
"Who the hell is she?" Lucifer roared, while the doctor who was trying to clean his wounds, shivered. Black locks of his thick curls hid his forehead while his body heaved badly in anger, pain, and lust.

It was the first thing he talked about since he came back home. His assistant, Seb, only wondered.

Seb got Lucifer's call one hour ago and he came to pick Lucifer up but was frozen looking at his state. His clothes were dirty, the jaw was swollen, with left shoulder hunching. Seb didn't have the courage to ask him so he remained silent until Lucifer himself decides to talk.

"Who?" Seb asked carefully, but Lucifer didn't reply. The only thing that worried Seb was, every time he ever finds Lucifer this lost in his thoughts nothing good ever came out.

Lucifer stared at the wall lost. He was busy recalling the smell that felt like a fresh breeze. He knew that he won't be the same ever after holding that fragile doll.

Two hours passed but he didn't utter a single word. And this thing worried Seb and his other two assistants standing in the room. They silently saw Lucifer walked to the balcony of his room.

With a view of his mansion's exterior, Lucifer took a long breath. It was after a long time when he was beaten this badly and that too when he least expected it. A smile adorned his lips that soon turned into a loud laugh.

"You are looking at her, Seb? Isn't she beautiful?" Lucifer asked pointing to one of the women swimming in his pool.

"Yes," Seb replied,

"No!" Lucifer yelled while Seb and his assistant looked at him shocked. They already pity the people who dare to lift their hands on him and wondered why he hasn't ordered them to take any action yet.

"What's wrong Lucifer?" Seb dared to ask,

"Nothing is wrong, Seb." He answered with a smile. "She is beautiful," He whispered like telling them a secret.

"Today, I have seen the most beautiful among this kind. Find her. Seb, find her soon. She needs to be here with me. So, find her." He ordered Seb.

"And what about the person who did all of this?" Seb asked,

"Those were her bodyguards. They were meant to protect her. She is a real princess. You get it." He asked, "No!" But yelled all of the sudden. "You won't get it until you see her. She has many people around her all the time it shouldn't take you more than an hour. Look at the CCTV footage. No, you have half an hour. Find her." He said all the while smiling a little to himself.

Seb relaxed thinking it was just a matter of a girl and nothing else. It was not every day when Lucifer grows the liking for a woman but it was not so unusual. Thinking it is nothing Seb left but arrived at Lucifer's office after two hours

"You are nothing but a fu*king cu*t. What's her name?" Lucifer screamed while a huge band around his shoulder peeked from his black robe.

"Luc,...." He tried to say something,

"Name!" He roared again while fresh cut on the corner of his mouth and his left swollen eye made him seem even more horrible.

"I couldn't find her. The CCTV's from all over the places were erased. She is someone important or related to,......" He could have continued but a loud laugh from Lucifer stopped him.

"It is totally fine, I expected this much. But don't give me this look, Seb. Use our team. I need to know what makes her so precious." He said all the while looking at the small statue of a fairy on his desk. Getting it from his desk he put so much pressure on the head that it break making him look at Seb. "Find her soon," He ordered.


Noah didn't attend any official meetups the next day and stayed beside Sydney to calm and listen to her any of her complaints. He tried to keep up with her mood swings while managing his work at the same time.

Sydney wanted to act normal but knowing she might always be surrounded by such people made her nerves worked up.

She went to her room after bidding farewell to Noah but the view ahead her reddened her cheeks. There was a huge portrait of Noah and her kissing. It was the moment they shared some days ago on the bench in their lawn. The autumn leaves adorned the view and she looked pretty.

"Did you forgive me, now?" He asked and she looked at her back with a smile.

"Noah, what if someone comes to see this. It is so huge. How are we going to hide it?" She asked,

"We are not meant to hide it. Let this portrait stay here. I want Nick and Shannon to look at it when they come here." He told her while she comes forward to hug him.

"I hate you and we are not done, yet." She said,

"I just want you to be safe. How am I ever supposed to let my whole family unattended, roaming the streets?" He asked and she stayed silent.

"I believe you but I don't believe the other people." He told her and the words carved on her mind. She knew very well what he meant and couldn't help but agree to him.

After two days he asked if she wants to accompany him for the last event and she agreed. She chose to wear a long dark green dress.

It wasn't much difficult because she didn't know anyone there and was only required to pass a smile once someone was introduced to her. Most of the time, they listened to speeches made by some foreign commissioners. Some women were interested to talk about her pregnancy but they too were not much into talking and Sydney couldn't be more thankful. She enjoyed Noah's comment in her ear once in a while.

Soon, it was Noah's turn and he left her in the care of his assistant before getting on to the stage. She listened to him talking about world hunger, climate change and how corporations will play the part. She wanted to listen to him to the end but felt a sudden urge to p*e. "Julia, please show me the restroom," Sydney requested and Julia followed.

Getting into the restroom she relieved herself and coming out checked her lipstick before heading out. She believed that she will find Noah outside impatiently waiting for her now.

Julia was standing there waiting for her and followed once Sydney started making her way out of that long hallway.

Her left hand was rested on her belly. I know we are tired but let's just stay put a little more. She thought and felt a little quiver in her belly that made her smile.

Taking the left turn, Sydney found Noah having caged some woman to the wall with his hands on her shoulder. On noticing she found this woman to be the very same one she saw on the big screen that day.

Her mind went blank while her throat felt stuffed.

Turning on her feet she made long strides out while Julia called for Noah's attention. Fuck, He cursed and gave a last angry look at the woman who was trying to seduce him a moment ago. He followed Sydney but she took the emergency exit to get herself out. With her one hand on her mouth, she caged her sob from coming out while her brain called out only one thing, He was cheating on me,

"Sydney, stop!" She heard Noah's voice and her feet came to a halt and this is when she noticed the middle of the road and a car coming to her way. Noah standing many feet away from her and the car's horn coming to hit her was the only thing she noticed before passing out.

Facebook page: Ashleh Queen

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Twitter: AshlehQ