His assistant replied and Noah too recalled this woman to be connected with Sydney somehow. He could hear that woman swearing him while struggling with his men.

He was taking the long strides but noticed Sydney standing just a few steps ahead. Sydney was holding a small bouquet and smiled wide at him while he heard that woman say,

"Who is this girl?" That woman sounded shocked,

"That has nothing to do with you," His men replied,

"Sydney! She is my sister." He heard that woman claiming but Noah was quick to get to Sydney turn her around and claim her lips, making her forget that she heard someone calling her name.

"These are beautiful," Noah complimented and she blushed hard getting into the car thinking about the moment they shared in a public place.

Noah closed the door giving a hard glare to that red hair woman. And she gets the message to never mess with him. She had her answers to why this huge Miller enterprise was hell-bent on destroying everything.

Noah took the seat beside her and leaned to give a kiss on her belly. "I missed you," She complained. "Just one week more and I will be all yours," He promised. "How are they doing?" He asked and she started sharing her experience but looking at the glow on her face he cuts her off by taking her lips into a feverish kiss. She looked tired after the dinner and he took her to their room in his arms.

A moan escaped her lips the moment Noah worked on her sore back with his magic fingers. They were sitting in a room that had a beautiful swimming pool attached. It was huge and the interior was expansive. And though it was autumn their room was warm.

"You like it," he asked and she nodded while he traveled his big hands to her breasts that had grown to their full and cupped them with his hands lubricated with aroma oil, "And this?" He whispered in her ear and she just moaned out her name. She turned to look at his face that owned quite a dark expression. He leaned to taste her lips and swirl his tongue inside her mouth while his hands traveled to her belly. He felt her belly moving and they both broke out in a laugh.

The next day, Jasper took Sydney to pick Noah again. Noah looked handsome and she clicked some pics of him while he got out.

"Noah? Don't you think we are using too many resources for two persons?" She asked once they were seated in the car.

"Don't you think I work too much for both of us and deserve this all," He questioned back.

"Then, don't work this much. We don't want this all." She said nuzzling against his arm.

"But our kids want. Think about them. Don't you want to give the best of best to them?" He asked,

"I just want them to be happy and safe." She answered,

"You can only protect someone when you have power, and power can only be exercised when you hoard resources." He told her and she went silent.

"Don't worry; you don't have to adjust for anything, Sydney. Just take things at a time." He added caressing her head like she was a child.

And the next two days went without any event with the very same routine while she counted the day to when he will be free and they can go out together like normal couples. A very beautiful portrait on the sidewalk took her attention. Today she wore a blue dress with her long grey coat with a grey beret. "It is beauti,....." She couldn't finish her sentence because of the uproar she heard behind. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw a car fleeing from the scene after hitting a cyclist. "Oh God, somebody helps him". She said and saw Jasper getting to that poor man.

She was still looking at the person and Jasper when someone bumped into her. Her mouth hung open while her hand went on to her belly. She was ready to fall when she found herself in someone's arms. The first thing she noticed was the chilly leather jacket against her cheek. "Beautiful," She heard the deep voice of a man. Opening her eyes she looked at the face she never wanted to see again. Her eyes went wide while her breathing becomes labored.

"Have we met before?" He asked looking at her with his brows knitted while she tried to pull away, for his hold to get only tighter. Her voice was stuck in her throat while her face went so pale and hands so cold. She was taken to her past within seconds. The past that she wanted to forget thinking it was a nightmare.

She saw his mouth coming closer to her face and wanted to cry out but jerked back when some people around her came for her help.

"Mrs. Miller," She heard Jasper and stood scared while saw some men beating the shit out of that person. Shaking like a leaf she looked at that person trying to fight back but he was no match against more than six people hitting him back.

This is when she noticed something so surreal. She was surrounded by some women and a lot of people who don't look like normal people walking on the streets. The person selling the portrait was talking to Jasper like he works for him. The person from whom she bought a locket from the last corner was there too.

She looked around to see only one or two vehicles passing normally with only three or four people who looked at the mass around her weirdly. There were never normal people around her. She felt beyond scared and suffocated. But a grunt took her out of her faze. She looked at those hazel eyes the owner of which looked at her all smiles before getting knock out by one of the men's final blow. "Mrs. Miller," She recognizes Jasper's voice but only saw darkness engulfing her.

"Hey, you are fine?" She heard Noah's voice and saw his worried face. "Are they fine?" She questioned back with her hand on her belly.

"They are," He answered and she sighed in relief. Some seconds passed and she got up to lean on the headboard while he offered her some water that she declined.

"Why?" She asked without looking at him,

"What are we talking about?" He asked,

"I thought I was your wife. I thought we,...are one....., a family." Her voice was breaking.

"What's wrong?" He asked,

"Am I still caged or what? You could have told me about all those people around me. I was, was so scared." She said while a sob escaped her lips and Noah engulfed her in his arms.

"We can't talk about it right now because I have answers you won't like and we need to take care of your blood pressure." He replied caressing her head but she pulled away.

"I want answers." She resisted.

"Let's not talk about it, honey." He warned her and though she feared the change in his demeanor she couldn't back away.

"You are to explain yourself right away," She yelled,

"That's because your stupid a*s decided to keep from me that you were getting out and fell a very easy prey to one of my foes. There were pictures of you kissing other men. Men, who couldn't be traced because they were illegal immigrants here, and were already dead." He tried to tell her calmly but still gritted a word or two and his voice was louder than usual that made Sydney shiver.

"How is it possible?" She asked surprised,

"When does it happen and why you never talk to me? Is this why you were rude on our first anniversary and chose to doubt that they are not yours," she asked without taking a breath.

"Yes, but it is all in the past now," He tried to get off the topic. Tried not to recall the night he mercilessly killed her nearly.

"This is not in the past, Noah. You could have talked to me or you still doubt me. I wonder what all those people think about me. They must believe that we are keeping an eye on Mrs. Miller so she doesn't run off with someone else." She was in her trance when Noah tried to calm her by placing his hands on her shoulder tightly. The thing felt like a déjà vu but she heard Noah say, "No, they are only told to protect you from any harm coming in your way."

"This is not what I think," She replied,

"Sydney,...." He huffed,

"I am tired," Her reply came and she held a pillow close to her chest and closed her eyes. But the moment she closed her eyes that person's eyes came in her view. His cruelty was still carved on her back.

"Noah? Who was that person?" She asked gulping hard,

"Some drunkard who tried to touch something he should have never." He replied securing his arm around her body.

"He is only alive because he saved you falling." Noah replied giving a peck on her hair, "I would have killed him if he had tasted what's mine," He nuzzled in her hair.

She went stiff recalling that night in the barn. The way that person handled her made her chill and she turned to hid her face in his neck. You are only safe her, Sydney. Noah is right to do whatever he does. If it wasn't for all those people protecting you who knows what had happened. She thought and a tear escaped her eyes. She felt so weak and exposed. So, she hugged his body tighter. She wanted to be lost in his arms once again even if it meant to never stand for herself because he was his savior.

But what that smile meant? Does he recall who am I? The thought echoed in her mind.

Facebook page: Ashleh Queen

Instagram: theashlehqueen

Twitter: AshlehQ